So my break lights don't come on when I what do I do

Yea change bulb... if more problems concist google or yahoo, then if all else fails car repair shop
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

What kind of car is it?
info would help.

Also, its odd that both went out at the same time.
Both my lights stopped working on my 96 acura TL, but that was due to a faulty brake light switch (right above the brake pedal) which i replaced.
I drive a 97 Chevy Lumina which is like a 4 door Monte Carlo. I`m not sure if both lights went out so when moms gets home I`ll let her look and see if it'sboth or not.
Originally Posted by TBwsf

dont break

this made me LOL (even tho he spelled brake wrong)
Dont when you brake like the white lights come on in the back too? Sorry if this sounds idiotic, mom was no help being that she doesnt drive.
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