The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Islam vs Dustin on TONIGHT

How you guys gonna say someone can’t have opinions on how to run the company better if he hasn’t accomplished what scumbag dana has? This the same thread that’s been bashing the company for years for not promoting their fighters and dana treating his fighters like garbage and taking money out of their pockets. For one thing he can stop feuding with fighters and treating champions like woodley as an enemy.


Idk if he understands the business aspect could improve 10x

As said earlier, I would love to hear dana on an earnings call lol
How you guys gonna say someone can’t have opinions on how to run the company better if he hasn’t accomplished what scumbag dana has?

Never take advice from someone who isn't going where you're going or hasn't been where you're trying to go.

How is some guy who has literally 0 idea of how the UFC is run internally going to say he can run the company better than them or even offer suggestions on how they can improve?
scumbag dana had no idea either. guy was a boxercise instructor who fled boston because of the mob.
I have 0 hands on experience in the Octagon. When I was watching Rousey vs Holm, I thought Rousey standing up and boxing Holm was the worst approach ever. I guess my opinion has no merit because Rousey can kick my ***.

I’m sure you have a decent chance of knocking her out with a straight punch. her striking is trash.
I’m sure you have a decent chance of knocking her out with a straight punch. her striking is trash.
I can not tell if you are being sarcastic, but Rousey would fold just about everyone on this forum even in a fight that only involves striking.
How is some guy who has literally 0 idea of how the UFC is run internally going to say he can run the company better than them or even offer suggestions on how they can improve?

That's kinda how us being consumers work. The whole thing is a show put on for us, the consumer. So the consumer can have IDEAS on how to improve the product you're consuming. That's legit the entire point of this board from sneakers to tv shows to music to politics. We critique everything.

We line up in here daily to pick apart a fighter's strategy and performance in a fight, but according to your quote we aren't qualified to do so. The fact that we can't piece apart what's being presented in a nuanced way to discuss what may work better is crazy.

We can both acknowledge what Dana has done for the company (Creating a household name) while still being able to criticize other things he does (demoralizing fighters in the public eye).
So a fighter on a 1 fight win "streak" and 2-4 in her last 6 matches gets a TS?!?!?! I know the WBW division is thin but they really couldn't get anyone else?
dana already saying if conor beats cowboy he gets a title shot. what a shocker. :lol:
アミーゴ アミーゴ

I mean the UFC isnt an organization of naive, outsourced, number crunching, modafinil poppin millennials looking to climb that corporate ladder...

regardless of how the company is ran from a strategical/logistical/operational standpoint, you still have to get your employees to perform right?

Your Mr. Fortune 50, Silicon Valley yeah? So I know you gotta have enough common sense to know...the UFC aint a tech company, its not even a entertainment is a "fighting organization"....something realtively new and wholly unique to a standard fortune 500 business model, like say system design tools or product manufacturing....your employees, the life blood of the company are grizzled, highly skilled, well trained, violent alpha males living on the FRINGES of society by think they give a **** about QBR's and performance evaluations?

I get it, you got ideas....we all got ideas, but to come off just wholeheartedly saying you could run the company better with 0 experience say it lightly....arrogant as ****...

had to call you on it playboy. I aint mad at you, but you WILDIN'
I get it, you got ideas....we all got ideas, but to come off just wholeheartedly saying you could run the company better with 0 experience say it lightly....arrogant as ****...

Don't waste your time. Dude is your typical millennial with an online diploma and ZERO experience running a company, yet somehow thinks he's suddenly Tim Cook.

And even if I were to give him the benefit of the doubt, short of using buzzwords which might sound smart to dumb people, he hasn't identified one major issue or presented any sort of solution(s) to said issue.

But dude's ex-girlfriend's sister's boyfriend's 3rd cousin works there so he must have some insight on how to better run the company :lol:
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