Things to do to someones car?

He probably knows where you live so you shouldn't do anything damaging to his car but it'd be mad funny if you did shovel all the snow over it.

to his

Why werent you more aggressive when he pulled in on U? What was the point of cleaning out the spot?
There's this one parking lot that I do security at where we've gotten like 20+ cases of people's cars being covered in post it notes so far thisyear.

Cops don't even respond to it when people call 911.

The sheriff called our security desk like 4 times talking bout..."Will you guys get a damn leaf blower already"

But most people don't get too mad. They just take the ones off the windows and drive off.
can you tell the whole story? where was your car when your were cleaning out this new spot
Originally Posted by shoediniDC


Why werent you more aggressive when he pulled in on U? What was the point of cleaning out the spot?

there are two spots one in front of the house and one next, and two cars last night I cleaned out both spots left this morning and got back and he was parkingreversed and parked isaid hey get thats my spot i cleaned it up all night get out, he said I dont care put his emergency lights for 4 seconds left and thatsit..
scratched his car..
the worst is yet to come
actually doing something to !%#% up his car is a female dog move

but doing something that doesn't actually cause damage is fine, such as shoveling his car in or taking off his license plates and leaving them on top ofhis car (hed be rolling around with no plates and a possibility of a ticket
Originally Posted by kidposite

actually doing something to !%#% up his car is a female dog move

but doing something that doesn't actually cause damage is fine, such as shoveling his car in or taking off his license plates and leaving them on top of his car (hed be rolling around with no plates and a possibility of a ticket

I agree that's why I suggested shoveling his car in. He can't really say anything (due to taking your spot you cleaned) but there is no long termdamage
so he doesnt/shouldn't have a reason to retaliate.

Plus imagine his face early monday morning.
I just read OP's post.

Same thing kinda happened to my pops when I was like 12. Pops shoveled a space in our apartment.

Went inside for something, came out to someone parked in it. He confronted dude, Dude said he'd only be 5 minutes.

They guy never came back out so my pops boiled some hot water and poured it on his windshield. Pops was like 'watch this'. It cracked right before myeyes...I was like "Woah!!"

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