Post Your Cats! Vol: CATURDAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 11, 2008

the queen of lazy, she laid there because i wouldnt pet her, her names is pebbles


this is bam bam hes crazy, and hes got the longest tail ive ever seen

post yours!
This is my old @## cat (well, technically my gf, but since she's moved in it's ours)

18 (soon to be 19 next month) year old Persian. I present to you, Mousemellow

Originally Posted by migit1209

Whoa! 18 years? Months?

Yeah...years lol. Turning 19 next month. She's as healthy as can be though, still jumping around and what not. Mainly due to my gf giving her all sorts of pills and has her on some raw food called Feline Pride I believe.
Originally Posted by KleanKicks

Originally Posted by migit1209

Whoa! 18 years? Months?

Yeah...years lol. Turning 19 next month. She's as healthy as can be though, still jumping around and what not. Mainly due to my gf giving her all sorts of pills and has her on some raw food called Feline Pride I believe.

Dude my gf's cat is a freaking champ, he's about to turn 19 as well but health-wise he's a wreck
got liver and kidney failure and I'm pretty sure theres more wrong with the guy but he's just living. Cool cat though, I'm deathly-allergic to cats but I kinda try to play with him every now and then
Here's my cat... Maddy aka Mads aka Madster

The video pretty much embodies what she's all about... laying on the floor, rolling around, demanding to be pet.

She's 14 years old and when she dies, my life will turn into a downward spiral. I've had her since I was 8 and we have chilled countless times on my couch in my basement, watching Sportscenter together.

The hand is my dad's, he was testing out a new camera.
i miss my cat so damn much, had to find her another home when the military decided to move me out the country..FUUUUU Air Force and yea im mad
i love it when cats and dogs can get alone in the same house, my girl used to bring her lil puppy over and my cat wasnt having it. Figure i'll get a puppy and kitten at the same time and let them grow up together, anyone know if that works?
My Bengal Nala, she will turn two in July. She has too much energy and is too smart sometimes. She knows how to open my closet doors and my dresser drawers which usually results in the destroying of my clothes
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