[PS3] Official Call of Duty 4 Tournament V Thread: Vol. Team 7 vs. 8 Finals | Finals Info PG27

Someone send me another invite, the least 2 I got it said the server was full

Anytime I try to join in, I cant. Its either 'unable to join session' or 'server full.' what the hell.

I got invited once and it said that I wasn't able to connect to the host..I waited another 10 mins for an invite..but didn't get one so I loggedoff
....Does anyone know if the match is still going on or not??
Sorry team 2, if I cant connect I cant play. If I cant play, I'm signing off. I'm done sitting around though and waiting. If the match happens/ishappening, hope you guys win.
Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Team 2 and 7, we need to play TONIGHT! If you can run, let me know. I'm down for 8PM PST.

I should be on. I'm getting a new PS3 sometime today.


I'm down..Just let me know if it IS actually going down tonight...pat two days have been
Team 2, I'm good for tonight. Hopefully my game can connect to the host tonight.
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