Still have an inaccurate post count or join date? We've got you covered.

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Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
As you probably know, we faced a number of challenges during the transition to our new, modern platform.  If you've migrated your old account to our new site and your post count or join date has been reset or is otherwise incorrect, this post is for you.  

We know that your NikeTalk history is important to you and the team at Huddler has generously offered to update and verify your post count and join date information to address any lingering inaccuracies.  

This is not an automatic process, however, and it requires your participation.

If your account properties are in need of correction, simply fill out the secure form at this address:

Enter your join date and post count information EXACTLY as they appear on your old Yuku profile page.  You'll also need to submit web address of your old Yuku profile.  (Mine, for example, was

For verification purposes, do not attempt to add any posts to the number displayed on your old profile page.  

The screen name of your old account MUST match your current account.  We cannot combine information from different accounts

After you've submitted your form, please bear in mind that it may take several days to complete your request. 

We greatly appreciate your patience!
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Meth. Didn't Submit a Request, but it automatically did it. Is this something that's going to happen for all users?

Meth. Didn't Submit a Request, but it automatically did it. Is this something that's going to happen for all users?

The team at Huddler is aware of how important these account details are for many of our uses, so they really did try their best to get as many of them correct as possible.  

Unfortunately, this wasn't possible in EVERY case and users who are only now migrating to the site are often finding that their post count and join date numbers have been effectively reset.  

If your account details are already accurate, great!  You don't need to take any further action.

If, on the other hand, they ARE off, you WILL need to complete the form and your information will not be corrected automatically.  
Thanks a lot Meth! Your dedication to this forum is admirable.
I truly appreciate the kind words, but I would like to stress that this has all been a true team effort.  

Everyone here is working their hardest to make this transition as smooth as we can despite all of the obstacles (and sabotage attempts) thrown our way.  As much as we'd all love for this to be a perfectly seamless process, we know there will be some bumps along the way and I'm truly grateful for everyone's understanding thus far. 

This isn't a platform that's going to slowly decay and fall apart, like some others I'd prefer not to mention.  Rather, we expect things will only get BETTER from here on out.  

We're going to get through this together and then we can all look forward to sharing smooth performance, new features, good times, and great accomplishments as a community.  

Thanks for bearing with us.  
I don't remember my specific post count but it was well over 1000. I submitted the survey with a guess post count of 1265 but I'm quite certain it's higher. My yuku page doesn't work anymore so I'm not 100% sure of what it was. Thanks for the close attention to detail Meth! You're appreciated. :D
Thank you Meth!!!!! Awesome job man.

Oh and just wondering how long will it take for the changes to update?
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I'am glad NikeTalk has this new look its great, I am happy that Mods are responding fast to members PM message, which is a good look but I am also trying to get my old account info updated to this one here, I don't really care about my post count which was around 500+, I would love if you guys can update the day i joined NikeTalk which was back in 04, Thank You 
I'am glad NikeTalk has this new look its great, I am happy that Mods are responding fast to members PM message, which is a good look but I am also trying to get my old account info updated to this one here, I don't really care about my post count which was around 500+, I would love if you guys can update the day i joined NikeTalk which was back in 04, Thank You 

as already stated to you, this isnt your original account name. please follow the instructions and use that account instead. it will make the process easier.
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My email address has changed since I joined. I tried to change it but Im not getting a conformation email from yuku. Will that stop it from updating?
Got my old username back as well as my original join date. bigj has been a great help, but just wondering if my post count is retrievable?

I completed the form on
Thank you Meth!!!!! Awesome job man.

Oh and just wondering how long will it take for the changes to update?
For the sake of efficiency, it's easier for Huddler to process requests in batches - the more the better.  As of yesterday, only 70 requests had been received so I think they may wait through the weekend before the first group is processed.  

Again, I appreciate everyone's patience.  

If, for some reason, your old profile page doesn't work, try to at least find a post made by your old account so they can clearly see what post count and join date associated with it.  We don't have access to our old user database after Yuku hijacked and attempted to rebrand it. 
I actually want my post count lowered, I had about 9267 on NT and 11000+ on yuku overall.

Its probably a wrap for me huh?
I actually want my post count lowered, I had about 9267 on NT and 11000+ on yuku overall.

Its probably a wrap for me huh?
We'd prefer accurate counts, so if you'd rather enter the number of posts on NT when you fill out the form and then link to a post that shows your current join date/post count on NT that should work as well. 
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