Personal Photo Restrictions

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
Recently, we've had some confusion as to the standards for personal photos. Here's a couple guidelines to help clear things up:

This board serves sneaker fans of ALL ages, make sure to keep that in mind when choosing a personal photo.

Be sure to exercise good taste. By good taste I don't mean posting pictures of Tyra Banks instead of Mother Love, I mean good taste in the sense that your personal photo isn't a close-up on somebody's cinnamon dental floss thong.

Here's an idea of what I mean:

If you can't hang it on your wall without your mother slapping you cross-eyed, it doesn't belong on the board.

Or, if that doesn't work, don't put any photos on the board that they wouldn't allow on network TV.

We feel that these are very reasonable standards that everyone can live with. This board is about sneakers, and sneaker fans of all ages and walks of life should be able to enjoy this board.

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