req: new Jordan shirt that jacks Nas' Illmatic album cover

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I'm doing a piece for my blog on the sudden direction JB is doing with classic hiphop albums. So far they've done one for Illmatic, Ready To Die andMidnight Maurders this year. I've looked high and low but cannot locate the image for the Illmatic shirt. Can anyone help me out? I'll be sure to giveyou credit in the blog as well.


Originally Posted by philaflava1

I'm doing a piece for my blog on the sudden direction JB is doing with classic hiphop albums. So far they've done one for Illmatic, Ready To Die and Midnight Maurders this year. I've looked high and low but cannot locate the image for the Illmatic shirt. Can anyone help me out? I'll be sure to give you credit in the blog as well.



Not "jack" but rather "tribute"... SEARCH: KEYWORD SEARCH

There are more to come...

Pretty cool collection of Tees if you ask me...


tht shirt is DOPE!
going to get one....
Thanks man. And BTW, they do have diff colors just not on East Bay. I've seen it in red as well. At least I'm pretty sure I did.
Illmatic = greatest rap album of all time

the shirt looks nice

anyone got pics of the other colors it comes in as well?
I like the shirt but would rather have other colors, like the grape CW, black/red, etc.
Originally Posted by Battousai701

Illmatic = greatest rap album of all time

the shirt looks nice

anyone got pics of the other colors it comes in as well?
right behind Unreasonable Doubt.
seen the illmatic one a couple days ago in a white tee and graphic is the same golden/brownish and black colors similar to the actual cd cover....Champs alsohad the ready to fly t-shirt in a white shirt with lettering in red/black
Not "jack" but rather "tribute"...
Right, like Gourmet paid "tribute" to the Jordan VII and XI.

Jordan brand is completely lacking internal direction right now... seemingly EVERYTHING is trend driven. This isn't even an attempt to copy classic albumcovers, it's an attempt to emulate streetwear brands that copy classic album covers.

What does this brand even stand for? Quality inspired by the greatest player ever? Nah, nowadays it's "Jordan Brand: everything 40 year olds suspectthat 15 year olds think is cool."

What's truly hilarious in all of this is that the average Jordan fan in 2009 is as familiar with these albums as they are with MJ's career as a Bull.

That said, after the fakes printed on a t-shirt and the recalled dead serious hoodie, nothing they do in the lifestyle apparel branch surprises me anymore. Ishould just thank my lucky stars the people running the streetwear brands they're biting aren't any younger, otherwise we'd be looking at 50 centalbum covers instead.
both shirts are nice. this is the kind of tees they need to be making instead of putting elephant print and sneakers on every other tee
Originally Posted by Method Man

Not "jack" but rather "tribute"...
Right, like Gourmet paid "tribute" to the Jordan VII and XI.

Jordan brand is completely lacking internal direction right now... seemingly EVERYTHING is trend driven. This isn't even an attempt to copy classic album covers, it's an attempt to emulate streetwear brands that copy classic album covers.

What does this brand even stand for? Quality inspired by the greatest player ever? Nah, nowadays it's "Jordan Brand: everything 40 year olds suspect that 15 year olds think is cool."

What's truly hilarious in all of this is that the average Jordan fan in 2009 is as familiar with these albums as they are with MJ's career as a Bull.

That said, after the fakes printed on a t-shirt and the recalled dead serious hoodie, nothing they do in the lifestyle apparel branch surprises me anymore. I should just thank my lucky stars the people running the streetwear brands they're biting aren't any younger, otherwise we'd be looking at 50 cent album covers instead.

i never thought of it that way but you are completely right. they dont have a clue what the youth want and they are so far removed from this generations likesand wants. i think the youth of these new consumers confusing the way the brand should go, the youth ae not familiar with the classic music or the jordan era.
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