The Official Killzone 2 Thread: Vol. OP Updated PG1 | PSN Clan List PG1 | FW1.27 is LIVE!

i'm bout to hop on now...any one down?
Almost forgot... but I'll be there around 7:30 for a little warm up, haven't played in over a month
Like I said in the PS3 thread, if theres room I'm down for the clan match.

I'll jump on in a few to run some games.

As of now, there are only 3 clans (including ours) signed up for the 4 clan if one more clan doesn't sign up by that time, no matchtonight.

There's still two hours left so who knows...I'll update later on...
Originally Posted by KneeNoh

Crap I forgot I needed to download the update still....
Do it now!

Alright, I just checked and I see 4 clans signed up so we should be good to I said, I'll play this round only if y'all need me to...if not,then J-Didds, iKon and whoever else from N T K L that feels like playing now...

First match should be in about 20 minutes...15 past the hour.
So is it cool if I join in? I dont wanna steal someones spot if they've been signed up for this match for a while now.

nvm, I misread the '6 players' as 6 from each side. I'll be watching for part of it tho. Ya'll better win.
Originally Posted by 18key

So is it cool if I join in? I dont wanna steal someones spot if they've been signed up for this match for a while now.

nvm, I misread the '6 players' as 6 from each side.

If you dont get in hit me same psn name as my sn in here Im just on shoot @#* up now
Originally Posted by datruth92803

Originally Posted by 18key

If you dont get in hit me same psn name as my sn in here Im just on shoot @#* up now
Word. Lets run some regular games. Anyone else not in the clan matches, lets get in a game.

Bout to hit you up right now datruth.

Actually, I'm gonna eat some dinner first. I'll be back on in a little bit.
Lets just say I was a BEAST in the 1st round. Didn't even need iLLoquent or J-Didds could've taken this round by myself
Originally Posted by KneeNoh

Lets just say I was a BEAST in the 1st round. Didn't even need iLLoquent or J-Didds could've taken this round by myself

We're in the game by ourselves...3 of us just chillin' and %@*#.
@ me having 6 deaths without facing anenemy.

And I tried to block ikon so he wouldn't be able to place his bomb...but I ended up being the odd man out.

Finals is at 12:30/9:30...anyone who ain't playing can still spectate, I think.
Anyone down to run the Finals with me and iLLoquent?

edit: nvm noskey showed up.

2nd edit
: noskey just left....
I'm done with missile launchers. Was at a game that allowed them and for the first time in weeks or months (not ever sure how long) I finished under .500.It was really bad, 17-24. Had idiot %@! teammates who weren't even trying to win the god damn missions (we lost 5-2) and way over half the other team hadfreaking missle/grenade launchers. That +!@$%++ armor is gay and I hate using missile launchers because it's no fun. There was only one sniper and he wason the other team. Nobody else using it; not necessarily a bad thing, but out of 32 players we had one sniper and almost everyone else missile launchers. Someengineers, but they were on my team. Not really many sabateurs or medics. I was jumping around, but my record was so bad I started using a missile launcher inthe end to try and get my score up a little. God it's frustrating being on a bad team and losing. I was at a game with a good team and lost, but Ididn't care since everyone played well and we just got beat.
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