Price check on Cool grey 11(box and plastics only)

Aug 1, 2013
I recently bought some cg 11s but they did not come with a box or any og stuff, i found a guy who is selling one but its not in great condition, i was wondering how much you guys think this is worth.
really? the only one on ebay is 70 and this guy said 50, it comes with box, plastic, paper and shoe horns. and if you think about it, how much more are you gonna pay for a pair with no box compared to a pair with  box and all og stuff
i wouldnt go much over 20$ man.. I understand your point but this isnt gonna increase the $$$ you could get by any huge amount.. I mean with out seeing the kicks- theoretically you could just be putting a GM pair of CG 11s in a real box.. In this case its a waste of $$ IMO..Now if your CGs are RD legit ones, this may increase their worth by about $50-$75 bucks.. So if you spend $50-$70 you didnt really do much.. JMO 
well TIMMYBRIXXX I'm not really interested in reselling as of right now, I just like to store my shoes correctly, and yeah they are a legit pair i just lost the og box over the last year
well TIMMYBRIXXX I'm not really interested in reselling as of right now, I just like to store my shoes correctly, and yeah they are a legit pair i just lost the og box over the last year
offer him $20-$30 even maybe.. but i wouldnt do $50 IMO. hope you can score it for a good price
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