Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Good looks on the info sloanboy. I'm gaining pretty well just off of whey, but I'm tempted to give myself an extra push.

The only problem is, I tried the GNC monohydrate and that s#!÷ had me on the toilet instantly
. So I'm skeptical to try creatine again.
Start back in the gym this sat. My gym is open 24 hours Mon - Fri, so I would love togo twice a day. I'm sad @ myself, I was going hard from April -June, saw some great gains, but once the summer hit, got OD lazy
, andlost damn near all I gained. But nevertheless, back to my routine on Sat, protein shake on deck, hopefully my stomach will get used to that quickly
started doing HIIT a week ago... and i really do like the idea that i dont have to run for 20 min straight...
about to do chest and tri's and do some more HIIT training...
For those who are more informed with bulking and cutting...answer a few questions for me please.

I understand that cutting means you're reducing your daily intake to get leaner. And bulking is the opposite, to get bigger.

My questions are that...when you bulk up to get bigger, surely you will gain fat as well, right? And when you cut, even though you still lift weight, you willlose some muscle mass along with the fat right? So if you're say 6' at 150 bulk up to 170 lbs, but your BF % will also go up. And say ifyou're 6' at 180 and cut down to 170 lbs, your BF% will also go down. Would these two dudes with identical weight and height (ignoring genetics here)have a similar build?
^Not necessarily, bone structure and all those things factor in, plus we as individuals are all different in many other aspects. My guess would be that the guywho's cut would have a lower bf%, and the guy who bulked might looks a little more built.
Originally Posted by wj4

My questions are that...when you bulk up to get bigger, surely you will gain fat as well, right? And when you cut, even though you still lift weight, you will lose some muscle mass along with the fat right? So if you're say 6' at 150 bulk up to 170 lbs, but your BF % will also go up. And say if you're 6' at 180 and cut down to 170 lbs, your BF% will also go down. Would these two dudes with identical weight and height (ignoring genetics here) have a similar build?
Too vague. You gotta know where they're starting from.

In general though, I always feel good about myself after cutting. After bulking... not so much.
^Dude, I'm gonna be bulking until may/june. Eff...I've gained a pretty noticeable amount of fat too, but I'm gonna tighten up my diet duringschool.
is it bad to eat tuna everyday?

n i need more info on cutting, because im jus need to loose my not trying to look like iceman, i jus need to get in shape
Originally Posted by wj4

For those who are more informed with bulking and cutting...answer a few questions for me please.

I understand that cutting means you're reducing your daily intake to get leaner. And bulking is the opposite, to get bigger.

My questions are that...when you bulk up to get bigger, surely you will gain fat as well, right? And when you cut, even though you still lift weight, you will lose some muscle mass along with the fat right? So if you're say 6' at 150 bulk up to 170 lbs, but your BF % will also go up. And say if you're 6' at 180 and cut down to 170 lbs, your BF% will also go down. Would these two dudes with identical weight and height (ignoring genetics here) have a similar build?
I think you mean to ask, if you bulk, how much fat will you gain?
It depends on their physical activity as well. If the guy bulking isn't working out to gain mass, then he'll probably gain more fat than someonewho's working out for mass over strength/endurance. If you want to gain muscle, you need to work for it with more intensity. Just eating more doesn'tguarantee you that you'll gain muscle, even if you're eating 1.5-2g protein per lb of bodyweight. You need to stimulate the musle to grow.
Originally Posted by AQPHAME

is it bad to eat tuna everyday?

n i need more info on cutting, because im jus need to loose my not trying to look like iceman, i jus need to get in shape
If you want to look like iceman, you would need to go on a major bulk up. Cutting means you are reducing your calorie intake, however you shouldnot be starving yourself because that's 1. unhealthy and 2. you will actually retain fat and not lose it.

Itsgettinhot- A shorter and more simplified question would be would going on a cutting and bulking process cancel each other out? Since when you losefat and muscle, and when you bulk, you gain muscle and fat as well.
Originally Posted by AQPHAME

is it bad to eat tuna everyday?

n i need more info on cutting, because im jus need to loose my not trying to look like iceman, i jus need to get in shape
It was mentioned earlier in this thread that you shouldn't eat fish more than once or twice a week. Sure, they're high in EFA's, buttuna have been notorious for high levels of mercury in them. Eat different varieties of fish if you like to have fish everyday, but back off the tuna.

Any of you guys use Flax Oil? I'm trying to figure out different ways to incorporate it rather than just on top of salads.
Just eating more doesn't guarantee you that you'll gain muscle, even if you're eating 1.5-2g protein per lb of bodyweight. You need to stimulate the musle to grow.
Seriously. I have a friend who is super lanky with pipe dream of getting built. Mind you that he doesn't work out at all, and all he isdoing is drinking weight gainer. I told him that it's not the best route because he's just going to have a weird physique this way.
My #1 concern is getting my appetite back. In April I conditioned myself to eat 5 - 6x a day of solid meals, now I'm eating 3x a day, and mostly BS, stuffthat I shouldn't be eating. I'm gettting a s-load of ground turkey, pasta, veggies, whole wheat bread, Ensure+ and chicken breats. Personally I'drather mix the ground turkey with a bowl of Pasta, then chicken breats, but everyone at the gym I goto lives, and dies by chicken breats on the foreman grill. I heard tuna is good as well, but I don't eat seafood.
Originally Posted by wj4

For those who are more informed with bulking and cutting...answer a few questions for me please.

I understand that cutting means you're reducing your daily intake to get leaner. And bulking is the opposite, to get bigger.

My questions are that...when you bulk up to get bigger, surely you will gain fat as well, right? And when you cut, even though you still lift weight, you will lose some muscle mass along with the fat right? So if you're say 6' at 150 bulk up to 170 lbs, but your BF % will also go up. And say if you're 6' at 180 and cut down to 170 lbs, your BF% will also go down. Would these two dudes with identical weight and height (ignoring genetics here) have a similar build?

You can clean bulk, which takes a LOT more time, but also means your fat gain is minimal. Most people prefer to just scarf down 4,000 - 5,000 calories on theirbulk and cut the weight at the end. When I started lifting, I was 170lbs and right now I'm at 180 but my bf is much lower now than it was before.
Don't eat fish more than 1-2 times a week in general, doesn't matter if you switch up the variety - it still comes from the ocean.
Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

But I eat a Tuna Sandwich everyday :/

You're gonna end up like Jeremey Piven and getting mercury poisoning.. substitute chicken in there instead and have tuna 1-2x a week like stated above. Ifyou still wanna eat sandwiches I'd sub out the tuna for natural PB instead
Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

But I eat a Tuna Sandwich everyday :/

You're gonna end up like Jeremey Piven and getting mercury poisoning.. substitute chicken in there instead and have tuna 1-2x a week like stated above. If you still wanna eat sandwiches I'd sub out the tuna for natural PB instead
damn j piven got mercury poison
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by wj4

For those who are more informed with bulking and cutting...answer a few questions for me please.

I understand that cutting means you're reducing your daily intake to get leaner. And bulking is the opposite, to get bigger.

My questions are that...when you bulk up to get bigger, surely you will gain fat as well, right? And when you cut, even though you still lift weight, you will lose some muscle mass along with the fat right? So if you're say 6' at 150 bulk up to 170 lbs, but your BF % will also go up. And say if you're 6' at 180 and cut down to 170 lbs, your BF% will also go down. Would these two dudes with identical weight and height (ignoring genetics here) have a similar build?

You can clean bulk, which takes a LOT more time, but also means your fat gain is minimal. Most people prefer to just scarf down 4,000 - 5,000 calories on their bulk and cut the weight at the end. When I started lifting, I was 170lbs and right now I'm at 180 but my bf is much lower now than it was before.
Van-I've heard of clean bulk before, but I always thought it was another name for bulking. What's the different? I'm assuming cleanbulking means only taking in healthy nutrients, while bulking just means eating more in general?

How long have you been lifting for to gain that 10 lbs?

Purple-You back in Thailand now?
Originally Posted by Purple Face

I've been in Thailand for a month. Staying here until next month
Are you working out while over there? It was hard for me to resist all the snacks I grew up with. Things were harder because you cannot walkmore than 10 ft w/o running into a place that offers food of some sort.
man i just started again. i took a 18 months off and trust me waking up at 5am to go and lift is really hard. my question is to camel joe or joe camel nodisrespect on the name, is creatine or aminos good or what do anybody else that works out recomend. i just want to gain my size and get a little leaner.

p.s. no disrespect to joseph camel i honestly dont remember his screen name.
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