Post The Random Things You Do

Originally Posted by seventh letter

- Slap the tops of doorways

- Shoot everything into the trashcan, I never walk up and drop it in (missing FTL!)

- Do random spin moves trying to avoid an invisible defender

That's all I can think of right now... post yours

me 2
-Within 10 min of me getting home my TV is on and im in the shower
-When im in the shower i sing and give myself pep talks
-When im on and Micheal Jackson music comes on a I have to dance
-I rap madd loud when im home
-I'm always crossing somebody over
-I have to find a song I like before I will drive
-Whenever I pick up my house phone I dont say anything I wait for the other person to speak
-Constantly checking my phone for a Txt message or a IM
-When i take a dump..I usually strip..its more comfortable
Originally Posted by seventh letter

- Slap the tops of doorways
- Shoot everything into the trashcan, I never walk up and drop it in (missing FTL!)
- Do random spin moves trying to avoid an invisible defender

That's all I can think of right now... post yours
I do all that

plus I freestyle to the end of random songs in my car...
I have tints soyou cant see acting like a damn fool
I make random baby/bird noises and its not going to stop. I love doing it.

I say what when my brother says something to me even though I heard him the first time
Originally Posted by Datnggag

-When im in the shower i sing and give myself pep talks
I've done the singing (who hasn't?) But I've also done the pep talk a few times, especially when I'm getting ready to talk to agirl in the near future.
Talk to myself, like full conversation and get mad when people interupt.
Masterbation, i be going for records.
Do random math problems like try to multiply three digit numbers with two digit numbers. Taking a hour ftl
get up sit back down get up sit back down and get up walk around in a circle then sit back down (only when im high) A %#+%* be confused then a mufocka
slap box and shadow box the wall. Freestyle battle myself when i rap i talk about myself (kind of strange)
say the abc backwards
(basically i do things to keep my brain stimulated, when im high i stay confused.)
im the only child
-Shooting things in the trash can (as well as everyone else)
-Find the definition of every word I've never seen used. (and start using it)
-Pee in the shower
-Slap top of doorways (as well as everyone else)
-Upon arrival home i instantly change into bball shorts
-Randomly do push ups while commercials are on and stop when the show comes back on (then repeat)
-Skipping the bottom three stairs by jumping down. Falling on your @#$ FTL
i have to turn everything that everyone says into a song......

i have to crack everything on my body a cannot stop for some reason

attempt sliding down banisters even though i usually dont make it two seconds

when people at stores ask me how im doing...i honestly tell them
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