Should I be worried about losing my job???

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Today was a very busy day at work. I work at a common retail store in which us cashiers are resposible for doing nearly EVERYTHING. At the moment, I had twodisposable camera's who's photos I had to develop within an hour (we normally process one film per hour), a bunch of sun tan lotion I had to lookthrough one by one to see if they were out of date, and try to get all of this done in time to start performing the closing cashier duties which usually takesabout 2-3 hours.

In comes a guy who wants to buy a pack of cigarettes, he was a white male, medium height, and had facial hair. I, being in a hurry and sure that this guy wasof age, sold him the cigaretts. Then comes his buddy in the store asking if I sold him the cigarettes and I truthfully replied, yes. So then he proudly flasheshis "Curtis" badge stating that he was a cop and they were doing an undercover operation to find people selling tobacco to minors. I stated that theguy had facial hair and could arguably be mistaken for an adult. The cop then looked at the 17 year-old and the 17-year old said "sorry, I forgot toshave". The cop then asked for the money back that he paid me for the cigs, then I called the manager so that he could open the register and get it.

The manager seemed a bit disappointed, but said nothing about it for the rest of the evening.

I would like some opinions on this situation. For one, I feel that I was set up from the jump and they sent someone in with an older appearance to try to trapme. What do you guys think?

Two, should I be worried about being fired? Has anyone been in this situation?
Can't say I've been in the position but just be honest with your manager on what you did. If you've been a good employee the guy is ganna give youanother chance.
it's too late now I guess but you should have said that the guy looked like a regular customer you've sold to before and you checked his ID previouslyand you simply mistaken the teen for him.
if you've been a good employee and have been noticed, and you let your manager know what happened, im sure he'll give you a second chance

I'd talk to him before he sets up a meeting with you
Well, a plus is that you were honest about selling the cigarettes in the first place. Everyone messes up, maybe your boss will reprimand you without giving youthe pink slip. I hate to say it, but you should've carded regardless. I know you were in a rush, but still. Oh well, just look at it as a lesson learned.
Originally Posted by AmberElise04

I hate to say it, but you should've carded regardless. I know you were in a rush, but still. Oh well, just look at it as a lesson learned.

Yeah, I felt so stupid the rest of the shift because I normally card every single person, even the older ones. Today was just one of those days when it seemedlike I wasn't gonna get anything done. It was a BIG lesson learned and I will never make this mistake again.

Originally Posted by wanksta23

if you've been a good employee and have been noticed, and you let your manager know what happened, im sure he'll give you a second chance

I'd talk to him before he sets up a meeting with you

I've been a great employee, In the 9 months I've been there I've never called out, only had one medical emergency situation where I showed up latebut called in advance. Always show up on time, always come in when they need help, always have a great attitude, and the regular customers love me.
Great advice by the way, I think I'm gonna try to talk to him tomorrow.
man thats messed up!!

I didnt think people actually did these or I'm mean i never heard any storys.
lol that sucks

i need a job tho
Originally Posted by eight2one

I didnt think people actually did these or I'm mean i never heard any storys.

Yeah man, when I used to work @ Publix they did it all the time. Only there, the people they sent in actually looked like teenagers, this guy they sent in hadfacial hair and all, could have easily passed for mid-20's.
you'll probably get written up, and yes they did set u up. why would they send in someone that obviously looks underaged?
there are heavy fines for selling tobacco products to minors ... there are even HEAVIER fines for selling alcohol to people underage ... unless your store getsfined, i wouldnt worry about it ... its hard to find reliable workers at these common retail stores in the first place so i doubt he will axe you ...
Damn, you were bait, man!!!

If you are cool with the manager, get things done, punctual and hard worker, you don't have anything to worry about. Be honest with him just like you werewith the the cop. And next time, just follow the steps even if you are in a rush.
if he wanted to fire you, he would of done it at the end of your shift.

unless hes waiting to fire you first thing of your next shift..

dont worry about it... from my experience, the more you worry the more your predicament will come to reality.
if you didn't overreact and admitted to what you did so easily they could've taken pity on you and just given a warning. they know that now you havethe fear in you and won't do it ever again.
If law enforcement cites your store for your actions then you will get fired, but think of it this way....its only a retail job you can find another one
If you guys are short handed where you have to do everything and your a good employee that may overlook it.. But you never know in this economy, just alwaysask for a card to be safe.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

yes, you will be asked to quit or they'll fire you.
that's how it was at my old job

Where did you used to work?

Originally Posted by bryanne2210

Damn, you were bait, man!!!

If you are cool with the manager, get things done, punctual and hard worker, you don't have anything to worry about. Be honest with him just like you were with the the cop. And next time, just follow the steps even if you are in a rush.

That's what I keep telling myself, I'm just afraid that it'll be too hard to get another job so easily with the economy the way that it is.
yo, this was my 2nd biggest fear as bein a cashier (mental breakdown = #1
) in Food Lion cuz @ my food lion the rule was "CARD ANYBODY UNDER 40"

under 40???????????????

man it was ridiculous. man so many 30ish lookin people came through my line and i had to ID them. they be gettin heated cuz they aint know they had to have anI.D.
Originally Posted by eight2one

man thats messed up!!

I didnt think people actually did these or I'm mean i never heard any storys.

yea they do. they tried to get me to do it (be the 19 year old for alcohol) but i wasnt down tryin to get folks in trouble.
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