Self-Cut System 3 Way Mirror

Apr 28, 2008
anyone have it or know how long shipping is? Have tried to contact them through the website but no response...
I use a regular mirror
clippers and voila
moving to Japan and have no idea about barbers there and am not trying to get a fade by the wack barbers on the military base
I got this as a gift around two years ago. It came with a DVD as well. It showed pretty decent instructions on how to fade and taper. It is not bad at all. If you never cut your hair before it is good, but it will take practice especially if you are trying to learn how to fade. A taper will take less time to learn. If you have used the one mirror technique before like I did for a long time it isn't so good. Reason being is with the self cut system since it is a three way mirror you are basically looking at the reflection from one mirror to another at times during the haircut so basically your movements you do are backwards versus using one mirror. That is the problem I had. I was so use to doing it with one mirror and built habits over the years and I couldn't get use to switching. I basically stopped using it cause of that. If you got any other questions feel free to PM me.
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anyone have it or know how long shipping is? Have tried to contact them through the website but no response...
I have one. One of the best investments I made in a while; it paid itself off real quick with the money saved on haircuts. I paid for mine in October and got it sometime in November. It seems like they never have enough stock so it takes a while to get it. Try calling them, the guy will pick up or call you back. 
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