**Things every man goes through in life**

Apr 20, 2005
I'm gettin old NT. Some days you wish you were young again and other days you're thankful for what your life experience had taught you. I always look back and think of things I would have told my younger self but I guess some things I had to learn the hard way. Anyway I think there's some things in life you can't avoid, you just gotta know its gonna happen someday:

- you're gonna disappoint your parents... About something. They'll always love you but some of the mistakes you make as you grow will hurt one or both your parents. Just always appreciate them, nobody in life will ever love you more.

- you're gonna lose a loved one, or a few. Always leaves a void but you'll cherish the times you did have with them.

- you'll lose/leave a job. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not your choice. Just don't burn your bridges.

- you're gonna burn some bridges. Can't always be avoided sometimes it just happens. Other times you have to move on from negative friendships/relationships and there's no easy way to do it.

-You're gonna make some financial mistakes. It happens. Just learn from them. The more times you slip up with money the harder it is to crawl outta that.

- you're gonna have to man up and fight for something. Maybe not physically but sometimes you gotta know when to stand your ground and not get walked over. Could be at a job, with your girl, somebody owes you money, whatever.

- you'll have to be the bigger person and walk away. Learning how to choose your battles only happens from choosing a few of the wrong ones.

- you'll fail a few times. At something. Some things. If you never failed at anything it means you never tried to find your full potential. That brolic dude in the gym got that way from trying to throw on an extra 20lbs, getting a spot, and lifting the weight until he failed. Over and over and even as he gets stronger he keeps pushing his limits. Life is similar just be smart about it, make sure you have a spot.

- you'll have to break someone's heart. At least once. Nobody's the same person every day and year of their life, so as you change and grow, sometimes you grow away from shorty and you have to tell her. Sometimes you mess up and hurt her cause you got caught out. Don't avoid it if it can't be avoided sometimes it's better to rip the band aid off quick.

- you're gonna get your heart broken. Sometimes it's on something grimey sometimes she just wants something different than you do. Sometimes it's in the first few months when you were all infatuated and googly-eyed over her and sometimes it's after years and years if trying to make a marriage work and she just wasn't with it. You'll be aight. Just know that. You'll both be better off in the long run because it isn't worth it if she ain't happy. You'll be good. **** feels like a gunshot to the chest though, real talk.
jewels received, good looking out , happy thanksgiving
Yup good post. Most of these are things that unfortunately must learn first hand but are good things to learn from.
I'm on the young side of life being 20, but can say I've experienced most of these in some capacity, especially the last one. **** sucks, but in the end going through the rough patches makes the good so much better. And makes you a better and stronger person than you were before.
Quality thread and post OP. We gotta remember that everytime we experience and overcome these things that we become a better person, so there is no reason to fear any of them.
Damn, Some of those hit so close to home. :smh:
Great Post OP, Happy Thanksgiving NT
- you're gonna disappoint your parents... About something. They'll always love you but some of the mistakes you make as you grow will hurt one or both your parents. Just always appreciate them, nobody in life will ever love you more.
Too much real life in this one.  Went through some hard times and had friends turn their backs on me, but my parents stood by me through everything
All true, had to learn this young but better than making the mistakes later on in life and not figuring this stuff out till it's too late.

Great post OP, repped.
Although I knew this already, it's nice to have it revisited
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