The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

Not sure if this was in here.

Kevin Iole [emoji]10004[/emoji] @KevinI
Trying to learn more about this: Silva also tested POSITIVE for 17-methyl-5b-androstane-3,17-diol, an oral steroid. Updating story
Not sure if this was in here.

Kevin Iole [emoji]10004[/emoji] @KevinI
Trying to learn more about this: Silva also tested POSITIVE for 17-methyl-5b-androstane-3,17-diol an oral steroid. Updating story

[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] he on that Boar testes
Honestly, is Silva's legacy really tarnished that much to you guys? Do you guys think he was on stuff before this fight or throughout his career? I'm going to choose to be naive and say no I don't believe he was on anything before this fight 
The bs he +'d for would have been flagged by any and every test. That's that south of the border ****, where they don't even go to a real chemist, just taking **** from around the gym.

Then again, UFC look real shady might been covering up results
Honestly, is Silva's legacy really tarnished that much to you guys? Do you guys think he was on stuff before this fight or throughout his career? I'm going to choose to be naive and say no I don't believe he was on anything before this fight :frown:

It would be tarnished for me, I don't believe he just used it this one time.
Nsac making a small fortune off of Diaz and silva. 30% fines and whatever hush money the ufc gave them. They saw it a coming a mile away, the Ultimate hustle
legacy tarnished?

if he did so knowingly, he did it at the age of 39 coming off of a horrific leg injury

the only thing tarnished is that mediocre last fight
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Lmfao at Dana using a flip phone and wtf is DC doing love the guys still

Has silva ever get popped for anything before?
Silva's never been caught using anything before this

By the reactions of folks and other fighters, you would have thought Silva been on PED's his whole career
According to his doctor Marcio Tannure, who is also the medical director of the Brazilian MMA Athletic Commission (CABMMA), Silva is devastated with the news, but claims he did not take drostanolone and androstane, the two banned substances found in his system.

"Anderson told me he’s disappointed, upset because he didn’t use steroids," Dr. Tannure told Band News radio. "He will ask for the confirmation test because he believes the only explanation is a contamination or a mistake from the lab. He told me: ‘I have an impeccable career history and I wouldn’t want to tarnish my image.’"

"It’s too soon to judge," he continued. "He has the right to a confirmation test and two other results. The Nevada Athletic Commission hasn’t talked yet, and the press is already judging him. The process isn’t over yet. If the whole process was already over, he would have already been suspended."
If was an oral steroid,could it have been given without him knowing? But then again ,with that injury,I could see him using it to heal faster
Anyone have a timeline of drug testing standards and practices throughout the years? I know just recently the UFC has gotten more comprehensive but before that I know they didn't want to spend the extra money for random testing

I just wonder how thorough the testing has been dating back to say 2000 from the commissions, the UFC, everyone 

For instance, I read on Sherdog that Anderson's last 2 title fights he was not randomly drug tested per Ariel
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Ariel Helwani @arielhelwani · 13h13 hours ago

Also worth noting, there was no random drug testing for Silva's last 2 fights, which were both in Nevada against Chris Weidman.

Looks like Alvarez is down to fight Gilbert

Edward Alvarez @Ealvarezfight · 13h13 hours ago

@GilbertMelendez You already know I accept , im not waiting until June to fight again tho, Lets pick an earlier date June is too far out
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The bs he +'d for would have been flagged by any and every test. That's that south of the border ****, where they don't even go to a real chemist, just taking **** from around the gym.

Yeah, that and the fact that he just came off a broken leg where he probably was trying to get some muscle mass back as soon as possible, makes me think it was a one off thing.

Still not a good look for him or the UFC though. I honestly do think at least 50% of the guys in the top 10 in any division are on something whether they've been caught before or not. I definitely think GSP was on something too, he was just years ahead of the testing because he had money to spend. Supposedly his training camps used to cost big dollars, I'm sure he spared no expenses :nerd:
Anyone have a timeline of drug testing standards and practices throughout the years? I know just recently the UFC has gotten more comprehensive but before that I know they didn't want to spend the extra money for random testing

I just wonder how thorough the testing has been dating back to say 2000 from the commissions, the UFC, everyone 

For instance, I read on Sherdog that Anderson's last 2 title fights he was not randomly drug tested per Ariel
I think commissions only started doing random out of competition testing recently. I think they started around the time Overeem got busted but it wasn't a regular thing they did. Around the time that Belfort, Sonnen, Silva, etc got busted was when they really started doing regular out of competition testing, but thats only in Nevada. Don't think that most others do random testing. For the Jones v Glover fight in B-More, I think it was one of them that requested the extra testing and UFC had to foot the bill.

UFC just dropped their plans for out of competition testing. They said it was because their lawyers told them to due to the Cung Le fiasco. But they said they would donate money to the commissions to help them have better year round testing. 
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GSP was the one who was advocating for stricter testing in the UFC though. Didn't he want the Olympic style testing like Floyd does?
GSP was the one who was advocating for stricter testing in the UFC though. Didn't he want the Olympic style testing like Floyd does?
If I remember correctly, 

- GSP wanted VADA testing. Hendricks said no cause he wasn't sure they were impartial due to their association with GSP.

- Hendricks, UFC, and NSAC agreed to do WADA testing. GSP balked.

- NSAC director Kizer and Hendricks' ppl thought GSP's was basically being sketchy cause they wanted to be informed of the random tests ahead of time, wanted his people to vet the test, and wanted to know what they were testing for and what tests they were using.

- Conspiracy theorists thought GSP was afraid of WADA keeping his sample and re-testing it in the future when the testing process catches up to the drugs that aren't easily detected now.
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