Quotes you live by? or just cool quotes in general?

Mar 22, 2006
I would like to know some
"I been hard since a lil' one." --Lil' Dooige

"A man is worth no more than his ambitions." --Lil' Doogie
Better to have and not need, then need and not have. [that's how I became a sneakerhead]

Wash ya' face. [it just has the right amount of rude]
Good, better, best; never take a rest, til ur good is ur better and ur better is ur best
Originally Posted by MJsaver

socluis90 wrote:

"dont chase the women, chase the paper, they come with that %!%+"

I think the better quote goes something like

"You'll lose money chasing women, but you'll never lose women chasing paper"
i would rather live like their is a god and find out there isnt than to live like there isnt and find out there is
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