So NT my parents surprised me and got me a Range Rover

okay you got accepted in to a good college.. congrats.. you need to appreciate what you got.. if not you need to be working for your own car.. if that'sthe case.. b/c right now i don't think you are appreciating what your parents gave you.. if not if its that serious.. they can take the car back and youdon't get nothing...
they got you an 07??? are you poor or something?
tell em step up and get the 10
be grateful bro. i got a full ride into college, $25,100 per, and still had to pay for my truck, 2000 silverado for anyone who cares. 4wd in new england ftw.

i don't even know that kid in the video, but his reaction was terrible. no 16 year old kid should expect, or get anything close to what their parentsdrive, especially when they have cars like that.
GTEK wrote:


the other videos of this kid are funny too
Originally Posted by AIRjuhst

yuku is buggin right now, but I'm not even trying to brag. Something I could brag about is getting accepted into NYU with half scholarship.. so it's not like I got the car for no reason. Didn't get anything for the past 2 birthdays/christmas' but dinner. My parents told me from day 1, get through highschool and accepted to a good college, and that's what i did
So, you went through all that and they got you a 3 year old vehicle?

Horrible parents..
[Juvenile]Let me get the keys to the Rover truck![/Juvenile]

I say you stick with your Rover truck and be happy. I wish my mom had the money to buy me a car... paying your own car note FTL.
Originally Posted by Just bLAzed

why are some of you hating? if it was a reward for getting into a good college then he deserves it
i got a '06 mustang right now, but if i get into the college of my choice (Penn), parents are buying me a new Range too since thats my favorite car
congrats on the scholarship man

you serious? you really think you deserve a range rover as a reward for getting into the school of your choice in addition to thempaying the 160k in tuition?
the hate here, i see it.

OP be grateful, they could've gotten you a kia, or a bus card.

you know what my parents got me for my first car? Hyundai Accent...The kicker on my college loans.......
Originally Posted by Just bLAzed

why are some of you hating? if it was a reward for getting into a good college then he deserves it
i got a '06 mustang right now, but if i get into the college of my choice (Penn), parents are buying me a new Range too since thats my favorite car
congrats on the scholarship man

SMH at you dudes who expect a REWARD for getting into a good college as if it's not something you're SUPPOSED to strive to do in life. This is exactlylike that Chris Rock skit (the real heads know what I'm talking about).

And OP, why make a post on NT about this? Your parents didn't get you anything for the past 2 years so why not just shut up and be grateful of theautomobile they gave you.
" whaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaa..........I'm a spoiled 17 year old kid and my parents got me a frickin range rover..can you believe them? a frickinrange rover! I wanted a bmw or an infinity, but noo they just HAD to get a range rover..the audacity of my parents..this is exacvtly why teens becomerebelious..because of frickin parents like mine.....whaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaa"

that's how you sound right now..
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by AmazingMRFox

Originally Posted by GTEK

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If that isn't the definition of spoiled, then I don't know what is.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]His behavior is testament to the undeniable fact that his parents failed miserably in raising him.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Disgusting.[/color]


I'm really not a hater by any means, but this man speaks the truth

nah i agree with the kid u got a hummer
and u get him a graffitti sprayed up $300 truck smh hell no

relax ya'll this fam's just having some fun with the gullible youtube audience.. youre an idiot if you think that's real.
This entire thread has been trolled. No pics and still people believe this kid got a Range and are catching feelings over it
oh man, do I really gotta go outside at 330 in the morning in freezing whether just to make yall feel stupid?
Honestly man. you need to learn to mind your audience. America is full of class envy (clearly on display in this post). You basically are "drybragging" in the eyes of many people. I'd ask other kids on your financial level this same question, or simply re-word your post next time.

Be like "I'm in the market for a new car..... what should I get, right now I'm looking at a 335 or G37." Don't even mention yoursituation. People might assume that you are paying for it yourself.

I'm not going to call you spoiled or anything like some of these NTers because my parents also bought me a car....nothing as nice as an RR though. What Ican tell you is that you should appreciate what you have and what your parents got you. I think I read that you were going to a good college. This is America.Money begets money. You will get a great job too. I'd personally hold on to the RR (you can fit a lot of women in there) and simply trade in the RR and copthe bimmer when you get out of college and start your career.

What bothers me about this post is that dude earned the car. He got into a good college and got rewarded. That's life. Some companies pay 100k for the sameamount of work that would earn 50k at another job. Replace company with parents.
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