So NT, how do you get out of a slump??

Well at the beginning of the year I was much worse off then I am now. I started working out back in March and I havent stopped yet and Ive felt a littlebetter.

Ive also set some goals for more self like making this amateur baseball team around my way, making the baseball team at my school next semester and saving upfor a car.

I transferred to a new college as well to hopefully help me get out of this slump so hopefully some new scenery will boost me. However I just cant seem to findany kinda self confidence. My self esteem seems to be shattered beyond repair at this point. But if everything that Im working on pans out then hopefully I canget back on my !%#@ and everything will be good.

By the way I didnt make this thread to try to make everyone feel sorry for me or nothing like that, I was just looking for some advice or tips and to see whatyou guys would do if you were going through what I am
come on fam dont put yourself down like that. it will only make it worse.

why do you have low self esteem? i doubt you are a ****** or deformed or anything. and even then, there are some midgets with swag so you have no excuse not tohave confidence.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

find a fat chic aka slump buster and you'll be back on track...

yeah youll get that nut, but afterwards when she is still around your gonna feel
about her and me i speak from expierence.

Man I had a horrible thing happen to me, I lost my confidence once I got too fat(fast food + at LEAST two 40's of mickey's a day will do that toyou)....Couldnt bag chicks like i use to and everybody telling me left and right that i got fat will have you feeling
....Anyways I ended up going to the Y reguarly, working on myself, and eatingright and cut back on drinking....Once you look good, you feel good, you meet new people and network(in and outside the gym), things slowly start coming backinto place....just my 2 cents, but yeah if your thirsty, a fat chick doesnt hurt.
Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

find a fat chic aka slump buster and you'll be back on track...

yeah youll get that nut, but afterwards when she is still around your gonna feel
about her and me i speak from expierence.

Man I had a horrible thing happen to me, I lost my confidence once I got too fat(fast food + at LEAST two 40's of mickey's will do that to you)....Couldnt bag chicks like i use to and everybody telling me left and right that i got fat with have you feeling
....Anyways I ended up going to the Y, working on myself, and eating right and cut back on drinking....Once you look good, you feel good, you meet new people and network, things slowly start coming back into place....just my 2 cents, but yeah if your thirsty a fat chick doesnt hurt.
Yea honestly, I would never do a girl like that. Especially a fat chick. Theyre self esteem has to be lower than mine. I dont want no late nightcall saying how much they love me and want to be with me. Im gunna feel like %%+# knowing that I gassed them up OD
i feel you dude for the last two years ive been on and off the stress boat as well.......i started working out a few months back but hell honestly that onlygoes so far.....and i have been going out but all the girls i have been snatching up is chicks with kids and they never have free time and sometimes they trytoo use you jus to get over their baby's dads..... and people always say "you should go out more" but when i do its jus depressing to go to theclubs and now i jus chill at the cribe and wait for my job to call me back cuz right now im on temp. layoff i think if start back working itwill really get my mind off things........but anyways keep ya head up good will come your way
checking in..

been in a slump for the past couple months...

-girl broke up with me, didn't keep any bench players.
-transferring FROM a University to a community college.
-don't have a close group of friends anymore.
-no money like i used to have.

all of these things led to depression and low self esteem on my part

i suggest just taking things one day at a time and set goals for yourself and achieve them.
To be honest.. every day I'm in a slump.

Until I hit that maryjane.
Hang out w/ some homies.
Chill w/ some homegirls.
Eat some of my fav. foods.
Listen to some good music.
Study up and get them good grades.
Get my steady pay.

A little bit of good things in your life will make up for being in a slump. Remember for every cloud, there is a silver lining (I think).
Well I go back to school next week and its a new school so hopefully a change in scenery and a chance to start anew will help me out. Good luck to all youslumpies out there.
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