Paul Pierce Sharkley P.E.s up for preorder on kix-files!

damn i love the pic in your avatar travman24!!! i missed out on the SI issue
hate pierce, hate sharkleys.
bring out the P2s for adults, pierce didn't even stick with the sharkleys lol.
Paul pierce always lookin like he rockin kicks from K-mart. Step up your shoe game P
not a sharkley fan, these look ok though.

couldnt do it though, not a pierce fan at all.
thx for ya head up~ the shoes itself r nice...
but it is for pierce's PE... nah i m pass
not a fan of sharkley nor pierce~

Sharkleys suck.

Blacks> Whites

I'm in a bind.

EDIT: Not buying them as they charge depending on size. $125 for sz 12 Sharkleys FTL.
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