The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Islam vs Dustin on TONIGHT

Is anyone else sick of the Conor vs Dana stuff at this point? Part of me feels like they're just putting on a show with their fake beef. I bet the fight gets made while Nate is still on vacation and they get added to the card midway through June. That way Nate doesn't get a full camp again.
If it's fake twitter beef between them then it just makes both of them look extremely lame. The irish fella is beyond an idiot and overplayed his hand. dana has an ego too. They'll kiss and make up soon enough and he'll be back to headlining a card getting paid more than anyone else.
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Dude talking bout calling the uppercut beforehand...yet he didn't even faze diaz with it...whats his point? he also said he would ko him, his movement was basic, his patterns, yada yada yada...Dude u tapped out. **** and worry bout ur next fight. 

He set himself up for failure, cuz when ur a "god" u can't go any higher, u can only fall 
all that time on his hands...all that cocaine :lol:
it's gotta be killing him that nate dismantled him
Just read Conor's most recent tweets.. It's just funny how he sounds so much like Aldo did after he lost. salty as hell and talking so much **** after getting your *** kicked :lol:
Bellator fighter and Blackzillians team member Jordan Parsons, 25 years old, has died as a result of the injuries sustained in a hit-and-run accident in Delray Beach, FL. Previously having had his leg amputated while in a coma due to failure.

The party responsible has still not been found/caught.
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