Question for older NTers 30 and up vol. Cell Phones

Sep 28, 2003
How did yall live without cell phones during your teen-young adult years?  Seriously, the macking must have been a struggle especially if you lived in a big house with multiple siblings. Beepers would not have cut it. 
This was the time when you had to memorize numbers and use the HOUSE phone and wait til you see her again
We used to chill with them in person. Don't feel bad for us. We feel bad for yall.
It was the good old days for sure ...

Now a days, these young cats have no idea what we had to go thru!

It was all about setting up a time and place and hoping they showed ...
The good ol' days when me and my boys would go to the mall with a pen and paper to see how many numbers we could get
Ended up with a beeper and my own phone line in my bedroom so I was good to go
Off topic, but I remember when I was a kid and wanted my moms to pick me up I would make a collect call on the payphone and when it asked for then name I would just tell give her the message there so she would pick up, hear it, and decline the call.
had a beeper and actually talked to people

had my own phone line, my brothers didn't really cake that much so I never had to phone check em
I didn't get my first cellphone until I started college
one word....beepers.....
they came on the scene and started getting big in early-mid 90s...thats how we got our mack on...if you didn't have a beeper, you wasn't cool!
page with the callback number, then your "code" at the end....freshness!!!! "911" - "187" LOL!
don't even get me started on the alphanumeric joints that came someones pager number, say the message, and operator would type the %%+ into text and hit you on the hip with it....
cell phones/texting....pfffffffffffffff....aint got !*$% on that greatness....

I remember people had planners and crap with tons of numbers. It was like just dope to have someones number on paper since you knew people were't giving it out unless they really liked the other person.

Also 1-800 Collect was a big deal back when pay phones were the only way to call home and you had no coins. And beeper code was seriously almost morse code porn. Back in those days, just hearing "I miss you" was a big deal. Haha!
sharing the phone sucked

one thing about the pre cell phone era was you had to coordinate a time when you were going to call a chick to make sure the line was free

definitely much easier to balance multiple chicks without a cell phone though... i know old cats who were living double and triple lives
nostalgia thread...

i can remember my older bro's pager...

i'm 23, and he's 29...

felt swagged to the MILLIONTH degree when he let me use it to let me know he was about to come scoop me from somewhere...

i kinda wished i was from that gen because u interacted more with the girls face to face which if u were charmin enough can get u yambs quicker than textin
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

We used to chill with them in person. Don't feel bad for us. We feel bad for yall.

This man knows. The social skills we developed having to rap to girls face to face will last a LIFETIME.

Plus, all that yappin' all the time, texting back and forth is for the birds. If you wanted to dodge a call, you could dodge a call. You weren't on a leash.

Only thing we missed out on is the feel bad for us.

Had a beeper. My and my dudes used to stay with multiple calling card numbers that were not ours.

At one point, I had a little machine that made the sound that you hear when you drop a quarter in a payphone, which is really what activates the call. Used to just hit a button like 4 times and call long distance.

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Pen and paper my G. Had to stay strapped

Yup and if you didn't have one you sure as HELL got one when shorty was about to drop the math. You would get the pen/pencil and paper from a cat you never talked to a DAY in your life.
I remember waiting for that phone call on the house phone or plotting to make it myself

pick up in one room, "Mom I got it! ..... HANG UP!"

or when you had to call a girl back at 2am but didn't wanna wake her parents so she had to pick up in nano seconds
Honestly you should have put the age at like 23 or 24, cause I didn't get a cell phone til 9th grade in HS (2000/01). But I tend to miss that time. You actually
remembered #'s instead if just placing them in your phone and scrolling to somebody's name. Maaaaaaan I remember using the house phone but we only
had one line at the time. Damn I hated whispering to some chick on the phone, then my mom or dad picks it up and just starts dialing and &@^# like "get off
the phone!"
*69 and caller I.D. were

Sure, texting/FB and whatever makes for instant access, supposedly to bring people closer, but ironically it almost makes you take stuff for granted and distance
yourself. That's why so many people (chicks and guys) are socially awkward in person, didn't go through that real courting and actual work that we went through.
Hell, if you think we "struggled", imagine what all our 45+ y/o dads were doing
I remember my older cousin had a beeper

I never knew what the %@#% was until I grew up a little.

But our generation started off with those Nokia's and sidekick's
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