Police Officer plays Soccer with dudes Head. Vid inside

I was watchin it at work this mornin. The high five made it look 10 times worse. And dude was fast as hell he need an endorsement by nike.
wow I hate when they do stuff like that, just messed up, but why do cats surrender themselves after theyve already started running????
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...in the end he's still a criminal but that was some stupid *+%# they did...his homey looked like he hit him with a few rib shots before puttin'the cuffs on too
That was a F'ed up kick but i'm sure the criminal did things waaay worse to other people being a gang member...I used to live in that area and itsGHETTO. So the cop should've been at least smarter about it...screw the perp.
i came in here hoping that the perp/officer wasnt black...im leaving now
i've seen cops kick the hell out of a dude in front of me downtown. after they were talking about "you see me kick that dudes $%!?" like it wasa joke. i hate about 98% of cops.
I saw this on the news and I just couldnt believe how deep they continue to push the LAPD stereotype. IT REALLY IS TRUE.
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