the police ++%@!% me up cleared it up a little with cliff notes

Feb 9, 2007
heres the story

one day i was involved in a burglary but i didnt do anything at all and the police couldn't prove i did but i got arrested that day and taken to Martinezthen transferred to west county after i didn't make a statement but the D.A didnt file charges on me so they released me after 72hrs. a few weeks go bythen i find out that the police kicked down my door in oakland with a search warrant but didnt find anything because i dont live there anymore. i made a threadabout it here. so i call oakland pd they say nowarrant then i call the co co county sherifs they say come in we cant tell you over the phone im like na. fast forward a few weeks ive forgotten all about itand about to get a job at chevron i do the interview take the drug test and pass the backround check then i go to 2 days of job training then after the secondday im driving to pick my bro up from boxing and i get pulled over for not having a tail light give them my license then i see backup roll up right then i knowits over for me tell me to get out they take me to jail ask me if i want to answer ?s im like $#$% you then i dont go to court dont talk to any cops oranything the just take me to jal and let me go three days later. i lost the job. theyre not even pressin charges i dont know what the $#$% happened

cliff notes since people arent reading and just taking $*#%

-i needed a ride to bart
-cousin comes through
-end up pickin up his boys who wanna get into some $*#%
-i dont say nothin end up in the car while they breakin in a house
-someones PO was in the area or something and got us around the corner
-go to jail for 72hrs then get released no charges
-while later find out my old apartment in east oakland got raided by like 12 cops
-i try calling them they tell me to come in, im like na
-i forget all about it
-get a job at chevron and start training, complete 2 days then
- wensday the 13th i get pulled over for one of my taillights being out
-they say i got a warrant and take me in
-they ask if i want to answer ?s im like %*@% you, lawyer
-they send me to martinez then west county
-i ask the C.O when my court is she says you going home tomorrow im like

-so they put a warrant out on me then arrested me then didnt even talk to me or press charges or even let me see a public defender
-so naturally im upset about being arrested for no reason and they made me miss training
-but i explained it to the manager yesterday and im completing training monday

dam those are some long %%@ cliff notes but %*@% it

You were involved in criminal activity, so what do you wanna do?
something similar happened to me..
I was known in 9th grade, as the "bad guy"
so, this chick's mom called the cop's saying I robbed "someone" in the neighborhood's house..
I was like LOLWUT?!?!?!
but she dropped it because there were footprints and it was a size 12 boot..
and I am sz 10
Almost forgot about this. Was waiting on the update. Hope everything is straight with you breh
Originally Posted by So4i5

Almost forgot about this. Was waiting on the update. Hope everything is straight with you breh
Ha me too. Soo you were in a burglary, but didn't do anything? Don't know what to tell ya' if it don't make much sense
Originally Posted by BJJ Prodigy

You sound like a [{}]
ya i was crying the whole time in the fetal position all i care about is that job its not easy gettin work and they took my !$%* for no reason howthe #!+% am i going to have a warrant but they dont press charges what the #!+% was the warrant for then?
really? involved in burglary but didnt do anything hmmm?

burglary is illegally entering a building home dwelling, i.e breaking & entering

and the warrant could be for failure to show at your arraignment
sounds like they stretchin you out.

just man up and talk to them face to face and settle things there. if they dont got !@( on you, and you didnt do !(% then you shouldn't have to deal withtheir BS. Just talk to them so they can ex you off their blackbook. If you're gonna leave it at F you, Im not tellin you !#(. You're both gonna be onbad terms for a long longggg time.

It takes cooperation between both parties.
^ they never asked me +*$% i said i want a lawer then they let me go 2 days later no court date no nothing they didnt file charges i never had a court datenever was interrogated nothing
God you have the grammar and education of a sack of potatoes.

You were involved in a burglary but didn't do anything? Oh ok. I hope this ruins your life for quite sometime, maybe while you're doing a bid you canlearn some basic English.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot


yep call a good lawyer and have him handle it.

handle what? dude admitted he was involved in a burglary. even if he didn't personally steal anything there's such a thing as accomplice liability.

they could have charged him for anything his friends did.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot


yep call a good lawyer and have him handle it.

handle what? dude admitted he was involved in a robbery. even if he didn't personally steal anything there's such a thing as accomplice liability.

they could have charged him for anything his friends did.
I don't know if OP is lyin' his
offor not, but if he gets locked up for 3 days with no explanation, he got a lawsuit no matter what.
So u are already bein harassed by the police and yet u say "!@#+ you" to them?????
dumb move man, dumb move
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