Switching your major in college opinion/discussion

Jul 29, 2004
So I am a junior economics major currently, but can't really seem to get in to it. I mean I've gone this far, and feel like I should stick with it, butat the same time I don't enjoy learning about it. I just wanted to get some feed back from people who have switched, or just opinions on what you guysthink would be a good option. Should I finish strong, or actually switch to something I actually feel good about. Even though it will take me and extrasemester or two.

Also, with this economy and job market, staying in school wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Listen at the end of the day you need to come to terms with what you see yourself doing down the road that lets you live a comfortable life, let's youraise a family(optional) and most importantly makes you happy. Getting a degree helps prepare you to work for a major portion of your life so you might as wellgo for something your interested in and something that you can see yourself not wanting to off yourself after doing it for 15 years.

I was a business administration then a finance major and after 2 years I really began to hate it and I really didnt like where it was taking me because at theend of the day I knew it wasnt the job I would be happy with. I did alot of research and I figured something in the medical field would be better suited for meso I looked at all the alternatives and I chose to major in Speech Pathology and Audiology. I'm a year away from graduating with my bachelors and Icouldn't be happier.
Economics is an excellent major and you have a lot of options with it but, at the end of the day, you need to do what makes you happy. I see you'redebating doing it because you're almost done with it but you are forgetting to do one very basic thing which is taught in economics: ignoring sunk costs.

In my opinion, you need to think about what you want to be. Use that goal as the map for your journey. Also, take a few classes in something you think you maybe interested in; you'll never know until you try it.
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