Psycho girls with psycho bestfriends FTL vol. he said she said PICS INCLUDED

Jun 27, 2005
Alright so last year about this time I met a girl on myspace on we talked on the phone for about a week. So one day I decide to kick it with her. I do so, andwe mess around. I didn't like her personality in person so I ignored her after that day. She then tells all her friends, how much of a scum bag I am yadayada yada. After about a month of drama, she finally stops it and apologizes. So we were then on good terms.

So today, after a year I get a message from her on myspace:

I don't talk 2 that b****, you should tell her, she needs to grow up

On Thu, 9 Oct 2008 10:47 am, Durani wrote:
> i recall correctly u werent with ur dude wen i came to see you...and naw..i didnt spread that rumor..mahnaz is trippin..tellher to stop talkin s***

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: it's dURRANi B*TCH.

Date: Oct 9, 2008 10:11 AM

So I guess we had s** before, because mahnaz is spreading rumors that we are, idk if you told her that or whatever, but she txt jamaal this morning sayingdurrani cheated on u with abdullah durani, they had s**.
I just hope it wasn't you that started that rumor

Turns out her best friend (Mahnaz) at the time we messed around, is no longer her best friend. Something must've gotten Mahnaz mad to the point she rumoredto her ex-best friends boyfriend that we had intercourse.

My question to you guys is, should I call Mahnaz and tell her to keep my name out her mouth or just let it slide and pretend it never happened?
whats really good with the uni to the brow
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by 510Ballin

Originally Posted by ClassicJumpMan23

whats really good with the uni to the brow
where do you see a unibrow?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Even worse, my dude said "uni to the brow"[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 204, 0)]Aye...
I didn't read the whole thing, but based solely on the pictures she's not worth any trouble in my opinion.

- Tical.
[color= rgb(255, 204, 0)]Greg (prince of darkness)?[/color]
I didn't read the whole thing, but based solely on the pictures she's not worth any trouble in my opinion.

- Tical.
If you call ol' girl up & get involved in the he-say, she-say BS, you might as well paint your toe nails bright red & get fitted for a wig.
Originally Posted by T i c a l

I didn't read the whole thing, but based solely on the pictures she's not worth any trouble in my opinion.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by Chico Dusty

If you call ol' girl up & get involved in the he-say, she-say BS, you might as well paint your toe nails bright red & get fitted for a wig.
We understand, you're not gay. You like girls.
Good for you. YAYYYYYYYYY!

Another NT'er felt the need to prove his heterosexuality?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

We understand, you're not gay. You like girls.
Good for you. YAYYYYYYYYY!

Another NT'er felt the need to prove his heterosexuality?
[camron] you mad!? [/camron]
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

We understand, you're not gay. You like girls.
Good for you. YAYYYYYYYYY!

Another NT'er felt the need to prove his heterosexuality?
[camron] you mad!? [/camron]
You mad that your underlying motives were exposed?
Whatcha know about psychology? I'll run you.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by 510Ballin

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

We understand, you're not gay. You like girls.
Good for you. YAYYYYYYYYY!

Another NT'er felt the need to prove his heterosexuality?
[camron] you mad!? [/camron]
You mad that your underlying motives were exposed?
Whatcha know about psychology? I'll run you.
[color= rgb(255, 204, 0)]Aye... KNUCK IF YOU BUCK then...[/color]
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