So this girl gets all E-thug at me on facebook

Jan 4, 2009
She made a status saying "Ugh, anal ulcers and kidney stones are killing me"

I make a comment saying "theres things you can say out the public, then there are things you CANT. this is one of them.

Mind you, I met this girl at my college I will be going to in the fall.

She then proceeds to send me a paragraph rambling

Subject: I give you an applause for your dramatics!

hmm..not something the public needs to know? well seeing how 14 people (yes i counted) posted on my wall asking me why i havent been i school for two weeks now i figured i should let them know, and instead of writing on 14 walls, i made on universal status

If people can know I have cancer, they should be able to know I have kidney stones and anal ulcers

I apologize if it grossed you out, but u wont have to worry about my status anymore, lucky!
Im still like
andleave your BUSINESS away from facebook.

Eh maybe you shouldnt have gotten involved. Just ignore her posts and keep it moving. Especially if you know her well
Ight son. You got her attention now so hit her with the "Can I borrow you?" line. You'll be up close to them ulcers in no time..
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Ight son. You got her attention now so hit her with the "Can I borrow you?" line. You'll be up close to them ulcers in no time..

I feel sorry for her. I dont think you were in position to say anything, due to lack of information on your behalf. But man wonder how you get ulcers in your*!@+.
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