Question for asian NTers

I have wondered this as well. Great question. I often feel bad because I can't tell, but would really like to learn how to distinguish.
Easy. Just like dude said skin tone, facial features & see if they have an accent when they speak.
yes. i'm filipino.

but i cant distinguish with hispanics,latinos,mexicans. to a point i can but some are just tricky.
Originally Posted by Frank 7he T4nk

For the most part, yes. I'm Vietnamese.

Thought you were either white or black.
I think for the most part that a non-Asian person thinks of it like this:

Countries south of China (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thai, etc) look like Chinese people but not like those north of China (Japan, Korea).
While people from Japan and Korea look alike but can also be confused with Chinese.
I would also throw Filipinos in with the Chinese reference.

Basically, everyone is Chinese. lol

This is how I try and distinguish different ethnic groups (with a little help from Yahoo Answers):

- Koreans: wider and longer faces; higher cheekbones; smaller eyes; flatter nose; taller men

- Japanese: thicker eyebrows; rounder faces; both men and women shorter; most of the time... they seem more serious or grave

- Vietnamese: much darker; shorter; skinnier; wider eyes

- Chinese : I think are the hardest to distinguish because they have a mix of everything haha

OT: My friends told me yesterday that they couldn't make fun of me for being Asian because I wasn't Asian enough lol. I'm 110% Vietnamese.
Meaning that I didn't have an accent, high-volume hair (you guys know what i mean?), not really short, not really skinny or really fat, or use an umbrellawhen it's sunny lol.
I can tell for the most part. Northern area Asians its easy. Southern area Asians its a little harder. Like I cant distinguish a Cambodian from a Vietnameseperson too easily.
I figured he was Korean. I'm not sure exactly how I knew, but I myself am Korean so maybe that had something to do with it

Or it was that his eyes are larger than other Asians.
lol yeah hes korean (to the first pic)

and yeah i can differentiate about 95% of the time

btw how about white people differentiating amongst themselves, and hispanics, and blacks???
Originally Posted by Mrmeeh2

Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

Originally Posted by Frank 7he T4nk
lol from your sn, I thought you were German

mrmeehtoo, sarcasm?
nope. Most people say i look you're good

I knew you were Vietnamese since it was the only one you capitalized...haha.
But on the real I can't tell one asian from another, same with latino people, but whatever I don't see many from where I'm from.
well I know for me I can't tell if someone is from jamaica or from the virgin islands, but some that are obvious to me are people from ethiopia, and somecountries in africa like kenya and nigeria. but for your regular everyday black person its almost impossible to tell.
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