Subway footlongs $5 all September! HAT HAT HAT HAT

The sandwich I usually get always costs $5, It's a simple sandwich, Nothing special.

But most of the time Subway is greedy as hell. :smh:

I remember when they use to give me two layers of ham, Now I only get one. :stoneface: :smh:
 if it applies to the turkey bacon avocado sub.
It wasn't already $5? If it's $5 for the premiums that's appreciated.

What's wrong with their Provolone? I get it every time.
Honestly you can get a similar size sub with higher quality ingredients at jimmy johns for a dollar more.
Lmao homie higher quality ingredients? Ive worked at a JJ and our bread is toxically bad for you. Its college kid and stoner food, i love the taste but i only do Subway now cuz of the health factor
What I do when I want the Sweet Onion Teriyaki Sub but don't feel like spending the dough is get the $5 Oven Roasted chicken and put sweet onion sauce on it. Tastes exactly the same and you save 2 bucks
Subway is one of the few places I can't stand anymore. They used to be good back in the late 90's and early 00's. Once they tried competing with Quiznos and toasting everything and offering Pizzas.......they went down the drain.
The only way I go to Subway is if I'm traveling, and it's like the only option at a rest stop.  How can you guys go to Subway over a local deli?
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