Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

City gym so it's 0€
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

World Gym

$9.99/month 24 hrs
Where in the DMV is this?
I live in the city, most of the gyms are downtown for the yuppies and are dumb expensive.
Originally Posted by chickhien

^yes, water is crucial. i take a 24 oz bootleg nalgene bottle.
I hear that. I'm going to go to the local Sport Chalet to get one of those fanny pack looking belts with a bottle water attached. I saw adude a couple of days ago running and he had on a backpack with a straw attached. That thing must be pretty heavy when filled with water.

For those who are familiar with the cut/bulk many lbs do you need to get rid of to really go through a cut process? I'd imagine if you justwanna lose 4-5 lbs or something minuscule and gain muscle, a cut process isn't really needed?
Originally Posted by wj4

For those that run outside of the gym, do you carry a water bottle with you?

nah, i drink a bit before i head out and then i rehydrate afterward and throughout the rest of my workout. i couldn't be bothered to carry a bottle for3-7 miles anyway.
Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by wj4

For those that run outside of the gym, do you carry a water bottle with you?

nah, i drink a bit before i head out and then i rehydrate afterward and throughout the rest of my workout. i couldn't be bothered to carry a bottle for 3-7 miles anyway.
Hey dude, do you feel a big difference in term of working out in the U.S. and in Thailand? I'm asking because when I was in Thailand..Ijoined Fitness First. I would go to work out right when they open at 6AM and I would sweat A LOT more than I do here in the U.S. My theory is that since I goright when they open, the A/C hasn't worked long enough to cool down the place yet. And since you run outside where there is no A/C, I'd imagine itwould be worse.
tough to say because i don't lift anymore. all i do as far as exercises unrelated to training is pull-ups, push-ups and sit-ups. all of that and all of mymuay thai training is outdoors in a typical boxing gym in thailand.

it would make sense though about the ac not having kicked in yet.

and as far as the heat making it worse? i have become accustomed to it and when weight cutting is a necessity it is a huge plus because i hate saunas. i alsofind that the generally hot climate reduces injuries/aches and pains or makes them heal quicker.
PS how long do you plan to live there? Or is the move permanent? Do you fight at Lumpini stadium and such? Are your shins strong enough now that they'repractically dead so you can kick banana trees?
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by chickhien

^yes, water is crucial. i take a 24 oz bootleg nalgene bottle.
I hear that. I'm going to go to the local Sport Chalet to get one of those fanny pack looking belts with a bottle water attached. I saw a dude a couple of days ago running and he had on a backpack with a straw attached. That thing must be pretty heavy when filled with water.

For those who are familiar with the cut/bulk many lbs do you need to get rid of to really go through a cut process? I'd imagine if you just wanna lose 4-5 lbs or something minuscule and gain muscle, a cut process isn't really needed?
I'm not a bodybuilder by any means, but from what I understand, during the offseason, many people like to bulk up. Of course you'll add alittle fat when eating enough to stimulate growth. So when the offseason is coming to an end, they start cutting the extra fat that they gained to get backinto competition shape. Of course you don't have to compete to do this, but that's where it came from.

So say you're at 180 lbs at 8% body fat when the offseason begins, you're going want to gain some weight. So you bulk up and get to 190-195 lbs towardsthe end of the offseason. A good deal of that weight is muscle, but some of it is fat as well. Then you just want to cut the fat and get back to around 8% bodyfat.
Originally Posted by wj4

PS how long do you plan to live there? Or is the move permanent? Do you fight at Lumpini stadium and such? Are your shins strong enough now that they're practically dead so you can kick banana trees?
i previously lived here for 15 months and was home for 6 months. i have now been back for 3 months. i have yet to fight at lumpini stadium, buti have fought at rajadamnern stadium 4 times and on channel 9 once. there is a decent chance i will fight at lumpini next month, but it all depends on timingbecause i have a fight lined up in canada in october that is much smarter financially. and i have a slight injury left from my fight a week and half ago inhong kong (i lost).

i plan on staying as long as i can/until i decide to hang up the gloves.

as for kicking banana trees? not in the foreseeable future. my shins are plenty tough at this point, but even the thais that have been fighting for 10 yearswill catch bad angle sparring light and walk away with a limp.

fyi, standard pay at rajadamnern is 2000 baht for an event that isn't big, 6000 baht if it's televised. lumpini starts at 3000 baht. the most i evermade in thailand was 4000 baht for the channel 9 tv fight. training is great here, earning anything for fighting isn't likely.
boxer- yeah, man...I told my family that here in the states, you gotta have money to do Muay Thai training. They were shocked because most dudes who do it inthe homeland are of the lower class.

I'm going to start the first HIIT tonight right before dinner. I was going to do it tomorrow, but the weather says there might be thunderstorm. I'mgoing to do the beginner route and adjust accordingly. Sprint for 30 seconds, rest for 90 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times. If I find it too easy, I'll lower theresting time.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Al Audi

yall heard about myo t12 got the internetz buzzin
yeah im gonna wait and see other peoples results before i buy....hopefully it is as good as advertised

crazy stuff.................

time will tell. vancity true........of course but its interesting.
i didnt hear anything bout health problems. what did you see about those?

what i did hear about was mostly the price (like $90 for 30 days) and how it might not even work until 90 days in? i dunno how true that last part is though.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Al Audi

yall heard about myo t12 got the internetz buzzin
yeah im gonna wait and see other peoples results before i buy....hopefully it is as good as advertised
Dont buy into that crap. As soon as I saw "myostatin inhibitor" i knew it was BS. Also it is taken orally
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i didnt hear anything bout health problems. what did you see about those?

what i did hear about was mostly the price (like $90 for 30 days) and how it might not even work until 90 days in? i dunno how true that last part is though.
yeah its expensive.
well see i'm speculating. it's relatively new and all, but i'm willing to bet SOMETHING is going to surface, just like the things we hear about MSGin whey protein or side-effects, etc.

this new product, it's supposed to inhibit myostatin, right? myostatin checks muscle growth. if muscle growth goes unchecked, what would happen? i couldsee its use for a less-than-healthy person, but a person that already has a built, what do you think may happen? maybe i'm jumping the gun andam being critical (just like i tend to be with things that get hype). i mean, the body checks muscle growth for a reason, but maybe it is a risk-freesupplement. what do you think?
Originally Posted by ericescobar

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i didnt hear anything bout health problems. what did you see about those?

what i did hear about was mostly the price (like $90 for 30 days) and how it might not even work until 90 days in? i dunno how true that last part is though.
yeah its expensive.
well see i'm speculating. it's relatively new and all, but i'm willing to bet SOMETHING is going to surface, just like the things we hear about MSG in whey protein or side-effects, etc.

this new product, it's supposed to inhibit myostatin, right? myostatin checks muscle growth. if muscle growth goes unchecked, what would happen? i could see its use for a less-than-healthy person, but a person that already has a built, what do you think may happen? maybe i'm jumping the gun and am being critical (just like i tend to be with things that get hype). i mean, the body checks muscle growth for a reason, but maybe it is a risk-free supplement. what do you think?
this is what happens:

yeah doubtful it works though.
When bulking, is one supposed to avoid cardio? And when you guys bulk how long do you usually do it for? A certain number of weeks or until you meet yourweight goal?
josephcamel-yeah i read that article. dude looks like linebacker lol well see though

18th letter-i don't ever answer ppl's questions (that's usually L2L and camel lol) but when i DID bulk, it was like for the whole Winter season. ididn't avoid cardio, i just didn't do cardio every day. someone else will have your perfect answer, though.
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Honestly if going to the gym is that hard for you just play a sport. I was out of shape and never wanted to go to the gym. I started playing soccer and basketball again and lost 30 pounds on one summer. It's summer time, go out play a sport and sweat, and just watch the pounds melt away. You won't even notice how many calories you burn. Losing a couple of pounds then gave me the energy to go to the gym again.

This man speaks the truth.

2 weeks ago I started going to play basketball again. I was at 198. I am at 185 now. 3 hours of basketball a day in the sun will do that.
If Big Pharma has not yet come up with functional myostatin inhibitors then I highly doubt some supp peddling company has.

When Big Pharma does bring them to market, you can be sure they'll be regulated to protect their R&D cost recoup and profit.
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