Thank you for helping NikeTalk donate over $2,500 to UNICEF!

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
As you may recall from back when I first announced the decision to place ads on NikeTalk, we committed to donating our ad revenue to charity.

Today, I'm pleased to confirm NikeTalk's first major charitable contribution: a donation of $2,569.92 for UNICEF.


Thank you all for your support of this effort - especially those of you who chose to go the extra mile and click through our advertising. When we all work together, this is the result.

$2,500 represents a tremendous start - but we can and will do even better. I consider it our responsibility.

Let me take a moment to answer some common questions regarding this donation:

1. Wasn't this supposed to happen in June? Why did it take so long?

If all of us had our way, the donation would've been made immediately. Unfortunately, this represents new territory for our hosting company, ezboard. Ezboard, as many of you know, is the company that handles NikeTalk's web hosting and - for the moment - provides our advertising. While they have a revenue sharing system in place and are prepared to send out checks to community operators, they're not accustomed to sending out substantial checks to charity on behalf of communities like ours. Apparently, the donation was hung up in accounting and it took a little friendly prodding to finally set things in motion. As you can see from the date, the check wasn't even written up until August 30th. I'm, of course, disappointed and embarrassed by the slow turnaround time but I have every reason to believe that all future donations will be rendered in a timely manner. I apologize that I couldn't make this announcement back in June - but I thought it better to wait until the donation had actually been made. There's no point in celebrating the mere plan to give back.

2. Why is the check for $2,569.92? Why didn't you just donate a round number, like $2,500? Who donates 92 cents instead of a whole dollar?

We didn't just pull $2,569.92 out of thin air. $2,569.92 represents every single penny we earned on advertising during that trial period - and that's exactly what we've donated.

3. Why UNICEF? What is UNICEF?

UNICEF is the United Nations Children's Fund.

While NikeTalk plans to support a wide variety of charities in the future, we felt UNICEF represents the youth, diversity, and international nature of our community. Visit this link to learn more about UNICEF's efforts worldwide.
Nice to know my slacking off is going towards something good.
I'm black, if that matters.

[table][tr][td]>Yuku - Add me[/td][/tr][/table]​
Grizz is now sitting at the cool table.
You the only ninja I know who experienced Y2K. You the only ninja who lights went out.....​
Good choice, and it's great that the community could give such a generous amount.

That much can make a big difference to some kids lives.

"NOT NOW, Mom! I'm donating to charity."
I'm black, if that matters.

[table][tr][td]>Yuku - Add me[/td][/tr][/table]​
Grizz is now sitting at the cool table.
Pretty damn cool. Smoove luhs da keeds.

*Edit*- damn, got owned by Photobucket.

R.I.P. LaToya. R.I.P. Uncle Everton. You're in a class of your own. Love you Forever.
UNICEF is a good very good choice. It's nice to wake up and see that the first news I see is something postive.

AIM Roy Anglais
damn when i read the title i thought it was gonna say the United Negro College fund. oh well, owned
had i known that clicking the links would donate money, i would have actually done it Meth,

do you guys plan on doing this again?
Nice :pimp:

So through the grim reaper sickle sharpening, Macintosh marketing, oil field augering,/Brazilian adolescent disarmament, Israeli occupation, Islamic martyrdom, PRECISE, /(Yeah) laser guided targeting, oil for food bartering, terrorist organization harboring,/ sand camouflage army men, CCF sponsoring, world conquering, telephone monitorin',/ Louis Vuitton modeling, pornographic actress honoring, string theory pondering, bulimic vomitting,/ Catholic priest fondeling, pre-emptive bombin and osama and no bombin' them,/ they breaking in my car again, before a station and over loggin in,/ Hennessey and Hpnotiq swallowin, hydroponic coughin an',/ all the world's ills sittin on chrome 24 inch wheels, like that...
Nice to know my slacking off is going towards something good.

great to see this active.

regarding the katrina auction, i never got my refund. argh.

wow. what a great gesture by the NT community!

in the future, would it be possible for the community as a whole to pick a charity to donate to?
aim: drofizzle12​

Good to see the money goes towards good stuff.

Just hoping it doesnt end up in some corrupt hands.
in the future, would it be possible for the community as a whole to pick a charity to donate to?

please no. there's so many useless charity organizations, UNICEF is a great one. I would've prefered WFP (World Food Programme), but UNICEF is very good.
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