rate a woman on a scale of 1-10 (game)

Feb 11, 2013
spinoff of the katy perry thread..

i came up with this rating system a while ago. i told my boys about it and they loved it. typically we rate a woman in groups of 3 people kind of like judges. tell me what you think:

every woman has 5 categories

each of the 5 categories has possibility of earning 2 (0, 1 or 2) total points for a total of 10.

the ratings for each category are:

0 : wack, none, ugly, below average

1: ok, average

2: damn, above average

example categories:

category 1:  face

category 2:  butt

caregory 3:  bust

category 4:  hair ( or legs..depends on what you like)

category 5:  height/weight ratio (separates thick from nt-thick)

celeb examples:

                                            kim k.               karuche            k perry                    beyonce             raven simone

cat 1 (face):                           1                         2                    1 (makeup)              2                           1

cat 2 (mass):                         2                         0                     0                             1                           1

cat 3  (bust):                          2                         0                    2                             1                           2

cat 4  (legs):                           1                        1                    2                              2                          2

cat 5  (h/w):                           2                         2                    2                             2                           1

total:                                      8                        5                   7                             8                              7
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I'm glad I don't have to rate woman ....

If I feel that she brings happiness to me and completes me as a human being and a man - it's totally priceless.

Guys and woman can be so superficial that at the end of the day, they don't know if they are missing out on the love of their life.

I have to agree you need to find the woman/man attractive but when it comes down to it - that **** fades away and what remains its what's important to me.
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You seriously put this much effort into this. 
Good system. There def needs to be a categorical breakdown since we generally rate women on a 1-10 scale.

My system is 0 or 1, 0 you wouldn't hit it, 1 you would hit it. Keep it simple
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it honestly took more time to type it then it did to come up with. working in a restaurant with an ever refreshing supply of yambs made this a game with me and my boys
Good System?

Sense of Humor
Family Oriented
Etc etc etc 

Judging a woman by just their looks = totally worthless IMHO!

The scale is based on looks genius. It's not a damn personality scale.

Why are you trying so hard to be NT's white knight? So you're telling me you don't find some women more attractive than others based solely on looks? Or do you stop and have a conversation and get background on every woman you see before you determine whether she's attractive or not?

Serious questions.
The scale is based on looks genius. It's not a damn personality scale.

Why are you trying so hard to be NT's white knight? So you're telling me you don't find some women more attractive than others based solely on looks? Or do you stop and have a conversation and get background on every woman you see before you determine whether she's attractive or not?

Serious questions.
thank you.. i clearly said it was a game. like it or not everyone judges first impression on looks. i never saw a girl and said i bet she has a good job. sheesh people need to lighten up.
Like 6 years ago me and my boys came up with the Physical PER

Girls rated from 50-100 on face, butt, and chest.

Points added or subtracted for misc categories like swag, sexiness, hair

Each of us had our own weighted system

For example mine was 70% face, 10% butt, 20% chest while my boy's waa 50% face, 30% butt, 20% chest

So while we came to a consensus on the individual rating in each category, we each had our own order

Some in my top 5 wouldn't crack my boy's top 10 and vice versa. We only rated girls we all knew in person, no celebs
i don't understand this obsession with ratings

why?  dudes really have all these categorical breakdowns....

then you see all these posts on here about how inflated a chicks ego is or

all the things they do for attention

dudes crying about being called thirsty and how poorly they get treated by Summer or whoever....
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The scale is based on looks genius. It's not a damn personality scale.

Why are you trying so hard to be NT's white knight? So you're telling me you don't find some women more attractive than others based solely on looks? Or do you stop and have a conversation and get background on every woman you see before you determine whether she's attractive or not?
Serious questions.
Why am I trying to be a white knight? Just because I think there's more to a WOMEN than just looks? SMH ...

If you read my previous statement, I stated that you need to be attractive to a woman, but looks fade away. 

To answer your question, if I find a woman attractive I will engage in a conversation - I will not flat out ask about their jobs/assets/wealth etc - but I will lead my conversation in a way that those questions can be answer. If I don't hear what I like - I keep it moving. So yes, you can call it a background investigation and then I will determine if she is someone I can personally roll with. However, she does not have to meet all my requirements .. she can be unemployed but have a great sense of humor is trying to better herself - etc etc etc and I will find her attractive. There's nothing attractive about a girl that just like to go out every weekend drinking/clubbing - works in McDonalds has not ambition to go to school or better herself and she is maxed out in her credit. **** that dime - she aint work my time not even a quick nut!
thank you.. i clearly said it was a game. like it or not everyone judges first impression on looks. i never saw a girl and said i bet she has a good job. sheesh people need to lighten up.
I clearly missed the "it was a game" comment on your original message. Was that on a follow up message? 

I don't have to like it or not everyone judges on first impression. One might have an idea but you never know. So you never saw a woman dress professionally (suit and pumps) and said, damn she looks important? But yet you judge on first impression. SMH!
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So when did preference become a bad thing?

That's basically all rating is... on anything, stating your preference. It's one thing to rate a woman based on her looks and another to gas her up based on what you think of her looks.

And asking when did rating women based on looks become the rage? I don't know, since beauty pageants started being broadcast on TV and pinups were hung in locker rooms and auto shops?
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[quote name=Keko Jones]Why am I trying to be a white knight? Just because I think there's more to a WOMEN than just looks?[/quote]

Because the thread is obviously about rating looks and you're bringing in factors that don't influence initial, no conversation, attraction.

If you're looking at her key chain to see what she drives and running a credit score while also looking at her, then that is pretty superficial too. Running with your logic (which I don't) shouldn't you also consider the factors that may have led to her not having great credit, an above average education or a connection to her family? Shouldn't we judge the whole woman and go all the way back to her childhood and what might have caused her to value or not value her personal appearance and/or physique?

You're overthinking this, that's why it sounds white knightish.
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Because the thread is obviously about rating looks and you're bringing in factors that don't influence initial, no conversation, attraction.

If you're looking at her key chain to see what she drives and running a credit score while also looking at her, then that is pretty superficial too. Running with your logic (which I don't) shouldn't you also consider the factors that may have led to her not having great credit, an above average education or a connection to her family? Shouldn't we judge the whole woman and go all the way back to her childhood and what might have caused her to value or not value her personal appearance and/or physique?

You're overthinking this, that's why it sounds white knightish.
man you really did not read what I wrote. I said that during the conversation I will figure it out. If I don't like what I hear that I move on if I like what I hear I'll stick around.I understand that people got different harship so I will not hold that against them. however if they are not trying to better themselves then there's nothing else for me to hear regardless of what happened in the past. By the way I'm not looking and no key chains to see what kind of vehicle at the drive in. I'm not superficial however I want to know if they're going to school if they have a job what can the offer is cetera et cetera et cetera. call it what you want but I'm not looking at a woman just by her beauty looks yes that might pull me in however they need to offer more than just looks.
Oh. And I was talking about initial attraction, not post conversation attraction.

Thanks for clearing it all up though. I'm going to move on with my life.
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