The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

nah I just said chris is the easiest fight for him out of the 4.

I actually never thought chris was hella good or anything, just was fighting older doods on the back end of their careers...

but we agree, bisping is a horrible champ cant wait till his little reign is over.

So who yall got...RDA or Ferguson?

I love both.....I think RDA gets the KO but just really want to see a good fight either way
Gotta lean RDA just based off everything we've seen lately, Ferguson gets his bell rung a little too much... however would not surprise me at all to see Ferguson pull it off. RDA has been stopped before Eddie 

With RDA leaving Kings, who knows how that impacts him as well

Quotes from the conference:


"He's thinking it's a game," McGregor said. "It's like you look into these people's eyes and they don't see it as a reality just yet. They're trying to look away and make it something else. ‘This isn't happening.' And then we're in the Octagon, and then we're about to fight, and I see what I see in their eyes.

"I see them break, bit by bit. And then we're in the Octagon and I break them myself. So that's it. I'm looking forward to going in. He's claiming it's an easier contest. I look forward to seeing the eyes, when the eyes roll, and the electric shock darts through his whole body and goes to his knees. And then he comes up in survival mode, and that panic sets through his whole body, his whole face. That's something I'm looking forward to, and I will go out there and I will punish him for that, for those words that he's saying. I'm going to retire him on this night."

"I'm going to hurt you badly. I'm going to rip you up badly, I swear to God. Trust me, you're going regret that," McGregor said.

"I feel [people are] going to see something they haven't seen before. I'm going to toy with this man. I'm going to really, truly rearrange his facial structure. His wife and kids will never recognize him again. His friends and the people that he knows will know that he's not the same man after this contest. So he's going to be in a shock when he sees that. That's it."

"I like his durability," McGregor said. "I know he gets badly hurt in fights. I know he's been dropped many times, but he keeps going, so I look forward to that. I feel that will happen in the contest. He'll get dropped, he'll be half-out, he'll be in survival mode. And then? Then I'm just going to butcher him and punish him and not let him out of there.

"I don't believe he's been hit by anybody like me. I don't believe he will survive. If he does survive and be in that survival mode, I'm going to toy with him. I'm going to rearrange his face for his words that he's speaking right now. But, I still can't see him lasting one round."

"I'm swinging in the fifth round. I'm pushing now in the fifth round," McGregor said. "I've gone to that next level on this. I've been very focused on my cardiovascular endurance and my weight management and my nutrition. Now my body mass has come down, I'm leaner at 155, and my VO2 max has gone through the roof. My resting heart rate is extremely low, so I'm ready. I hope he is, because he's talking like he can outlast me over 25 minutes. But it's a long 25 minutes in there against a guy who can strike you from any angle, from any position. I've ended fights from everywhere. Everywhere, I've finished fights. So good luck to him."


"I will go down as the best lightweight in UFC history, that's what I'll go down as," Alavrez said. "It'll start with him [McGregor], but then, I will make UFC great again and I will continue to fight the number one guys who belong here. I sincerely felt I deserved a break. This [UFC 205] is my break, and then we'll get back to some real sh*t and get back to fighting the real number one contenders, who fight the best guys and earn their way to the title, not the guys who have a funny accent and sell tickets"

"I fought all over the world against the best guys in the world," Alvarez said. "Fighting personally I never saw it as a job, I saw it as an opportunity. I never really looked at it as if it was going to work out financially or maybe it wouldn't. I was never sure, I just knew that I loved what I was doing. I made a lot of promises to a lot of people early in my career and just to be able to get the UFC title, get to the pay-per-view, get to the biggest event in MSG. Its' a dream come true and the time is here. I'm excited about it, and I think I have the right guy in front of me to do some big things."
Fighters union is way over due. Of course dana and owners don't want them to have one. These guys can't be making this money and paying for medical bills after fights. Get teeth knocked out and whatever else can happen in the ring. Dana has made his money he doesn't care anymore. All staff getting fired at headquarters. Just don't see this ending well. Can we also do away w rankings because that obviously has no pull on who fights who. Seems like the poor ufc 200 card was almost a turning point.
uhh, what? Lol people love to perpetuate fallacies in the MMA community. ALL fighters in the UFC are completely insured. Not only are they covered for their competitions, but outside of training as well:
 Never before has a combat sports promoter provided coverage to nearly 350 athletes, and this unprecedented policy will cover accidental injuries suffered by athletes while training, as well as non-training incidents such as automobile accidents.

UFC 205 fighters are getting $1 million coverage against brain injury
The UFC has secured a New York state-approved policy to insure every fighter on its Nov. 12 event up to $1 million in case of traumatic brain injury.

New York Department of State spokesperson Laz Benitez confirmed to ESPN that the state has approved a policy written by insurance company AIG.

According to UFC officials, the cost of the policy is $1,675 per athlete per fight. With 13 fights scheduled to take place at UFC 205 at Madison Square Garden, the promotion is looking at a cost of $43,550 to meet the new standard.

The $1 million brain-injury insurance requirement was part of a law passed earlier this year to legalize professional MMA in New York. The sport had been banned on a professional level in the state since 1997.
Dana has paid for toooooons of UFC fighters to get flown out to the best plastic surgeons to have their cuts repaired properly and prevent scar tissue from forming.
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Interesting, Conor stated that he hasn't spoken with the new ownership and sounded pretty genuine about that. I believe him when he says it

I've noticed a majority of fighters if not all have stated they haven't spoken or met any one from the new ownership group

Seems really mysterious 
RDA leaving Kings isn't as big of a deal as you think it is. He said he wanted a camp revolved around him and wanted to start building his own gym. The split was completely amicable.

If anything, he's getting more time dedicated to him. Cordeiro built his Muay Thai but he's done his last camp or two in Thailand.

Not a big loss if any for him
Ok so ufc covers health insurance? I had no clue. Always seems if a big deal was made of an incident or it was a star then they covered it? Does this go for all of mma community or just UFC?
RDA leaving Kings isn't as big of a deal as you think it is. He said he wanted a camp revolved around him and wanted to start building his own gym. The split was completely amicable.

If anything, he's getting more time dedicated to him. Cordeiro built his Muay Thai but he's done his last camp or two in Thailand.

Not a big loss if any for him
We will see. I never said it was a big deal either I was just bringing it up. I don't think it's so easy to say either way

Joining kings was a big part of his resurgence
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I don't think many fighters are going to want to fight in New York moving forward especially with the state income tax
RDA leaving Kings isn't as big of a deal as you think it is. He said he wanted a camp revolved around him and wanted to start building his own gym. The split was completely amicable.

If anything, he's getting more time dedicated to him. Cordeiro built his Muay Thai but he's done his last camp or two in Thailand.

Not a big loss if any for him

Evolve is in Singapore.

Leaving Cordeiro is a good thing imo.
He hasn't done the entire camps overseas has he? Just as a supplement

I believe he has in a few of his recent fights because Evolve has deep pockets with a huge roster of recently retired elite Thais and BJJ black belts. They've got a few decent MMA fighters that compete in One FC.

Dos Anjos started training there after getting his jaw broken from what I recall. His time there probably has a lot more to do with his success than Cordeiro ever did.
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Usada checking on this dude like that out in Singapore? [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Might he a dumb question but if so how does that work?

I know i've seen him post once that usada test him more than other fighters but that's when he was training with Cordeiro.
So all of a sudden Cordero didn't matter huh

Here you go being sensitive again 

I'm saying it's not the worst thing in the world. In fact, it's probably better for him since he will have an entire gym revolved around him.

Cordeiro is a great coach who built RDA and Werdum into great strikers. But you're crazy if you think he got more from Cordeiro than he's getting from legitimate Muay Thai legends. 

I got RDA via decision. He normally says crazy stuff but I agree with Schaub's analysis. Tony is great because he is very unorthodox. But generally speaking, that doesn't work at the highest levels of the sport. 
Here you go being sensitive again :lol:

I'm saying it's not the worst thing in the world. In fact, it's probably better for him since he will have an entire gym revolved around him.

Cordeiro is a great coach who built RDA and Werdum into great strikers. But you're crazy if you think he got more from Cordeiro than he's getting from legitimate Muay Thai legends. 

I got RDA via decision. He normally says crazy stuff but I agree with Schaub's analysis. Tony is great because he is very unorthodox. But generally speaking, that doesn't work at the highest levels of the sport. 
You're the one being sensitive Brody I was responding to boxing not you lol :smile:
So all of a sudden Cordero didn't matter huh


Cordeiro ain't all that is all I'm saying. Chute Boxe did well in the early days of MMA, but hasn't stood up to the test of time. Sparring to kill is something RDA doesn't need anymore at this level and I don't see Cordeiro letting that go. Seems to be a staple for Chute Boxe that probably took years off the careers of their former champs/top fighters.

Evolve provides the best striking coaches in the game, hands down. They'll continue to fine tune his technique without giving him concussions in the process. He also gets to roll/train with Aoki to maintain his BJJ while he's out there. Even Askren spends time there prior to his One FC fights, which would help his wrestling.

As far as USADA testing goes, they'll test you anywhere you go. You have to give them updates on your whereabouts, so they could even test you while you're on vacation. Singapore doesn't play with drug charges, so I don't know how many fighters are willing to risk it over there.
To me it's just tough to downplay Cordero to that extent and difficult to really gauge what clicked with rda on his title run

None of us are there with coaches day to day so to me to say Cordero ain't all that is an opinion but tough to prove, especially in relation to rdas recent success

That's not to say a change in camps is bad, like I said that's not what I was saying initially. Just bringing it up
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