Pros/Cons of jailbreaking an iPod Touch?

Jun 29, 2008
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I just bought an iPod Touch and was wondering what would happen if I jailbreak it. I heard that once you do it it voids the warranty.And even when you reset it to factory settings the people at the Apple Store can still tell you jailbroke it. Is that true?
well it slows it down and apps will sometimes not work. ive done this and it has bricked my ipod. i was lucky to have a friend to even know how to fix it. itwouldnt even respond to the computer or anything. if you brick your ipod and you cant fix it you cant send it back to apple they know what you did. and no theydont know you jail break it if you get back to factory settings.
I don't think they can still tell. Honestly, when the touch first came out, it was basically NECESSARY to jailbreak it. Now that the app store isavailable, you don't really need to unless your big on temperance customization/
I heard you can run gameboy games on it. How difficult is it to get running? Ive done everything with a PSP before.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

I heard you can run gameboy games on it. How difficult is it to get running? Ive done everything with a PSP before.

You can run a GBA emulator and older nintendo systems. The GBA emulator is really laggy and not worth playing. As mentioned before, now that the app store ison the iPod touch you don't even need to jailbreak it since apps are better on the App Store than the 3rd party-run app store.
Originally Posted by derventa

Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

I heard you can run gameboy games on it. How difficult is it to get running? Ive done everything with a PSP before.

You can run a GBA emulator and older nintendo systems. The GBA emulator is really laggy and not worth playing. As mentioned before, now that the app store is on the iPod touch you don't even need to jailbreak it since apps are better on the App Store than the 3rd party-run app store.

well the point of jailbreaking it would be to not have to pay for all the apps through the itunes store. sure, there's some free ones, but most of theworthwhile ones cost money.
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