• It's a Masterpiece!!! (kiLLerisLame was right)

    Votes: 46 26.3%
  • Not the Best but Top 5 Easily (like Lebron)

    Votes: 44 25.1%
  • Above Average, Maybe Top 10 (butF4notBYKE)

    Votes: 50 28.6%
  • Average (like Duff and Milana and M5s)

    Votes: 27 15.4%
  • Terrible (this will get 1 vote and it's from AmeL w/ another L)

    Votes: 8 4.6%

  • Total voters
Gawddd I hope that rumored deleted scene makes it.

Also, the fact that nobody outed Peter when he had his mask off on that train scene was always BS to me :rofl: ... I get what they were doing, but people aren't like that.
This was a good movie but.
It was too heavy handed with the emotional content. Obviously, they had to build up the relationship with Gwen in order to make the audience connect with her character so that when she died, it resonates. My issue is that they could've cut half of emo scenes and the audience still would be just as affected.

Harry Osbourne was great--except for his low budget costume. Seriously, it was laughably bad. 

Overall the movie was ok at best. The overdone emotional content kills alot of the other great things the movie does. 
Gawddd I hope that rumored deleted scene makes it.

Also, the fact that nobody outed Peter when he had his mask off on that train scene was always BS to me :rofl: ... I get what they were doing, but people aren't like that.

A couple years before the social media explosion lol. Ain't nobody reading anyone's MySpace when during that time you couldn't even upload pictures lol
There's only one thing Tobey did better than Andrew as Peter and it is making the ugly cry face
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Garfield does a better Spidey than Tobey, not a better Peter.
I don't think you can say that Tobey was a better Peter how you can easily say Garfield is a better Spiderman. Neither Parker has been done completely right. Tobey had the nerd look down, but I didn't feel he was smart at all. He just looked smart. In this film from how he defeats his villains, aside from Goblin, to developing his web shooters, magnetizing his webs, I feel that Garfield's Peter is smart. However he doesn't really look like a nerd (although I don't think he has to) in way Tobey. Either way it's all I preference. I didn't hate Tobey or anything, but I do like Garfield more.
A couple years before the social media explosion lol. Ain't nobody reading anyone's MySpace when during that time you couldn't even upload pictures lol
If there's anything I like about both franchises, they both look like comic book movies to me. Aside from ASM1 at least. The trend is to go Nolan dark, but both Spidermans always stuck to the campy, bright, and comicbook like feel that I love.
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I watched SM2 3 weeks ago. I know how good it is.

It just got surpassed. Easily.

Gwen is far better than MJ.
Garfield by far does better than Tobey.
Gwen dying, Peter's parents, Aunt May speech, Gwen's dad haunting him all show his inner struggle better than Tobey losing his job, failing school, fighting with MJ, losing his "powers".

Doc Ock is better than Electro, I can handle that.

Visuals in ASM2 >>>>>>>>>.

The kid walking in front of Rhino is the same as people carrying Spidey into the train, then giving him his mask back. Semi hokie, semi meaninful.
I agree with everything except the conclusion. IMO, every great superhero has to have a great villain to push him/her and that was sorely lacking in TASM2. I understand they are trying to push the Spider-Man Cinematic Universe, but all the introductions made the film feel like Iron Man 2.

Still, Garfield's performance as Peter Parker and Spider-Man is much better than Tobey's. Classic Spidey.
Eh, I just thought you were a Marvel stan. I honestly did not see you fighting to death for this film. :lol:

You seemed more ecstatic about GotG and Avengers calling them a classic even before the filming began.

Avengers is the new standard. I'm ready for Guardians now, I think the humor will be great but I hope it doesn't make the cosmic side of marvel to whimsical. Hopefully they also really put into place what they want to to do with the Infinity Gems because if they really wanna get ambitious and do infinity gauntlet than they need EVERYONE. Xmen, fantastic four and the oh so Amazing Spiderman as well
If there's anything I can agree about both franchises, they both look like comic book movies to me. Aside from ASM1 at least. The trend is to go Nolan dark, but both Spidermans always stuck to the campy, bright, and comicbook like feel that I love.

Its funny tho cause Spider-Man life for 2/3rds of it sucks. Like you can do a dark Spider-Man movie. Just wait for the symbiote. I can't wait to see Garfield handle that
Posting for later....

Heard badddddd things about this movie, still about to see it in a hour expectations aren't high, but I'm still hoping I won't be disappointed, we'll see :nerd:

dat post to avi ratio.

i still have not seen it :smh: . i will though. i though it would be greater than what i have read so far. going in with low expectations so no feels will be had |I .
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Its funny tho cause Spider-Man life for 2/3rds of it sucks. Like you can do a dark Spider-Man movie. Just wait for the symbiote. I can't wait to see Garfield handle that

You can't go full dark though. Spiderman needs humor. Although he has dark moments, part of who Spiderman is and what makes me love the character so much, is his positive outlook on life. He always perseveres.
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Its funny tho cause Spider-Man life for 2/3rds of it sucks. Like you can do a dark Spider-Man movie. Just wait for the symbiote. I can't wait to see Garfield handle that

You can't go full dark though. Spiderman needs humor. Although he has dark moments, part of who Spiderman is and what makes me love the character so much, is his positive outlook on life. He always perseveres.
If there's anything I like about both franchises, they both look like comic book movies to me. Aside from ASM1 at least. The trend is to go Nolan dark, but both Spidermans always stuck to the campy, bright, and comicbook like feel that I love.

That's why this movie is so grand to me. If you look at ASM1 it's really trying to be grounded in the real world, from the suit to the dark colors used in the movie. It's just noob Peter Parker getting used to his spider powers using crane operators to help him swing to oscorp but then he gets used to those powers, incomes ASM2 bright and vibrant. The very first scene with spiderman shows him just completely feeling himself. Free falling, doing all types of acrobatic tricks in the air, grabbing his chick at graduation and laying a kiss on her. He's really embraced his role as a hero and is having fun with it. Too dope
That's why this movie is so grand to me. If you look at ASM1 it's really trying to be grounded in the real world, from the suit to the dark colors used in the movie. It's just noob Peter Parker getting used to his spider powers using crane operators to help him swing to oscorp but then he gets used to those powers, incomes ASM2 bright and vibrant. The very first scene with spiderman shows him just completely feeling himself. Free falling, doing all types of acrobatic tricks in the air, grabbing his chick at graduation and laying a kiss on her. He's really embraced his role as a hero and is having fun with it. Too dope

I feel what you saying, but I hated the crane scene, and him grabbing Gwen like that just didn't seem Peterish to me.
Its funny tho cause Spider-Man life for 2/3rds of it sucks. Like you can do a dark Spider-Man movie. Just wait for the symbiote. I can't wait to see Garfield handle that

You can't go full dark though. Spiderman needs humor. Although he has dark moments, part of who Spiderman is and what makes me love the character so much, is his positive outlook on life. He always perseveres.

Yeah he has so many chances to succumb to the dark side but he doesn't. Trust me I'm a huge Spider-Man fan. Been with Pete since Fox my dude :smokin
Yeah he has so many chances to succumb to the dark side but he doesn't. Trust me I'm a huge Spider-Man fan. Been with Pete since Fox my dude

If it's ever one hero that wouldcross over to the darkside, I could totally understand why Spiderman would want to :rofl:
It's just noob Peter Parker getting used to his spider powers using crane operators to help him swing to oscorp but then he gets used to those powers,

For how much you loved ASM I can't believe you don't even remember it well. :lol:

Spidey was shot in the leg and couldn't do his usual swings and that is why the crane was needed, it was a straight forward jumpswings instead of the usuall side to side with the buildings, it wasn't because he was a newb with his powers. :lol:
Guess it's poor memory then if you have to ask a question with such a clear answer. Several other ppl gave you the basic same answer :lol:
This is bull ****. Don't play no games. I don't even know what you're talking about trying to bring up Falcom in comparison to ASM2.

The Winter Soldier was a damn enforcer type villain the whole damn movie. He was the muscle. That was his role. Now some ppl may complain about that (comic book ignorance aside) and that'd be fine but it didn't stop him from being a badass villain and really that aint enough to say the movie wasn't good.
Go ahead and pick it apart if you want to. Don't matter. Cap2 is still better than ASM2. Any movie can be picked apart.

You can call it cliche if you want to but Nick Fury faking his death is Nick Fury at his finest. That's his damn MO in Marvel comics.

I'm not sure where you going with this, you can either be mad at general consensus or you can search out the few ppl who had a different opinion. Cap2 thread fresh in my mind. I remember most of the complaints, I had some too, overall some were valid some weren't. That's how it is in most of these movie threads. After a while you tend to be able to catch on to the general consensus. So far in this thread I'd say it's 60/40, more ppl saying they didn't like it and having reasons for why than the ppl that are claiming they did like it. I mean there have been pretty thorough breakdowns and reviews for why one doesn't like ASM2. Same for why ppl liked it but I really haven't come across ppl calling this one of the most amazing superhero movies ever on the side of ppl who do like this movie. Just you really.

If you don't like how these things go oh well.
We clearly disagree on how good it actually was if you think it got surpassed easily.
Garfield does a better Spidey than Tobey, not a better Peter.
Peter's parents,
I gotta say again I question how good you think SM2 was if you're equating the train scene to the kid against Rhino. This is straight up false equivalency.

I can take Gwen over snaggletooth all day. The romance part was way better than what Raimi did but other than mentioning visuals anything else you're saying is better than what SM2 did isn't THAT much better and of course the way I see it from what I've just said the other stuff you added in really weren't better or meaningful.

Thor 2 > Cap 2 but I love both. I can nitpick and say the winter soldier didn't get enough screen time or that falcon didn't get his due justice or that Rumlow's role wasn't needed if he was just going to be a foreshadowing for who would become in the third just like people are saying Green goblin didn't get enough screen time, rhino didn't get justice or that other characters were in ASM2 just for foreshadowing in the next film. Like you said films can be picked apart. But cap 2 is one of the greatest Superhero films and easily the best captain America film to date...same with ASM2

And another thing Raimi didn't do in his trilogy was actually make spiderman funny. All Raimi did was make Peter Parker some chump that cried over every little thing and got the love of his life stolen by his homeboy twice. What a loser
For how much you loved ASM I can't believe you don't even remember it well. :lol:

Spidey was shot in the leg and couldn't do his usual swings and that is why the crane was needed, it was a straight forward jumpswings instead of the usuall side to side with the buildings, it wasn't because he was a newb with his powers. :lol:

I've showed my obsessiveness over spiderman enough, I didn't want to tell the whole story of the film :lol:

You feel exactly where I'm coming from though
Garfield does a better Spidey than Tobey, not a better Peter.
I don't think you can say that Tobey was a better Peter how you can easily say Garfield is a better Spiderman. Neither Parker has been done completely right. Tobey had the nerd look down, but I didn't feel he was smart at all. He just looked smart. In this film from how he defeats his villains, aside from Goblin, to developing his web shooters, magnetizing his webs, I feel that Garfield's Peter is smart. However he doesn't really look like a nerd (although I don't think he has to) in way Tobey. Either way it's all I preference. I didn't hate Tobey or anything, but I do like Garfield more.
I agree that neither was done it completely right but I was just saying they did one aspect better in comparison to each other. As far as Tobey looking smart as opposed to being smart, they ditched the web shooter for organic webbing and I felt that took away from pointing out that Peter Parker is a genius so you got a point there but to me he showed his smarts in other places. I feel all of SM1 established Tobey as the closest thing we've got to Peter Parker on screen (minus the extreme emo symbiote dancing). It just really felt like this is the lovable loser side of PEte on screen struggling trying to get right.

As for Garfield if this movie did one thing is make me not completely care that he doesn't do Peter Parker that well cuz I enjoyed that he was Spidey in and out of costume for like 90% of the movie. Now yes he's gotten the genius being displayed in the first two movies (and that whole connecting the dots with his father and Osborn was even detective like) but some of the stuff in ASM2 was so transparent in trying to show he's smart or that Gwen is helping. The whole exposition of how to beat Electro had me like :roll eyes and he does some of that corniness in the early comics but no need to do it liked that now and I'm sure it could've been done better. Like they should've just gave me the web gloves.


Overall the Peter/Spidey Garfield does made me feel he isn't the genius front he comics and would rather do something like that.
And another thing Raimi didn't do in his trilogy was actually make spiderman funny. All Raimi did was make Peter Parker some chump that cried over every little thing and got the love of his life stolen by his homeboy twice. What a loser

Dude, Garfield cried and moped more in 2 ASM films than Tobey did in 3 SM films. :lol:

For how much you loved ASM I can't believe you don't even remember it well. :lol:

Spidey was shot in the leg and couldn't do his usual swings and that is why the crane was needed, it was a straight forward jumpswings instead of the usuall side to side with the buildings, it wasn't because he was a newb with his powers. :lol:

I've showed my obsessiveness over spiderman enough, I didn't want to tell the whole story of the film :lol:

You feel exactly where I'm coming from though

It's not even about telling the story but pointing out the specifics.
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I agree that neither was done it completely right but I was just saying they did one aspect better in comparison to each other. As far as Tobey looking smart as opposed to being smart, they ditched the web shooter for organic webbing and I felt that took away from pointing out that Peter Parker is a genius so you got a point there but to me he showed his smarts in other places. I feel all of SM1 established Tobey as the closest thing we've got to Peter Parker on screen (minus the extreme emo symbiote dancing). It just really felt like this is the lovable loser side of PEte on screen struggling trying to get right.

As for Garfield if this movie did one thing is make me not completely care that he doesn't do Peter Parker that well cuz I enjoyed that he was Spidey in and out of costume for like 90% of the movie. Now yes he's gotten the genius being displayed in the first two movies (and that whole connecting the dots with his father and Osborn was even detective like) but some of the stuff in ASM2 was so transparent in trying to show he's smart or that Gwen is helping. The whole exposition of how to beat Electro had me like :roll eyes and he does some of that corniness in the early comics but no need to do it liked that now and I'm sure it could've been done better. Like they should've just gave me the web gloves.

Overall the Peter/Spidey Garfield does made me feel he isn't the genius front he comics and would rather do something like that.

Web gloves huh?
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