Smart Car Parallel Park Fail

when i know im being watched (or people are on the street) i can parallel park perfectly.

when im alone it's like i forget everything i ever learned.

but that is just pathetic. she could have just backed up and it wouldnt have made a damn difference.
Woman Can't Parallel Park Smart Car - Watch More Funny Videos
Embed. But wow thats sad
She should have just got out of that little golf cart and pushed it into the huge spot that was open, pathetic, truly pathetic. 
The sky is blue.

This isn't surprising.

Due to NT rules I won't disclose my feelings, but, this is nothing more than what I would expect.
I'm not even gonna waste my time watching that $+$+.

As soon as the image for the vid came up I was already done.
makes no sense. I was going to say it was one gender or a certain race or two but I'm gonna digress
I was gonna try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but
she wasn't even turning her wheel the other way, she kept it turned toward the right...
im thinking something that would get me banned if i posted so ill keep it to myself..

but i can take a stroll to SF and see this happen on a regular basis.
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