Question for People That Have Been in a Relationship for More than a Year

2 1/2 years...just like someone said, when it's good, it's good. but when it aint....unnecessary stress and arguments about any andeverything
Originally Posted by gabbyflo

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years and we have yet to have an all-out argument (screaming, yelling, cursing each other out, etc.). I don't care for going back and forth over dumb stuff; if I'm going to argue with someone it has be over something worth arguing for. Besides, it takes a lot, and I mean a lot, for either one of us to get mad...I can't understand how some couples let the most asinine things cause an argument. Seriously, some things I've seen people bicker over have me going, "Huh?"

Oh, and I'm not saying our relationship is anywhere near perfect, because we can definitely get frustrated and annoyed with each other, but we've just never reached that boiling point with each other; it's usually deaded before it can go that far. Idk, I just like for things to be laid back. Like, why fret over the small stuff?

OMG, that's wifey right there!

Location? Pics


Man...I just broke off my 1 year 3 months ago. If you have to question this, then obviously a "conflict" relationship is not what you need. You needa conflict free, understanding relationship. If she's worth it, and you believe things are temporary and it can change, then work on it. Try not to argue,try not to get emotional, become the sensible "buffer" in your relationship imo. When she wants to argue don't feed into it. Be mature. If not,end it because +@%% is just going to get worse.

+@%% man, my relationship was the WORST. We would literally break up once a month. Like clockwork. Sometimes 2. Arguing over spilled milk, spilled water, being5 mins late to pick her up, giving her friends a ride, etc. Shes goes to UC and I go to state so I wondered how well I would do in UC one time, so I offered towrite one of her papers. She asked me if I was going to do it, and I said in a little while. Man, never seen her so pissed before. Didn't talk the wholenight. She wanted to end the relationship. But I got a A on it
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by Baller23217

pick your battles

Yep. Sometimes you just have to let some of the !#$@ slide.
Indeed, and alot of it has to do with your approach to situations.

My wife and I argue as much as any other happily married couple. But the little things that would usually cause arguments sometimes get approached by either ofus in a less angered fashion, and things get resolved without m-f's getting thrown in there.

But a heated argument can always be reconciled with
Trust me I've been with my girl for almost 4 years now and the fights and arguements get even worse. Its mainly dumb stuff but I think its mainly stress oranger being targeted incorrectly. Who knows tho. Its common and you just have to be patient with it.
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