Slumdog Millionaire Appreciation. Vol Freida Pinto

Feb 3, 2008
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I may be late but I just heard and watched this last night. Great movie and it deserves the couple of academy awards and golden globes it won.
Heres a reason you should watch it. It doesnt do her much justice but i was
during the movie.




That's dirty how they didn't pay any of those actors and actresses though, or not very much if one's parent is trying to sell her to a Britishfamily and the other is getting his dirt shanty bulldozed while he was in the bathroom and *@$*.
I think the movie was a little overrated but it was still good. Pinto is extremely appreciated
movie was

well at least i thought it was, even though it was LOW budget....

and as for latika, shes decent....
Wow over-rated chick over-rated movie? I forgot NT thinks Donnie Darko is the greatest and every dates Kim K...
Wow over-rated chick over-rated movie? I forgot NT thinks Donnie Darko is the greatest and every dates Kim K...
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Wow over-rated chick over-rated movie? I forgot NT thinks Donnie Darko is the greatest and every dates Kim K...
No I actually have good taste in movies, really good taste actually, and this movie is severely overrated.

IDK what Rell's thinking, she is beyond average Indian chick. Maybe average by white girl standards, but I have seen few Indian chicks more attractive.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Wow over-rated chick over-rated movie? I forgot NT thinks Donnie Darko is the greatest and every dates Kim K...

wait, somebody doesn't agree with your tastes? CRAZY!

movie was extremely overrated (thanks NT) and she's okay.
I heard some of the child actors they casted from the slums are still living there. With all the money and recognition this film has gained you wouldexpect the director or someone to at least help out the children.
that girl in the movie was mad pretty.. maybe i'm just saying this b/c it's rare to see Indian girls that pretty... but forreal, she is one of the mostbeautiful females i have ever seen.

i was so mad at the end when they put a scar on her pretty little face..
Excellent movie and she's gorgeous. Appreciated.

Though, the amount paid to the kids is embarrassing. Kids concur the world and go right back to the slums
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Overrating an average Indian chick IMO.
i havnt seen any good looking indian chicks soo......
brah how are you gonna say that?

plus the movie was entertaining but kinda a bad representaion of India, they made it seem like all of India is like that but its not thats probably the worstof the worst, all 3rd world have places like that
I make a point to not get caught up in celebrity chicks, because I will never get to bless that. But she is astounding! I been zoning on her since I seen themovie.
Wow...................... She is amazing.
this movie waz def
but imo i still bealive the wrestler was better andshould have won an oscar
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