Single most ignorant post on NT


Oct 13, 2008
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And this is saying a lot. People can believe what they want about homosexuality but do people really think this?

"I kinda agree with OP's theory, I've never really thought about it this way. But as someone else mentioned I think it may be adefect but you also must have the will to accept this fact. People are born without a leg, or arm and they go on to do great things in life, I think theyovercome this defect. It helps that society feels bad for them but they don't want to be helped, in sports you hear it all the time. Kids with missinglimbs wanted to be the best player, not the best one armed player.

But with that said I also think a lot of people act gay for the attenion. I would love to see the stat on how many people with handicap stickers are actuallyhandicaped. Also I'm sure everyone knows a hypocondriac, I feel like they inflate their injuries to get attenion. I don't think all "gay"people were born with this defect.

Just a rant but I don't personally have a problem with gay people, but I just hate how some act. Harrasing people to march for their cause and forcingtheir beliefs down upon people. Let people chose, just because your a minority doesn't mean you should try to become the majority. end rant.

My man really likened homosexuals to handicap people with missing limbs. If I said something like this about any other "minority" all hell wouldbreak lose.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

single most attention %!$$# on NT

aint that right boo,


Originally Posted by Its That Dude

single most attention %!$$# on NT
Sorry maybe if I made a post about the swag surf or how black people have to struggle, I would have you guys on my side.
Props on you for trying to enlighten and educate whoever said that, because trying to embarrass or belittle that person definitely wouldn't help anything.

Keep up the good work.
You jus had to make your own post right
@ least dude explained why he felt that way & thats all you can ask...

Lock this crap
If people were really born gay wouldn't they become extinct - due to not being able to reproduce.

That's how I know most fake the funk.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Props on you for trying to enlighten and educate whoever said that, because trying to embarrass or belittle that person definitely wouldn't help anything.

Keep up the good work.
No sorry but anyone who thinks like that can't be educated....the only way to change that type of ideology is if theyinteracted with gay people. I can't preach someone out of thinking like that because for the most part humans are stubborn. It would be like me trynaconvince the grand wizard of the klan that all races are equal.
Props on you for trying to enlighten and educate whoever said that, because trying to embarrass or belittle that person definitely wouldn't help anything.

Keep up the good work.

No sorry but anyone who thinks like that can't be educated....the only way to change that type of ideology is if they interacted with gay people.
Do you have any stats to back that up or anything? Maybe an interesting wikipedia article that supports the position that people with certainidealogies simply can not... CAN NOT... be educated?

Because without any proof of that stance, it definitely sounds like an excuse to be crass where helpful might be more difficult and less 'fun'.
For the most part humans are stubborn.
Tell me about it.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Props on you for trying to enlighten and educate whoever said that, because trying to embarrass or belittle that person definitely wouldn't help anything.

Keep up the good work.
No sorry but anyone who thinks like that can't be educated....the only way to change that type of ideology is if they interacted with gay people. I can't preach someone out of thinking like that.
Do you have any stats to back that up or anything? Maybe an interesting wikipedia article that supports the position that people with certain idealogies simply can not... CAN NOT... be educated?

Because without any proof of that stance, it definitely sounds like an excuse to be crass where helpful might be more difficult and less 'fun'.
For the most part humans are stubborn.
Tell me about it.

You left out the part where i said it was like getting the grand wizard of the KKK to think all races are created equal. It's difficult tochange someone this narrow-minded overnight....I'm definitely not going to accomplish that with a few posts on NT.
alan shawn feinstein, famed rhode island resident, known for his endless charity and foundations once said "gay people are born wrong".

he said it in an assembly when my brother was in highschool, in '94.
Interestingly enough in medicine homosexuality used to considered a mental defect and physicians did a lot of research on it and tried to cure it with medicaland psychiatric intervention without success. This dude's thought process would be considered medically archaic.
You left out the part where i said it was like getting the grand wizard of the KKK to think all races are created equal. It's difficult to change someone this narrow-minded overnight....I'm definitely not going to accomplish that with a few posts on NT.
So his ideology is as engrained as someone who has held their ideology so long and with such fervor and intensity that they are leading hundredsof people into thinking the way they do?


Either you know him really well, this person who made the single most ignorant post on NT, or you're trying to take from him the award you gave him.

And you're definitely taking the easy way out by maintaining that it's easier to point and laugh at people with ignorant ideologies instead of tryingto enlighten them. You don't have to make it your mission to change their ideology in a few posts... but what's wrong with maybe getting the ballrolling in a few posts?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You left out the part where i said it was like getting the grand wizard of the KKK to think all races are created equal. It's difficult to change someone this narrow-minded overnight....I'm definitely not going to accomplish that with a few posts on NT.
So his ideology is as engrained as someone who has held their ideology so long and with such fervor and intensity that they are leading hundreds of people into thinking the way they do?


Either you know him really well, this person who made the single most ignorant post on NT, or you're trying to take from him the award you gave him.

And you're definitely taking the easy way out by maintaining that it's easier to point and laugh at people with ignorant ideologies instead of trying to enlighten them. You don't have to make it your mission to change their ideology in a few posts... but what's wrong with maybe getting the ball rolling in a few posts?


& the clown still aint explain why he made this garbage thread...

No opposing views, no rebuttal, jus repeating exactly what son said in the 10 page thread he made like 3 days ago

Jus log out scrap
i'll never understand why people care so much about other people that they dont even know
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You left out the part where i said it was like getting the grand wizard of the KKK to think all races are created equal. It's difficult to change someone this narrow-minded overnight....I'm definitely not going to accomplish that with a few posts on NT.
So his ideology is as engrained as someone who has held their ideology so long and with such fervor and intensity that they are leading hundreds of people into thinking the way they do?


Either you know him really well, this person who made the single most ignorant post on NT, or you're trying to take from him the award you gave him.

And you're definitely taking the easy way out by maintaining that it's easier to point and laugh at people with ignorant ideologies instead of trying to enlighten them. You don't have to make it your mission to change their ideology in a few posts... but what's wrong with maybe getting the ball rolling in a few posts?

I spent that other thread "enlightening" people.....yes I am making a mockery of his ideologies
. What he just said is that absurd that I rather not waste my time debating itwith him.

-I someone said something like this about a race or group of people, no one would be asking me to debate it with him. He would be out-right criticized for hiscomments. But I suppose this problem inherent in the whole homosexuality debate of whether they chose to be gay or not. Gay people don't deserve to betreated equally because they are making a lifestyle choice. I'm not going into that, that's in the other thread....he can read it if he choses.
Originally Posted by flatbush147

i'll never understand why people care so much about other people that they dont even know
Social activism and people caring about people they don't even know made a difference with every civil rights movement.

If you were asking why I care about what he said....let's just say it is something i am passionate about.
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