Spike channels Deadliest Warrior (Ninja vs. Spartan) !%+!!!

Originally Posted by kamakazipnoygt

Originally Posted by cjspida619

Did you guys see the one with the green barrets and the Russian soliders?
The Russians had some dope weapons. That knife that can shoot out the blade

Though their rolling techniques while shooting were pretty
at times.
That episode was bs too, e-tool > that knife.

Also on the pistol course they did factor in that the M9 pistol has an IR beam for night operations.

But I'm about to join the army so I my be a tad bias.

Oh yeah
in that episode they didnt factor in the sniper when they showed the fight in the end
Yeah, it's funny because they always want to know which weapon will give them the "kill". The ninja would have killed him a long time ago. Idon't know, maybe it's me, or that I'm just biased cause I'm Asian
Originally Posted by MuraxMura

Yeah, it's funny because they always want to know which weapon will give them the "kill". The ninja would have killed him a long time ago. I don't know, maybe it's me, or that I'm just biased cause I'm Asian
i feel u meng
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