Talk to me simple. What is up w/ the Palestinian & Israeli situation?


Yet some would like to argue and tell you that they don't have controlling interest in the U.S.
Today the majority of Israeli Jews have Mizrahi descendants, as in they descend from North Africa or the Middle East. Bibi’s base of voters are primarily Mizrahis

Secular Ashkenazis (who descend from central/eastern Europe) used to be the Israeli majority but many have left the past 20 years. Ironically it's Ashkenazis that tend to be more left leaning politically
Today the majority of Israeli Jews have Mizrahi descendants, as in they descend from North Africa or the Middle East. Bibi’s base of voters are primarily Mizrahis

Secular Ashkenazis (who descend from central/eastern Europe) used to be the Israeli majority but many have left the past 20 years. Ironically it's Ashkenazis that tend to be more left leaning politically

This is completely false. More so the second part.
White people are the real terrorist.

Y'all can @ me on this one. IDGAF

I tell everyone I know--throughout the course of my entire life, I have never been terrorized or feared by the presence of an Arab/Muslim. But I certainty have been terrorized by white people my entire life. Who's the real terrorist?

I can ask y'all the same question. Have y'all ever been terrorized by a Muslim more than a white man/community? I'll wait :lol:

I spent 30 years living near one of the largest Middle Eastern/Muslim populations in the Western world, and I never felt unsafe there during decades of spending time all throughout the area. However, I get nervous and back away whenever I hear a grimy or redneck looking white man raising his voice in public. Who knows if he’ll pull out a gun and start shooting the place up just because things aren’t going exactly his way. I always have to plan for a quick exit these days
I spent 30 years living near one of the largest Middle Eastern/Muslim populations in the Western world, and I never felt unsafe there during decades of spending time all throughout the area. However, I get nervous and back away whenever I hear a grimy or redneck looking white man raising his voice in public. Who knows if he’ll pull out a gun and start shooting the place up just because things aren’t going exactly his way. I always have to plan for a quick exit these days

White people are the real terrorist. How long before everyone figures that one out?
Say you're in walmart and white man scream "I'm tired of this creep!"; give us an hypothesis of your reaction?

I’d chuckle and shake my head while at the same time keep it moving. Preferably move to the next open cashier while everyone else is distracted looking at a grown man throw a tantrum in public.
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Feel free to explain what is completely false.

Way before WW2 the vast majority of Jews in Israel were of present-day Iraq/Iran descent. Sephardic Jews, mostly from Bahdgad really. Mizrahi falls under Sephardic (middle eastern). There are accounts of travel from Israel and Baghdad during the Ottoman and Mongol empires. Once the Mongol empire took over there, thats when pretty much all the Middle Eastern Jews migrated to Israel. Still were the minority in Israel, a largely Arab and Christian country during those times.

As for Ashkenazi Jews, they are all from Europe. Different customs/cultures, slightly different laws but same Torah background really. No beef between the two at all, but Ashkenazi Jews tend to be either super ultra orthodox or very reformed/secular. The millions who did go to Israel after WW2 were all Ashkenazi. The settlers you see going there now (from donations or U.S tax money or w.e you want to call it) are all Ashkenazi.

But again, regardless of Sephardic (middle eastern) or Ashkenazi (European), anyone who actually observes the religion or reads the Torah would be anti-zionist. You can be anti zionist and right leaning, those two dont really coincide.

The pro Zionism and pro-Israel marches you see, those are very very heavily Ashkenazi. European Jews are heavy with the movement. Most of the immigration to Israel from the US are Ashkenazi Jews.
As those of whom are Palestinian, those indigenous of that land can attest, I would never ask an outsider as to how they would or should handle being colonized by white people, especially when the people they may have descended from did nothing but to emulate and then embrace those same oppressive behaviors exemplified through white supremacy. These mediocre individuals will simply suggest capitulating, then turning the other cheek, even if women and children are being murdered and living in fear. There is nothing noble about walking away from someone that is pointing a gun to the heads of your family.
As for Ashkenazi Jews, they are all from Europe. Different customs/cultures, slightly different laws but same Torah background really. No beef between the two at all, but Ashkenazi Jews tend to be either super ultra orthodox or very reformed/secular.

The millions who did go to Israel after WW2 were all Ashkenazi. The settlers you see going there now (from donations or U.S tax money or w.e you want to call it) are all Ashkenazi.

But again, regardless of Sephardic (middle eastern) or Ashkenazi (European), anyone who actually observes the religion or reads the Torah would be anti-zionist. You can be anti zionist and right leaning, those two dont really coincide.

The pro Zionism and pro-Israel marches you see, those are very very heavily Ashkenazi. European Jews are heavy with the movement. Most of the immigration to Israel from the US are Ashkenazi Jews.

I don't think any of that's contrary to what I posted. I wasn't suggesting Ashkenazis aren't zionists, or that none are crazy right wingers.

The real drivers of Zionism were European Jews, and they worked within the framework of nation-statehood that was immediately familiar to Americans and Western Europeans - ie, those who ran the UN and gave their blessing to the utterly hopeless partition plan (Israeli settlements have increased under every Israeli government, though they weren't always actively supported).

The Right in Israel has used fear for 20 years to cement its control of government. The common theme is nationalism and security. We all know how that propaganda plays out.

When you look at the current political landscape in Israel, the religious and nationalist parties like Shas and Likud are getting a large share of the Mizrahi vote. There's a strong Israeli identity among Mizrahis that has nothing to do with zionism, but instead the marginalization, and rejection of their cultures in early Israel (rooted in anti-Arab politics, white supremacy).

Of course there are many other interests at play here. All of these groups don't think or vote the same way, which is why Israel has something like 35+ political parties.
I agree with that. Except for the whole white supremacy part. Easy to say that when you live in the states. Most really don't consider themselves white. Or care about color like that in general.

Trust me the Jews in Israel could care less about if you're white and Arab or dark skin and Arab. It's more of a pro-Jewish state than white supremacy.

It's religious warfare mixed with those 35+ political parties you mentioned. Dangerous mix.
I think that Germany would disagree on that White supremacy thing. Because if it were not the case, the Jews would have made their settlement in Poland or Germany, of which is where they should have stayed n the first place.
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I agree with that. Except for the whole white supremacy part. Easy to say that when you live in the states. Most really don't consider themselves white. Or care about color like that in general.

Trust me the Jews in Israel could care less about if you're white and Arab or dark skin and Arab. It's more of a pro-Jewish state than white supremacy.

It's religious warfare mixed with those 35+ political parties you mentioned. Dangerous mix.
They may not consider themselves white, but they surely can be considered to have 'white proximity'. Same with white-looking Arabs as they can be white-passing (the ones with light features) . So what I mean by Israel and its white proximity is that it colludes with systemic white supremacy considering its powerful Western allies and how they abet the continued settler colonial project established in Israel and the Occupied Territories that includes ethnic cleansing and racial segregation. Within the Jewish community, the fight against anti-Semitism has to deal also with its own internal racism.
I think that Germany would disagree on that White supremacy thing. Because if it were not the case, the Jews would have made their settlement in Poland or Germany, of which is where they should have stayed n the first place.
White supremacy and Zionism are two of a kind, with both modelled on ethnic exclusion. Therefore, if one opposes exclusion, and the desire for a racially or religiously 'pure' nation, one must oppose Zionism.

Zionism and white supremacy are natural allies. It is no secret how Netanyahu's current government arms neo-Nazis in Europe and has relationships with the alt-right movements. Both represent a desire to establish and maintain a homogeneous society that posits itself as superior, more advanced, more civilised than the “others” who are considered a “demographic threat” to be contained through border walls and stricter immigration law. American fascism (white supremacy) is the same ideals as extremist Zionism.
White supremacy and Zionism are two of a kind, with both modelled on ethnic exclusion. Therefore, if one opposes exclusion, and the desire for a racially or religiously 'pure' nation, one must oppose Zionism.

Zionism and white supremacy are natural allies. It is no secret how Netanyahu's current government arms neo-Nazis in Europe and has relationships with the alt-right movements. Both represent a desire to establish and maintain a homogeneous society that posits itself as superior, more advanced, more civilised than the “others” who are considered a “demographic threat” to be contained through border walls and stricter immigration law. American fascism (white supremacy) is the same ideals as extremist Zionism.
America taught the world how to be racists. They wrote the playbook, showed the world how create laws in order to support exclusion based upon racial discrimination. Both Japan and Germany were ardent students of such methods.
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