The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

Lol a fertility drug is a ped? It may increase test levels a small amount but it's primarily a masking agent

It's like when weed smokers take hella b12 to stimey drug tests

Clomid can almost double your test, and lower estrogen. It is definitely a performance enhancing drug for an athlete.

You probably think PED=Anabolic Steriod. Which is not always the case.

And Clomid doesn't mask steroid is the way B-12 supposedly does with weed.
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I never really "supported" Sonnen but I definitely think his analysis was pretty solid. Lately though IMO it's been pretty faulty and off-kilter.

I never took his trolling serious, racist or obnoxious as it may have been, I thought most of his trolling was hilarious. He knows how to rustle.

I would venture to say that in every sport a majority of the athletes could be considered "low character". That just the type of individual you're going to get in the industry. Personally I view athletes with a completely different scope, especially boxers and MMA fighters.

Floyd Mayweather's racism for instance, IMO, is much worse than what Sonnen was doing. Floyd's was dead serious while Sonnen's was clearly trolling. I still love Floyd as an athlete and love watching him perform. I don't give a damn that he said some blatantly terrible things about Filipinos.

As a man of color, I can't take someone making openly racist comments lightly. Especially when the organization he fights for encourages.

It is disgusting, plain and simple.

He is white, rich, republican, and a bigot white supremacist. There is a strong subculture that post on boards like MISC, Reddit and Sherdog that eat his stuff because they share the same veiws as him. They love him because he is allowed to spew his ignorance without punishment.

Floyd said racism things about Filipinos what once? (if it is more lemme know because I only remember the one from 2010) and apologized. Sonnen practically preaches on how he and his kind are superior to minorities. And he does so multiple times. Even sometimes after apologizing for previous statements.

So with all due respect brah, the seek "well black people do it too" argument is not gonna work there.
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Oh in no way was I saying black people do it therefore it's all good. My point was that athletes are not people to take after. I don't agree with racist views at all but at the same time I honestly don't take sonnen seriously for one moment. I don't blame anyone for not liking sonnen
With Sonnen out of 175, anyone think they should try to add another big fight to the card? Or just leave it alone since there's already 2 championship fights on it?And sonnen retired. Guess he's not appealing anymore
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See ya, Chael P... :smh: Going to be tough for the UFC to put him on TV for a while.

As for 175, I doubt they can get another big time fight together in time, will probably just bump Uriah Hall up to the Main Card.

Just sat down to write my 174 preview, and damn, this card is unexpectedly solid. Five fights at the top that actually feature widely known MMA fighters. Rare these days...
Miesha probably tastes sweet like a cupcake. I always notice her impressive obliques.
UFC is in trouble. Maybe not financially. But they definitely took a few step backwards in the last few years: 

1. milked chael/silva for too long to establish silva as GOAT only for GOAT to get KTFO while showboating, then having GOAT break his leg kicking someone... anderson silva was becoming a household name in America - how many people know who Weidman is?

2. next GOAT: gsp loses to a bearded guy (in most opinions) but wins a contro decision - then immediately vacates the belt with all kinds of reasons. this is like if LBJ and KD decided to go play football. 

3. back up plans: create barao as p4p best fighter, only to see him get destroyed. anthony pettis - he really should be a star - gets injured too often. 

4. the champs: aldo has been pretty unstoppable but i've seen him fight live twice and both weren't the most exciting fights. especially the kflo fight. plus people don't love to watch 135 pounders going at it. they want to see the big guys. this is the mighty mouse curse. no one wants to buy an action figure or watch a gladiator that is a foot shorter than them. unfortunately, the young and charismatic dos santos has been replaced by a freakish machine of a man in cain velasquez. whatever he has in amazing cardio for a man his size, he sorely lacks in personality. very, very, very uncharismatic guy. 

5. the plan that should have been the plan: jj was the plan all along. he's nearly unstoppable, a "real" athlete, and he's very, very young. but problem is, he's a bit of a diva and UFC (dana) take huge public blows at their only real draw. fact is, jj is a lot easier to root against than root for. throw in the diva reports and it's harder to root for him. 

6. interesting contenders/big names are all related with trt and/or other banned substances: chael, belfort, wanderlei... 

7. the rousey show: i really don't know. ronda v. miesha 2 was by far the best fight i've ever seen live. but i don't really think of miesha as a fighter who happens to be hot. i think she's a hot girl who happens to fight. not sure about the whole women's mma thing. rousey doesn't have a challenger.  

8. individual sports like these must have big names and big rivalries. the biggest name right now (active) is jon jones or arguably dana white. the biggest rivalry right now is jon jones/dana white imo. 

ufc has hit a wall imo. i might be wrong but making three new championship belts wasn't a great move. letting the silva/sonnen rivalry hog up all the media only to have both dudes gone within 1 year is a disaster. i will continue watching - i loved seeing dillashaw dethrone barao but no one really knows or cares about dillashaw. and right before the fight white was saying how barao was P4P best right now, etc. just a bad move. 
You kind of contradict yourself in the first sentence, lol. Is the UFC really in trouble if they are good financially? I know you say "they hit a wall", which could be true in certain aspects (like watered down cards, the superstars who are point-fighting, TRT scandal), but financially I think they are pretty stable and I don't see that changing even with all of the issues you've mentioned.

The points you bring up are all pretty valid in one way or another, however they don't spell out doom for the UFC in my opinion. More so, they are perhaps getting stagnant. I brought this up a while ago but the appeal seems to be declining a bit (to me at least). However that doesn't mean that the UFC is in trouble by any means. I mean, define "trouble".

Some of the points you bring up are reaching a bit.

-The UFC didn't have to milk Anderson Silva as the GOAT, he was the GOAT and the UFC actually got upset with Silva for a while for acting like a jackass. They were about to part ways with him after the Maia fight.

-Jon Jones being a diva really doesn't effect his drawing power at all so the UFC shouldn't really care about that. Floyd is a diva and many people probably watch him to lose... there's nothing wrong with being a diva and/or villain type character.

-Who cares if Cain isn't charismatic? He's still going to make the company a **** load of money anytime he enters the cage. Some fighters' games speak for them.
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Ask her if she likes Asian dudes and to send me a used pair of her training shorts and bra.
Is UFC in trouble? I don't think so. At least not now. Should they be a worried about the future? Yeah but every company is. They're going through the same thing the NBA did after Jordan retired. New stars have to come in and grab the attention of fans.

Something they should think about is ppv buys. Not counting the numbers for UFC 173 which haven't been released yet; many are predicting they will be low, even around Bellator ppv numbers; but counting the 4 ppvs (169-172) this year, the total ppv buys are almost equal to just UFC 168. Maybe the weak numbers are due to over saturation and weak cards, or maybe they're just losing fans. Thats for them to figure out.
Meeting her on Monday.

Edit: I'll let you know.
Maybe you could ask her why she left or was kicked out of Team Alpha Male. There's been a lot of rumors about it. It even came back up again after the Caraway fish hooking incident. I think Urijah claimed it was about money, others said it was about something shady/dirty Caraway did, but Miesha hasn't talked about it.
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Nah not trouble like Dana is going to have to declare bankruptcy. But to go to my points, there's no chance Dana was kicking Silva out after his antics against Maia. the biggest and most hyped rivalries for the last couple years have centered around Silva/Sonnen and Dos Santos/Velasquez imo. they spent an ungodly amount of time hyping it up (they hype everything up but this was to a different level). 

You can't script a worse outcome. Silva beats Sonnen just to get his *** handed twice. Velasquez didn't just beat Dos Santos, he mauled him for 25 minutes and I practically held him upright so he could keep punching him in the head. 

Jon Jones shouldn't be the Floyd Mayweather type though. Even with that DUI, he's never pretended to be anything but a good dude-- like when he talked about narc-ing on classmates for having marijuana, etc. He was sponsored by the UFC. he can't be their "heel" draw like Sonnen was.... Mayweather is a diff situation. I think the UFC doesn't want to end up like boxing. 

Cain not being charismatic is a big deal because they desperately covet the mexican fanbase. Just cause he has Brown Pride written on his chest, Dos Santos would have been the preferred heavyweight champion -- what u expect in one, a guy with 1 punch knock out power and knocks people left and right. With Huerta and Pettis they sorta hoped to break into that Mexican demographic but Huerta didn't have the goods and Pettis just is always injured. 

I should probably reword it and say... nah the UFC isn't in trouble but it surely isn't "the fastest growing sport in the world" and on par with soccer as Dana said it would be. The most interesting fights are the little guys and the girls (imo) and even then I'm not that excited. 

And sure every sport has to deal with their MJs and Gretzgy's retiring but to have Silva, GSP, Sonnen, Cruz (to a certain extent), Pettis, Barao, etc., and Liddell/Couture/Hughes era also long gone... it's having several franchise players retire in a sport that isn't even a team game. Are they really going to do Penn v. Edgar 4??? Nobody wants to see that.  
Idk about Penn v Edgar 4 but the 3rd fight is happening the day after the Weidman v Machida card. But if Penn wins, I could see them trying to make a 4th fight.

Pettis could have probably fought by the end of summer but they booked him and Melendez to do TUF pushing their fight back to Nov/Dec. And they're using Pettis and his brother to get in to Puerto Rico. It was a few months ago that they did some kind of conference down there. The plan right now is for them to have a card in PR in 2015 with Pettis headlining it.

Having Jones as a "heel" isn't necessarily a bad thing. You're gonna have people that like him so they'll pay to watch him fight. But then you'll have people that hate him, so they'll watch and hope that they see him lose. Same thing happened with Silva and GSP to  extent at the end of his run when ppl we're getting fed up with him not finishing fights and wanted to see him lose. UFC fans are just like most fans here in the US. We love cheering for the underdog or Cinderella. But when Cinderella becomes the champ, fans start looking for another underdog to root for.
 There's an entire generation of future fighters that grew up training MMA rather than individual arts like muay thai, boxing, wrestling, etc that is now just starting to enter the octagon. MMA has a bright future.
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 There's an entire generation of future fighters that grew up training MMA rather than individual arts like muay thai, boxing, wrestling, etc that is now just starting to enter the octagon. MMA has a bright future.
sure, the next generation of fighters.... but the ufc is practically a monopoly, the leadership is now kinda under question, dana's at odds sometimes with the state commissions, etc. , etc. and i think it has peaked. i could be totally wrong and the ufc might become the next NFL but i think it goes the way of boxing with a dash of pro wrestling than a sport to rival the NFL and soccer 
sure, the next generation of fighters.... but the ufc is practically a monopoly, the leadership is now kinda under question, dana's at odds sometimes with the state commissions, etc. , etc. and i think it has peaked. i could be totally wrong and the ufc might become the next NFL but i think it goes the way of boxing with a dash of pro wrestling than a sport to rival the NFL and soccer 

Yeah a lot of casual fans have lost interest as the early generation of fighters have started to retire.
 There's an entire generation of future fighters that grew up training MMA rather than individual arts like muay thai, boxing, wrestling, etc that is now just starting to enter the octagon. MMA has a bright future.

I'm too hungover to read that whole last page, but this statement is the truth. Little rugrats running around my gym all the time hitting pads, learninh BJJ, geeking out over UFC. The sport has a growing younger fan base. Compare that to something like baseball, now that sport is in trouble...


DJ by decision
T-Wood by TKO
Bader by decision
Schaub by decision
OSP by submission
The prelims are on FX just FYI, not really sure if worth watching. I will check for the Seraphian v Japanese dude though

In the Woodley v Rory fight, it'll be interesting to see how each guy approaches. Will they fight safe knowing that they have a long shot at getting a title shot before Matt Brown and Robbie Lawler? Or will Woodley and Rory go for broke in hopes to impress Dana and leap frog into a title shot.
I think Rory/Woodley should go for broke. If Lawler wins, they're not gonna leap frog him into a title shot, but if Matt Brown beats Lawler there's a good chance they could get a shot over him. For Matt Brown to get the title shot I think he would have to completely dominate Lawler and have a snoozefest between Rory/Woodley.

Thanks for the FX heads up.
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Smell her for me.
Biggest win of Caraway's MMA career.

I'm too hungover to read that whole last page, but this statement is the truth. Little rugrats running around my gym all the time hitting pads, learninh BJJ, geeking out over UFC. The sport has a growing younger fan base. Compare that to something like baseball, now that sport is in trouble...


DJ by decision
T-Wood by TKO
Bader by decision
Schaub by decision
OSP by submission
Mighty Mouse sub, Rory Mac decision, Bader KO, Arlovski KO, OSP KO.

The prelims are on FX just FYI, not really sure if worth watching. I will check for the Seraphian v Japanese dude though

In the Woodley v Rory fight, it'll be interesting to see how each guy approaches. Will they fight safe knowing that they have a long shot at getting a title shot before Matt Brown and Robbie Lawler? Or will Woodley and Rory go for broke in hopes to impress Dana and leap frog into a title shot.
Underrated prelims. Tanaka sub, Bang decision, Easton snaps his 3-fight losing streak with a KO, and Kunimoto by decision.

I think Rory/Woodley should go for broke. If Lawler wins, they're not gonna leap frog him into a title shot, but if Matt Brown beats Lawler there's a good chance they could get a shot over him. For Matt Brown to get the title shot I think he would have to completely dominate Lawler and have a snoozefest between Rory/Woodley.
T-Wood is more likely to go for broke than Rory. Rory Mac has fought safe and it worked to perfection against Ellenberger, neutralizing power and jabbing from the outside.
What time are the prelims on FX? My DVR guide thing says its 5-7. That seems kinda early for the east coast. What time is the ppv then?
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