Rant: Standing Ovation Pressure (Anyone Else Hate It)

Oct 13, 2001
I hate when I am somewhere and everybody around me is giving a standing ovation and I don't:
A. Feel like standing up
B. Don't feel it is worth a standing ovation

I can be in a regional meeting, and someone I don't even know/care for, gets recognized and folks just stand and start clapping. Making you look like a jerk for not standing up and falling for the hype.

Anyone else find themselves in situations similar to this?

No I am not mad.

Video for the beasts.

I went to a Double-AA baseball game last month and in between innings the PA announcer welcomed a military member in the crowd on their safe return home from overseas. Everyone stood up and applauded for 10 seconds but I was in the middle of eating a veggie dog and stayed seated. I just started nodding my head and making the "mm-hmm" sound as I munched away. The best thing you could do is stay seated but applaud, that way you stay true to yourself and other people won't think you're a jerk.
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I went to a Double-AA baseball game last month and in between innings the PA announcer welcomed a military member in the crowd on their safe return home from overseas. Everyone stood up and applauded for 10 seconds but I was in the middle of eating a veggie dog and stayed seated. I just started nodding my head and making the "mm-hmm" sound as I munched away. The best thing you could do is stay seated but applaud, that way you stay true to yourself and other people won't think you're a jerk.
Man don't get me on Military standing ovations........:smh:

Every got damn Wizards game.....:smh:
I can completely say I don't mind it and don't feel the pressure. I don't even clap let alone stand.
We shouldn't do anything we don't want to or feel like doing, we're men/adults,
I'll be damned if I succumb to social pressure.
What a dumb thread. Just do what you feel like doing and face the consequences of your actions.

Case closed.
Watch Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Larry gives no dambs all the time.
At graduation everyone was upset that I sat down and clapped for the Valedictorian.

I was supposed to stand up with everyone else :rolleyes
At graduation everyone was upset that I sat down and clapped for the Valedictorian.

I was supposed to stand up with everyone else :rolleyes

u couldnt stand for a few seconds? To me its just a lack of respect to your fellow man. They did a great achievement, so if you arent jealous or insecure, you'd have no problem standing and applauding them
not sure how the President can stand doing the SOTU without all those standing ovations...
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Does it matter? Do people have to hold your hand to cross the street.

Live your own life, stop being a follower. If you don't feel like standing, then don't stand.

Trust, nobody is talking about you because you didn't stand. :lol:
Man I hate it when americans clap at the end of the film. Like we're over at cannes with the director and cast in the front row or some ****.
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