The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Islam vs Dustin on TONIGHT

All y'all making up **** bout Weidman and going "off what u heard or read"...smh

Dude did nothing wrong, he was getting kneed, ref FD up by jumping in then ref FD up again by looking at replay.

Chris was taking the 5 min to recover from the knees which any smart person would do, its within the rules.

Cats talking bout he said this he said that, y'all wasn't in the cage nor did u have a special mic that nobody else had
Thank you

And if folks are going based off Chris not knowing the day or month, guarantee other fighters have been in situations where they were getting rocked and had no idea what day it was, yet they were still intelligently defending themselves and came back to win. If you stop a fight right after a guy gets rocked with strikes and ask him questions, he's not going to give you precise regular answers. Not saying it's right or wrong I'm just saying it may not be the end all and be all of tests to see if a fighter can continue
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Hooft's take on why he wasn't in the cage with Rumble

“Right after the fight, I was on the cage and he came to me and said, ‘I f*cked up,’ something, and I said, ‘come on, man, I know it’s hard but get up, it’s already done.’ It’s what a coach says after a loss,” Hooft said. “You cannot just, at that moment, talk about stuff. I was at the cage and said, ‘keep your head up, come on, let’s go.’ Then I stepped off and it was very busy in the cage, so I walked back to put another shirt on.

“When I was in the back, I heard that he was saying that he was retiring and looking for me and looking for other people, and I was like, ‘oh sh*t.’ I was on my way back, then I saw him at the curtain (to go back onto the arena floor). ... He cried with me and he talked to me and everything, then it really [sunk in]. But I’m not surprised, because again, we talked about it. I’ve already (had) six years with Anthony. I’ve known him for so long, and these last couple of months have been difficult for all of us with all of the stuff that happened (with the Blackzilians). It was a crazy time.

“We’re getting better now, and we were just hoping that it was the next thing for us, beginning six years ago and ending with the title. It was just hard. He was very disappointed. I was very disappointed, of course. So it was strange for me to hear that he did it there, but that was his moment, Anthony’s moment, so he did it when he thought it was good and I think we all need to respect that. I respect it. And I had my moment with him alone, and I think that’s very important.”

“I got a lot of bad sh*t over me and everything. You know how it goes with social media,” Hooft said. “When everything is good, everything is good. Like, I’m leaving my fighter? I’ve never left anybody, especially me and AJ. We’re very good together.

“People just start spreading out stupid stuff, like him quitting the fight and just throwing the fight. All kinds of stuff. And it’s all *******t that has nothing to do with our sport. So I just feel bummed because I wanted to end this one with the title, and Anthony has all the qualities to do it, but he didn’t do it.”
They just need to legalize knees to a downed opponent and soccer kicks.

When they had the 3 points rule guys were trying to exploit it and it hasn't changed now that it's palms or fists touching the mat.

Chris may not have been in the wrong once the ref made a bad call, but he clearly milked it once they did. However, it all would have been avoided if his defense against the knees wasn't just trying to get both hands on the mat. That's not intelligent defense no matter how you look at it.
I don't really agree with the assessment that he's milking it, the more that I think about it. Again, the ref initially stops action and says "illegal knee, Chris take up to 5 minutes"

He's not milking anything, he's doing what he's allowed to do, what he was told to do

If you want to get rid of the hands on the mat, that's fine. I don't really disagree there. Chris did everything within the rules and within what he was told by the official
All y'all making up **** bout Weidman and going "off what u heard or read"...smh

Dude did nothing wrong, he was getting kneed, ref FD up by jumping in then ref FD up again by looking at replay.

Chris was taking the 5 min to recover from the knees which any smart person would do, its within the rules.

Cats talking bout he said this he said that, y'all wasn't in the cage nor did u have a special mic that nobody else had
youre right, in his supposed confused state of having no idea what day it was, he did absolutely nothing wrong

lets be thankful hes not punch drunk

ya'll know i'm not the biggest dana fan but even he gets it, patrick cote got kicked in groin and was awarded 5 min, instead of taking it, he took a second to regroup and got back in it

the fact that chris just sat there grabbing his head tells you that **** hurt him
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Man bottom line the knee was legal and Weidman put himself in that position by playing hand games.

He played the game and lost. Not mad at the TKO decision at all
I used to be a Wiedman fan but this is the last straw. I started to lose hope when he decided to let Romero land those 2 knees on him and then when he hit himself with his own knee on the way down, but now believing he was hit illegally when for intensive purposes it was legal...:smh:

Mousasi and Jacare deserve their title shots now.
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Mousasi and Jacare (after his fight on Saturday) are free agents. It'll be interesting to see if they return

Mousasi made it clear he's all about the UFC but he just wants fair pay
I can see the UFC WME letting both go due to them not being "marketable"
Same. I was actually surprised to hear Dana be as positive as he has been on Mousasi. Dana explained why Mousasi wasn't getting paid like a Mark Hunt or Dan Henderson (because Mousasi can't sell out arenas or doesn't have a country behind him) but at the same time Dana said he really likes Mousasi

I don't see Dana giving either Mousasi or Jacare a title shot anytime soon lol
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youre right, in his supposed confused state of having no idea what day it was, he did absolutely nothing wrong

lets be thankful hes not punch drunk

ya'll know i'm not the biggest dana fan but even he gets it, patrick cote got kicked in groin and was awarded 5 min, instead of taking it, he took a second to regroup and got back in it

the fact that chris just sat there grabbing his head tells you that **** hurt him

There's a big diff is getting kneed in head and becoming disoriented and getting kicked in nuts and feeling like throwing up for a second. Also if they are both given 5 min to recover they can use it or not its up to them. It could a also been a grazing kick to the cup, a form of protection not two knees to the head

Maybe Chris was using it to catch his breath maybe he wasn't but I'll give the former champ who fought the goat in his 10th fight the benefit of the doubt

Also as far as the mousasi jacare stuff. IMO u gotta have gegard fight someone else cuz jacare beat him so hes in line after romero.

Book gegard/Silva and rockhold/jacare2 if they both resign and jacare beats Whitaker
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Between Rockhold, Souza/Whittaker (winner) and Mousasi, there needs to be a match made. Rockhold is trying his hardest to get into an Interim match but right now he doesn't deserve that

They could do Rockhold vs Mousasi and have the winner fight Souza/Whittaker, if the MW picture isn't cleared up by then? idk it's a mess
Weidman trying to get time to recover wasn't milking it, he was complaining about the damage it caused trying to get a DQ win. That's milking it.

Grabbing your head and acting like you need to hold your skull together while telling the doctor you don't know what day or month it is is nonsense. Then trying to turn around and say the day of the week and to let you fight as soon as you find out you're going to lose because it wasn't illegal.

That's what people are talking about. He should have shut his month and taken the time until they let the fight go, he did it to himself. If anything the doctor prevented further brain damage because he wasn't coming back, he was about to get slept again.
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Yea, IMO he was trying to get a DQ W and caught an L instead

Instant karma
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Weidman's problems have all stemmed from post round 1. He's looked fine and has done pretty darn well in all of his last three losses in the opening round. After that... his striking gets exposed

Mark Henry gotta continue evolving him

That Rockhold fight seriously could have turned out so much differently if for not that weird striking he started trying. Regardless, I don't know what to make of him right now. Everyone seems to be very down on him, I still think he has it in him to beat these top guys.. give him the loser of Whittaker/Jacare or the Uriah Hall rematch
Just watched the fight again, lmaoo y'all really making up things...not once did he say I don't wanna fight and not once did they tell him he loses if he can't continue so why would he try to act it

He gets asked what month it is by the male Dr soon after the stop in action and says February. He says Saturday much much later when both Dr are thinking bout stopping it. And he's saying I'm good to go the whole time. Which shows how tough he is if he wasn't even fully there.

Also they didn't tell him he loses if they call it due to it being legal, how would he think about that in that moment

Most of us didn't know what's going on y'all telling me this dude in the middle of a fight in front of 15,000 ppl after getting rocked is thinking bout the easiest loophole n ish y'all blind

Cats complaint he was milking 5 min, hendo took all the dang time in the world in ther bisping rematch to catch his breath off a groin shot I think in the fourth, no complaints then?!?!
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Also they didn't tell him he loses if they call it due to it being legal, how would he think about that in that moment
they didnt have to tell him he was going to lose if he wasnt ready, its kind of a given

it would be like someone getting punched in the head and being like "woah woah woah, just a second, that really hurt"

either youre ready or youre not
they didnt have to tell him he was going to lose if he wasnt ready, its kind of a given

it would be like someone getting punched in the head and being like "woah woah woah, just a second, that really hurt" :lol:

either youre ready or youre not

There was no point that he wasn't ready nor was that an issue.

And it wasn't a given until a few mins after cuz we all thought it was stopped for an illegal strike
Second he didn't call anything so ur point of saying "woah woah" is dumb. The referee stopped it

He was ready to go from the moment the ref said it's legal and the docs stepped in and called it off for whatever reason even tho he's telling them and the ref he's good to fight
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There was no point that he wasn't ready nor was that an issue.

And it wasn't a given until a few mins after cuz we all thought it was stopped for an illegal strike
Second he didn't call anything so ur point of saying "woah woah" is dumb. The referee stopped it

He was ready to go from the moment the ref said it's legal and the docs stepped in and called it off for whatever reason even tho he's telling them and the ref he's good to fight
the guy was kneeling there grabbing his head

what did you want the ref to do, restart them at the same position so that gegard could bring on the the onslaught?

if it was nothing, he would have shaken it off and gotten back immediately, but it wasnt nothing, it was enough for him to sit there in agony

if you're upset he was denied a fighting chance, fine, but they erred on the side of caution
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I used to be a Wiedman fan but this is the last straw. I started to lose hope when he decided to let Romero land those 2 knees on him and then when he hit himself with his own knee on the way down, but now believing he was hit illegally when for intensive purposes it was legal...

Mousasi and Jacare deserve their title shots now.
This is pretty much me. Yall know I used to love Weidman but I can't show love for those who show love for Trump. 
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