R.I.P. Bruce Wayne aka Batman

Feb 8, 2008
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Batman killed by his OWN dad

Bruce Wayne - who by night is Batman - gets murdered by a man claiming to be the father he thought was dead.

In a highly controversial new storyline Bruce, who first appeared in 1939, is killed by Simon Hurt - the leader of the shady Black Glove organisation.

Simon claims he is really Dr Thomas Wayne, saying he faked his own passing when Bruce was a child.

The superhero dies when he tries to stop his foe escaping by helicopter in the new comic Batman R.I.P.
This is extremely strange.

How will they be able to explain Batman's return? They don't seriously intend to end the comic that way, do they?
I think it was clayface that transformed into his dad. and that's not how that issue ends..Batman does NOT die.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

lol november 2008
I haven't seen it in any of my comic spots I read about it yesterday and I went to my spots and dudes said they've heard of it but werenever told a release date or shipments
Also if you know about comics it's like Marvels THE END series where they show each characters last moments I got the Punisher issue and my cus has theWolverine issue
First Captain America & now Batman
F#$% DC... Old news but why would they consider killing their most marketable and cherished character of all time.
trying to copy CAP's story.
My comic shop owner has been into comics since the Golden Age. He's seen it all, and as a friend he refused to let me buy all that "Batman RIP"and "Battle For The Cowl" stuff. I did manage to sneak out the Commisioner Gordon 1-shot...he choked out Mr. Freeze

(Batman) shoots Darkseid in the shoulder with a radioactive bullet made of Radion (which is poisonous to the New Gods), just as Darkseid unleashes his Omega Sanction, the "life that is death," upon Batman.[sup][82][/sup] However, the Omega Sanction apparently does not actually kill its victims: instead, it sends their consciousness traveling through parallel worlds. Although the presence of his corpse would seem to indicate that he is dead, at the conclusion of Final Crisis it is suggested that Batman has been sent to the distant past, as a man in the Batman costume watches the passing of Anthro
Nobody dies in comics...

He was trying to tell me about this last week...so now he's what stuck fighting dinosaurs? WT# ?
I'm thinking about it now...why the hell did they do this?

So many people at my spot were put off. In this day in age of $3.99 (Yes kids, $4!!) comics why risk something like this? I remember the death of Supermanstuff too. Wow that was a waste.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

This is extremely strange.

How will they be able to explain Batman's return? They don't seriously intend to end the comic that way, do they?

They'll just do a 'reboot'. Cheap stunts like this are nothing new in the comic world remember when DC killed off Superman?
Marvel have done much the same thing plenty of times too... lost count of how many times Jean Grey has been dead at this point.
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