So NT, how do you get out of a slump??

Jun 28, 2007
Ive been slumping this whole entire year. 09 is not a good year for me socially and emotionally
-No girl/prospects

-Grew apart from most of my closest friends
-Ny self-confidence is at an all time low. I cant even walk in the street with my head held up anymore, let alone look someone in the face

So NT how you get out of your slumps?? Whats the longest youve even been in one??
Marijuana and/or alcohol. You'll bounce back in no time
.... or fall into deep depression
^ that may work for a minute but you will only get worse with time
do something that is selfless (volunteer). it will make you feel way better about yourself, meet other good folks, and also help others
exercise! nothing makes people feel better than exerting themselves. it releases good stuff in your body that is a lasting high
try to make amends with people if you have done them wrong. it will be hard but you will feel better about yourself after.
read a book. something fun and easy. it will stimulate your imagination and is a safe way to 'escape'
stop spending your time on the internet. it only makes you feel more disassociated if you are feeling that already.
none of these things are easy (except the reading one). they can be hard to do on your own. you either have to force yourself to do them or talk with someoneabout the whole thing.
I wish you the best of luck. remember, one step at a time boss
I struggle to, that's for sure. I need a low maintenance white chick on my team, some more shows to book, more beats, about a zone, and a fifth of jagerand I'll be straight. Everything else can fall where it may
be a positive person, and look for positive people. you can get by my dood.
Don't smoke weed or do do alcohol because you're depressed. I have nothing against the two, but they will only make things worse.

Run and lift weights, Get brolic.
You really just gotta wait it out fam...If you got a job, just work, it'll keep your mind off it.

I just got out a slump in early 09, I wasn't in school, no job, car went down, all my ho's dipped on me, and no clear direction on where I wanted to goin life.

Now I'm in school full-time, got a new car, hella ho's all over the tri-state area, I'm still working on that future of mine, but it does seem alil brighter.
It's often very hard for a hitter to get out of a slump. The cause of a slump is because of a lack of confidence, or a lack of getting on base. You may behitting the ball hard, but they're getting hit straight to fielders.

Keep going to that batting cage, and the more balls you get to hit and see, the more chances you have of getting a hit. Make solid, smooth contact, and thehits will come to you. Keep your head up, drive through the ball, and you will get results. Have someone throw you balls as well, occasionally throwing in abreaking ball or a pitch that you've had trouble hitting, such as a curve ball. Remember, there is never enough batting practice. The more you can have,the better.

There are many amazing hitters that always have slumps at some point in a season. Big Papi Ortiz had one, Manny Ramirez had a bad slump, and A-Rod had one forawhile, before hitting a walk-off home run.

Keep your confidence up, and you will be hitting above .300 in no time.
First few months of this year I was in a slump. Then I started going out a little more, meeting new likeminded people, now I'm good.
you need to set some goals.

for example, make it a goal to start exercising and get jacked. i guarantee it will be a confidence boost.
Here's how I flipped my life around and started to realize my potential.

I got together with a presentation coach. It COMPLETELY turned my life around and helped me realize how to play this game called life. Think about it, tobecome a professional at anything you have to be trained by professionals who know the ins and outs...How is life any different?

Presentation is key in everything we do.
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

Here's how I flipped my life around and started to realize my potential.

I got together with a presentation coach. It COMPLETELY turned my life around and helped me realize how to play this game called life. Think about it, to become a professional at anything you have to be trained by professionals who know the ins and outs...How is life any different?

Presentation is key in everything we do.
I don't know why but I lol'd.
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

It's often very hard for a hitter to get out of a slump. The cause of a slump is because of a lack of confidence, or a lack of getting on base. You may be hitting the ball hard, but they're getting hit straight to fielders.

Keep going to that batting cage, and the more balls you get to hit and see, the more chances you have of getting a hit. Make solid, smooth contact, and the hits will come to you. Keep your head up, drive through the ball, and you will get results. Have someone throw you balls as well, occasionally throwing in a breaking ball or a pitch that you've had trouble hitting, such as a curve ball. Remember, there is never enough batting practice. The more you can have, the better.

There are many amazing hitters that always have slumps at some point in a season. Big Papi Ortiz had one, Manny Ramirez had a bad slump, and A-Rod had one for awhile, before hitting a walk-off home run.

Keep your confidence up, and you will be hitting above .300 in no time.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

It's often very hard for a hitter to get out of a slump. The cause of a slump is because of a lack of confidence, or a lack of getting on base. You may be hitting the ball hard, but they're getting hit straight to fielders.

Keep going to that batting cage, and the more balls you get to hit and see, the more chances you have of getting a hit. Make solid, smooth contact, and the hits will come to you. Keep your head up, drive through the ball, and you will get results. Have someone throw you balls as well, occasionally throwing in a breaking ball or a pitch that you've had trouble hitting, such as a curve ball. Remember, there is never enough batting practice. The more you can have, the better.

There are many amazing hitters that always have slumps at some point in a season. Big Papi Ortiz had one, Manny Ramirez had a bad slump, and A-Rod had one for awhile, before hitting a walk-off home run.

Keep your confidence up, and you will be hitting above .300 in no time.
dope metaphor.
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