• It's a Masterpiece!!! (kiLLerisLame was right)

    Votes: 46 26.3%
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    Votes: 50 28.6%
  • Average (like Duff and Milana and M5s)

    Votes: 27 15.4%
  • Terrible (this will get 1 vote and it's from AmeL w/ another L)

    Votes: 8 4.6%

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a new rumor floating around is that not only is there going to be very little Spidey in the Venom movie, but there's also very little Venom :lol:

a new rumour is doing the rounds that we won't actually see more than a couple of minutes of Venom in, well, Venom. Instead, the symbiote will mostly manifest itself via black veins on Eddie Brock's arms and as tendrils and even a shield during a car chase. It won't be until the very end of the movie that the alien forms a suit around its host but even that will only be for a battle lasting a couple of minutes against the lead villain described as a scientist also infected with an alien symbiote.
They didn't wanna pay up for CGI
Probably spent too much $$ getting Tom Hardy to play the role

I know Sony's not confident because there's 0 buzz . I know it's still early but there needs to be at least some additional coverage given to us
Wow, this is really ridiculous.

Sony knows what the fans are expecting yet they're not going to deliver? Just give it up. You're an embarassment if there really is going to be minimal screentime of Venom.
I know yall didn’t really have high expectations for this. Everything about it was rushed and fast tracked to piggyback off of the success of MCU Spidey
I got so many people commenting about how they loved the teaser when I shared it on my IG. I guess they'll enjoy this movie very much then:lol:
I got so many people commenting about how they loved the teaser when I shared it on my IG. I guess they'll enjoy this movie very much then:lol:

Of course some liked it but a lot of people just like going against the grain. The teaser gave nothing to truly look forward to. The best thing that came from it was a gif
a new rumor floating around is that not only is there going to be very little Spidey in the Venom movie, but there's also very little Venom :lol:

Sounds more like Becoming Venom.

Sony or more importantly the writer(s) and director can't be so stupid to think they can have a few minutes of Venom in action in a Venom movie.

Like this would have to be one of the greatest action drama thrillers ever. The story and acting would have to be insanely compelling.

I never expected a lot of Spidey in this. Just hat he would be in it despite initial reports.
Here's An In-Depth Look At The Rumored Plot Leak For VENOM
(take it with a grain of salt)

Eddie Brock Is An Ex-Con

Venom reportedly begins with Eddie being released from prison on early parole. There's no word on what he's in for or if he was still a journalist once upon a time but this is obviously a departure from the comics. Sure, the villain spent many years in and out of prison but before that, he was a mostly honest reporter who only turned on the world when Peter Parker/Spider-Man outed him as a fraud.

Eddie's Relationship With His Family

We know that Eddie's wife (played by Michelle Williams) will be making an appearance in Venom but apparently, he has a daughter too! She doesn't recognise her dad when they cross paths again and it sounds like the movie is going to deliver a pretty cliched story when it comes to how things play out.

The government will use them to try and get to Eddie and he'll ultimately save them. Does any of that sound familiar? Well, it should because it's the plot of pretty much a hundred other movies out there!

How Eddie Becomes Venom

Devastated that his daughter didn't recognise him, Eddie goes on a bender and ends up passing out in the woods. While he sleeps, space debris lands nearby and the symbiote emerges from the wreckage and ends up bonding with him. The government arrives to quarantine the crash site and a second symbiote attacks a scientist while a third is captured. Eddie, meanwhile, attempts to escape the area but winds up being captured and taken into custody as he's stumbled on something he shouldn't have.

A Second Symbiote

While the government scientists are exploring the wreckage, a second symbiote appears and bonds with someone. However, he ends up dying but the alien remains hidden in his body (unbeknownst to everyone else). This comes into play later in a very weird and seemingly nonsensical manner...

The Symbiote Manifests Its Powers

The movie's villainous scientists - presumably The Life Foundation - start performing experiments on Eddie and the symbiote eventually makes itself known and kills a bunch of them leading to the ex-con attempting to escape the facility. As he does, the alien starts showing off its powers, including dozens of arms/tendrils which take out the guards and help Eddie makes his way to San Francisco.

What Venom Looks Like

Apparently, the symbiote manifests itself as black veins on Eddie's arms and neck and only actually makes a physical appearance as the extra limbs mentioned above. There is, of course, precedent for that in the comic books but this is sure to disappoint fans hoping that a movie titled Venom would actually feature a lot of Venom. Then again, this explains why he was nowhere to be seen in the teaser.

Car Chase

Finding the government waiting for him at his wife and child's home, Eddie once again goes on the run and what follows is a car chase which sees him manifest a shield using the symbiote that he uses to knock cars out of his way. However, after learning that the government has his family, he's forced to go back into custody where it turns out a third symbiote has been placed in containment.

The Final Battle

When Eddie's Venom symbiote sees that third symbiote, it loses it and finally forms the costume from the comic books over him. The alien in containment breaks free, takes over the scientist, and it's on!

It's not made clear if this is the Carnage symbiote but we know from the source material that these aliens have their own personalities back on their homeworld, so there's a very good chance these two are enemies, hence why the fight breaks out. Either way, Venom makes short work of the scientist he does battle with and as we mentioned above, Eddie and his family are able to escape.

Weird Sequel Set Up

Right at the end of the movie, that dead scientist who was taken over by a second symbiote is revealed to be alive. This scene clearly takes place to set up a sequel but why should we care? This plot leak doesn't make that clear but with no chance of Spider-Man showing up, Venom is going to need someone to do battle with and that's presumably why this symbiote is shown to be alive and kicking.

So, What's The Verdict?

This supposed leaker claims that Venom only actually shows up for around two minutes during the final fight. Rumour has it that the movie has a very modest budget so this does make sense but Sony has to know that this is going to lead to a lot of criticism and disappointment among fans.
IMO Hardy is at its best a supporting role, never was really sold on him carrying a tainted title like Venom our the gutter....SPECIALLY with a **** studio like Sony behind it
:lol:Hope that Venom stuff isn't true, if so they NEED to have reshoots/pickups.

Hardy always works best for me in his supporting roles, dude is a scene stealer no matter who casted against. I see him and Christolph Waltz duking it out,down the road for that oscar multiple times
If that leak is true, this could be fan4stic bad. Sucks cause hardy, Williams, Ahmed and harrelson is like a dream casting of mine
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