Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Al Audi

ive done 110lbs on incline and bench more than a few times. who cares though. i think folks get too caught up in numbers. can rep more on flat than incline an ive never gone past that. after that is 120lbs

i hate how at the gym i see people do that same @#%# every single week in and week out then they look at me like why isnt he lifting that much but looks bigger than me? i dont train to be a power lifter though.

numbers matter if that is your ultimate goal i guess but most of us in here i think do this to stay in shape and get a certain look we want, correct?

kid i know who actually competes im so much stronger than him but if you dudes seen his body youd think he could put up a lot. actually hes the one i mention who knows how many pages back that takes russian bear and drinks whole milk when he is bulking
I agree that people get too caught up in numbers. Thats why you see dudes at the gym "benching" 315 pounds 2 inches off the rack for 10"reps".

Or the dudes who squat 4 plates with absolutely horrendous form. Actually, I just saw this happen 2 weeks ago at the gym. The douche bag left the 4 plates oneach side of the bar after "squatting" and went on to another exercise

Personally though, I have to push myself and lift heavy atleast once every 2 weeks to get stronger. I remember two years ago I'd go to the gym and do thesame exercises in the same order and lift the same weights 4x a week. Needless to say, I did not gain in strength for 6 months

Ever since I've started switching things up and tried doing lifts with only 1-4 reps, my strength has improved dramatically and I haven't plateaued inmonths.

As long as your form is good, I see nothing wrong with lifting heavy to improve your physique/performance.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Al Audi

ive done 110lbs on incline and bench more than a few times. who cares though. i think folks get too caught up in numbers. can rep more on flat than incline an ive never gone past that. after that is 120lbs

i hate how at the gym i see people do that same @#%# every single week in and week out then they look at me like why isnt he lifting that much but looks bigger than me? i dont train to be a power lifter though.

numbers matter if that is your ultimate goal i guess but most of us in here i think do this to stay in shape and get a certain look we want, correct?

kid i know who actually competes im so much stronger than him but if you dudes seen his body youd think he could put up a lot. actually hes the one i mention who knows how many pages back that takes russian bear and drinks whole milk when he is bulking
The contradiction is strong in this thread

carry on

he's pointing out others lookin at his (Audi's) #'s and thinking Audi should be doing more, due to his size.

so not really. Unless im the one readin it wrong.
The people who are worried about numbers are always the ones trying to push the most weight with the most horrible form, then they look at me and think why ishe doing not quite as much but getting more results

Youd be suprised how far good form can help you out, like on flat bench with the dumbells sure that guy can do the 110s or the 115s or 120s but hes not cominganywhere near his chest

I think of it as the closer you come to touching your chest when you come down on your rep the better. Or on back on the row machine or deadlifts these guyshave the worst humped back form trying to pull all this weight and get no results

oh and my favorite people are the ones who think they can hit the gym and watch you follow you in the gym like they want to ask something but never do.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Well, I can't just throw a specific place out there, but whenever I'm on any kind of site talking about weight lifting, people say they add weight each set.
Well yeah, I understand that. I used to pyramid up, but ill most likely never go back to that. It just doesnt make sense scientifically. To each his own though.

Ohh, and Im not a fan of that dudes physique. Bodys like that are creepy to me.

yeah i mean for bench right now i do m heaviest set second.....but for stuff like deadlifts i really feel that i need to work up to a certainweight.

why is it creepy......too cut?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Well, I can't just throw a specific place out there, but whenever I'm on any kind of site talking about weight lifting, people say they add weight each set.
Well yeah, I understand that. I used to pyramid up, but ill most likely never go back to that. It just doesnt make sense scientifically. To each his own though.

Ohh, and Im not a fan of that dudes physique. Bodys like that are creepy to me.
yeah i mean for bench right now i do m heaviest set second.....but for stuff like deadlifts i really feel that i need to work up to a certain weight.

why is it creepy......too cut?

I might do a liiight warm up set but for every exercise I start with the heaviest weight and go down.

Yeah, too cut, just weird looking. Im sure hed look much better if he wasnt flexing so heavily.
To each their own. I think his physique has great balance and definition, but I'd like to carry much more size than him. Don't know if I'll getthere naturally, but I'm starting to lean out in Dec. so we'll see where I'm at in 10-12 weeks.

Today's workout was brutal. Not sure why, but it just got me. My goal was to just do 4 working sets of 315 x 10 on squats. I did my leg extensions, did acouple of warmup sets of squats, and then went in. By set 3 I was only getting 8 before I felt my form slip. I rested almost 5 minutes and set 4 justwasn't happening. Dropped down to 225, did a few sumo squats and moved on to the leg press. I think my back and core were almost more tired than my legs,which isn't good, so I know what I need to work on.

4 sets on the leg press working up to a pretty heavy set to failure and I was done. That 15 minute walk home took me almost half an hour.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

To each their own. I think his physique has great balance and definition, but I'd like to carry much more size than him. Don't know if I'll get there naturally, but I'm starting to lean out in Dec. so we'll see where I'm at in 10-12 weeks.

Today's workout was brutal. Not sure why, but it just got me. My goal was to just do 4 working sets of 315 x 10 on squats. I did my leg extensions, did a couple of warmup sets of squats, and then went in. By set 3 I was only getting 8 before I felt my form slip. I rested almost 5 minutes and set 4 just wasn't happening. Dropped down to 225, did a few sumo squats and moved on to the leg press. I think my back and core were almost more tired than my legs, which isn't good, so I know what I need to work on.

4 sets on the leg press working up to a pretty heavy set to failure and I was done. That 15 minute walk home took me almost half an hour.

Leg Extensions?
So I'm 5'8" and 230 pounds

I want to slim down to 170 pounds (my weight back in freshmen year of high school).

I've narrowed it down to one of these two workout plans after reading about 5 pages of this thread.
Any tips and criticisms are welcome.

[h1]Workout Plan #1 "Rippetoe"[/h1]
Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Power cleans

Week 1:

Monday - Workout A
Wednesday - Workout B
Friday - Workout A

Week 2:
Monday - Workout B
Wednesday - Workout A
Friday - Workout B

Tuesday/Thursday: Cardio/Abs

Weekends: Off
[h1]Workout Plan #2[/h1]
Day 1

4x Squats: 5 reps
3x Ham Work: 8 reps
3x BB or DB Row: 8 reps
2x Bicep Curls: 10 reps

Day 2

4x Bench Press: 5 reps
3x Military Press: 8 reps
3x Tricep Isolation: 8 reps
2x Ab/Calf Work: 15 reps

Day 3

4x Deadlifts: 5 reps
3x Pullups: 8 reps
3x Leg Press: 8 reps
2x Biceps Curls: 10 reps

Day 4

4x DB or Incline Press: 5 reps
3x Chest Dips: 8 reps
3x Side Lateral Raise: 8 reps
2x Ab/Calf Work: 15 reps

Day 1: On
Day 2: On
Day 3: Off
Day 4: On
Day 5: Off
Day 6: On
Day 7: Off
Panarican, I have the same problem with squats some times. My legs feel perfectly fine but lower-back tightness prevents me from reaching my lifting goals forthat workout. What I do to avoid this is do squats as my first leg exercise. I find that if I do deadlifts or power cleans first, my back is destroyed by thetime I get to the squat rack.

Brilliant Over, the Rippetoe workout is designed for beginners who want to gain strength and muscle.

In your case, you want to lose weight. I recommend that you do whole-body workouts every time you lift weights in order to burn more calories. Look up"circuit training". Basically you do a bunch of different exercises that workout every single muscle in your body. You lift lighter weights foraround 10 reps each. You'll burn way more calories this way and lose weight quicker as long as your diet is pretty good.

Maybe you could lift every other day (3x a week) and do cardio 2-3x a week on the days you arent lifting.
haha klip do you have an obession with kane? Look up lee priest(Body builder) not quite as cut up as kane but the guy has hand muscles that look like if hesqueezed your hand hed turn it into dust.

On another note i cant wait to do some back tomarrow, Im back into the swing of things after taking a bit off and my body is responding great. Ive put on 5-10in 3 weeks almost a month

I feel like the break i took was just what i needed and come back and rededicate myself to it and go at it like a madman.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Brilliant Over, the Rippetoe workout is designed for beginners who want to gain strength and muscle.

In your case, you want to lose weight. I recommend that you do whole-body workouts every time you lift weights in order to burn more calories. Look up "circuit training". Basically you do a bunch of different exercises that workout every single muscle in your body. You lift lighter weights for around 10 reps each. You'll burn way more calories this way and lose weight quicker as long as your diet is pretty good.

Maybe you could lift every other day (3x a week) and do cardio 2-3x a week on the days you arent lifting.
My main concern is losing weight, but gaining strength is another goal. So I think I'll do rippetoe on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, andthen do circuit training on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. How does that sound?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

To each their own. I think his physique has great balance and definition, but I'd like to carry much more size than him. Don't know if I'll get there naturally, but I'm starting to lean out in Dec. so we'll see where I'm at in 10-12 weeks.

Today's workout was brutal. Not sure why, but it just got me. My goal was to just do 4 working sets of 315 x 10 on squats. I did my leg extensions, did a couple of warmup sets of squats, and then went in. By set 3 I was only getting 8 before I felt my form slip. I rested almost 5 minutes and set 4 just wasn't happening. Dropped down to 225, did a few sumo squats and moved on to the leg press. I think my back and core were almost more tired than my legs, which isn't good, so I know what I need to work on.

4 sets on the leg press working up to a pretty heavy set to failure and I was done. That 15 minute walk home took me almost half an hour.

Leg Extensions?

Yeah, leg extensions or quad extensions or whatever you want to call them. I usually do 2-3 sets of of light leg extensions as part of my warmup. Sometimes Iuse it as a pre-exhaust.
Went to the gym hung over as %@@+ from the weekend, I wanted to get out asap lol..

im thinking of taking next week off though, just doing some cardio instead.. take time fo my body to heal.
Originally Posted by jdub55

haha klip do you have an obession with kane? Look up lee priest(Body builder) not quite as cut up as kane but the guy has hand muscles that look like if he squeezed your hand hed turn it into dust.

On another note i cant wait to do some back tomarrow, Im back into the swing of things after taking a bit off and my body is responding great. Ive put on 5-10 in 3 weeks almost a month

I feel like the break i took was just what i needed and come back and rededicate myself to it and go at it like a madman.
dude he also juiced since he was what, 15? not to take anything away from him, but that' not a fair comparison. and for the record, i'drather look like kane, i don't like the way nearly all bb'ers look. too much for me.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Al Audi

ive done 110lbs on incline and bench more than a few times. who cares though. i think folks get too caught up in numbers. can rep more on flat than incline an ive never gone past that. after that is 120lbs

i hate how at the gym i see people do that same @#%# every single week in and week out then they look at me like why isnt he lifting that much but looks bigger than me? i dont train to be a power lifter though.

numbers matter if that is your ultimate goal i guess but most of us in here i think do this to stay in shape and get a certain look we want, correct?

kid i know who actually competes im so much stronger than him but if you dudes seen his body youd think he could put up a lot. actually hes the one i mention who knows how many pages back that takes russian bear and drinks whole milk when he is bulking
The contradiction is strong in this thread

carry on

yea i know what you mean but im serious, i might not have put my words together well.

im sure youve seen dudes in the gym who do the samething every week and never change.

as much as i love the gym i have no desire to compete or even be your size for everyday purposes.

you should post more though instead of the lurkin

edit: no actually i read what i typed again instead of the words you bolded................i was saying people at my gym they care about the size of the weighttoo much, its their training and diet that they should worry about more.

take you for example in an old thread i forgot what you had said about some exercise an im was like
a guy your size and youre only doing that?? same deal.

your diet x steroids and maybe a small amount of your training is what got you there though, sall good.
After a week break, a good one, my chest is going to feel it tomorrow. I love it. I decided to do pyramid now, change up my routine.
so i got a question, i just order some ON whey the other day, chocolate if that matters, but i was just wondering if its better to mix

it with milk or water? i guess i wanna know which way taste better but also if either way is more beneficial.
Originally Posted by needsomejays

so i got a question, i just order some ON whey the other day, chocolate if that matters, but i was just wondering if its better to mix

it with milk or water? i guess i wanna know which way taste better but also if either way is more beneficial.
I always mix my whey with cold water and it tastes great. Though, my flavor is Vanilla Ice Cream so not sure how well it'll be withchocolate. Try both and see what you like.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

To each their own. I think his physique has great balance and definition, but I'd like to carry much more size than him. Don't know if I'll get there naturally, but I'm starting to lean out in Dec. so we'll see where I'm at in 10-12 weeks.

Today's workout was brutal. Not sure why, but it just got me. My goal was to just do 4 working sets of 315 x 10 on squats. I did my leg extensions, did a couple of warmup sets of squats, and then went in. By set 3 I was only getting 8 before I felt my form slip. I rested almost 5 minutes and set 4 just wasn't happening. Dropped down to 225, did a few sumo squats and moved on to the leg press. I think my back and core were almost more tired than my legs, which isn't good, so I know what I need to work on.

4 sets on the leg press working up to a pretty heavy set to failure and I was done. That 15 minute walk home took me almost half an hour.

Leg Extensions?

Yeah, leg extensions or quad extensions or whatever you want to call them. I usually do 2-3 sets of of light leg extensions as part of my warmup. Sometimes I use it as a pre-exhaust.

Im just surprised you do them. Theyre not a good exercise at all.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

what does that "hand bike" do in the sly video? never seen one in person...
It's just a cardio machine that works your upper body instead of your legs.

I usually see disabled people using it or people with leg injuries.
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