Planet of the Apes - Mark Whalberg version???

Feb 23, 2006
Just finished watching this on FX and I am wondering why a part 2 was not made.  I actually thought this movie was pretty good.  Do not want to start a thread within in the movie thread but I just wanted to get some ideas on why not.  ( I have not seen the new movie btw) Discuss.
because everyone who had ever seen the original and 95% of people who hadn't thought (rightly so) it completely sucked. It was a disgrace to a great franchise and most people just try to pretend it doesn't exist
Man Mark is one of my favorite actors but he put out some really $***#! movie.

Basketball Diaries, Fear, and The Departed make up for it though.
Originally Posted by zube42

Movie flopped pretty hard that's probably why there was no sequel.

I also thought the movie was pretty good. The make-up in the movie was great too.
I think if the movie would have came out in this era of reboots and comic book movies etc., it probably would have done better.  But being that it came out in 2001 or 2002, it was just a bit too early in my opinion.  
The movie was a success, over 350 million.. And it is at 45% on Rotten Tomatoes, so it wasn't exactly hated by everyone either.

For whatever reason Fox didn't want to make a sequel, Burton said he didn't want to. That ending was awful, he said it was intentionally left ambiguous with the hope of a sequel.
OG PotA > Mark Whalberg version...
Spoiler [+]
I wonder where this reboot is heading. The big twist of the original won't work with the next movie. I guess we see apes taking over even more and humans dying off with the lost spaceship eventually landing towards the end.
I didn't think it was awful. It was entertaining, which is all I need in a movie like that. Honestly I was kinda bummed there was no sequel. Like someone said earlier, if that version was made today, they'd green light a sequel no matter what, because Hollywood is completely out of ideas now.
This movie was thoroughly bad. I mean they could fight the Apes hand to hand but a giant blast from the rocket on the spaceship doesn't even kill the Apes it only stuns them for a minute. It was just an all around bad movie. I can see why they didn't make a sequel to it. 
Movie sucked.

Michael Clarke Duncan said he made them folks pay him $10 Million to play a damn ape.
My man
It simply wasn't as good as the original.

This is one of my favorite movie franchises, I've seen them all.
Originally Posted by michael0360

i watched it too..
honestly i thought it was prety terrible

qft i liked it back then now i look back 
it sucks big time
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