THIS is why the Marlins have NO fanbase...

Mar 22, 2001
Marlins may look to deal third baseman Cabrera for prospects

Associated Press

Updated: November 6, 2007, 8:51 PM ET

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ORLANDO, Fla. -- Miguel Cabrera was the big name being bandied about Tuesday as baseball general managers waited to hear what the Florida Marlins would want for their young slugger.

On a day when GMs voted to recommend the limited use of instant replay, the action started to percolate on players. Particularly third basemen.

Chicago White Sox general manager Ken Williams acknowledged he was listening to offers for Joe Crede. The New York Yankees, who lost Alex Rodriguez when he opted out of his contract and became a free agent, could get involved in talks for both Cabrera and Crede.

Cabrera, a four-time All-Star, made $7.4 million this year after winning in salary arbitration and is likely to make more than $10 million next year, more than the budget-conscious Marlins want to pay. Two years ago, Florida traded many of its top players and got several top prospects. Teams were waiting to find out which prospects the Marlins would want for Cabrera, their 24-year-old third baseman.

"We don't know yet. We'll probably know by tonight," said Hank Steinbrenner, son of Yankees owner George Steinbrenner. "My sense is that it might be too much but we'll see. It's early."

Cabrera batted .320 with 34 homers and 119 RBIs, but he has put on weight, a cause of concern to the Marlins and teams that might want to acquire him.

Florida appears less eager to trade Dontrelle Willis, the 2003 NL Cy Young Award winner. He went 10-15 with a 5.17 ERA last season, diminishing his value. He made $6.5 million.

"Good players are always in need, that's for sure. I'm not talking specifically about Cabrera or Willis or Dan Uggla or [Hanley] Ramirez," Florida president of baseball operations Larry Beinfest said, mentioning many top Marlins. "When you trade really good players, you want really good players in return. You want talent for talent."

Crede had back surgery, played in only 47 games and was supplanted by rookie Josh Fields.

"We have two third basemen. There's interest across the league in both of them," Williams said.

Right now, Yankees GM Brian Cashman's top third baseman is Wilson Betemit, and he is seeking an upgrade.

"Our profile typically would involve power, but it might not necessarily come from the available market," he said.

While the Yankees have top young pitchers such as Phil Hughes, Joba Chamberlain and Ian Kennedy, Cashman is reluctant to part with them.

"I think our farm system has taken the right steps forward. There's power in numbers," he said. "We'll soak up all the information down here and then we'll take it back to New York and kind of assess what the real potential market is for us."

While the Marlins explore the market for Cabrera, the Minnesota Twins want to hold onto pitcher Johan Santana, who is eligible for free agency after next season.

"We'll certainly talk. We're going to do the best we can to re-sign him," new GM Bill Smith said. "If we can't, then we'll move on. He's still one of the best pitchers in the game."

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press

Get some damn ownership that's actually willing and able to spend money down here. Please. I bet it would be cause for some optimism in the new battle as well.

@#%$ Jeff Loria. @#%$ David Sampson. Twice. With no Astroglide. If all ya'll care about is the bottom line, then run open up a damn business. Leave baseball for the people with the capital and passion for it.
"Sports Do Not Build Character, They Reveal It." - John Wooden
Perhaps the anti-competitive nature of baseball and small market teams has something to do with it. Sigh, Go Pirates
Team Economics​
From Keynes to Friedman, we know what's up.​
Member of the Steeler Nation
IX, X, XIII, XIV, XL Champions​
hasnt it been knowing since the trade dead line that miggy would be on the block come this offseason??

no chance that trashy owner sales the team?

Lets go Bulls, UCLA,Dodgers and Cowboys!
It is hard to spend a ton of money when you don't have the revenue that large markets have.......
Team Economics​
From Keynes to Friedman, we know what's up.​
Member of the Steeler Nation
IX, X, XIII, XIV, XL Champions​
Miggy is the truth. They'll get a lot for him.

But it's crazy that they'd part with him and not D-Train. I'd love to see Dontrelle at Shea.
at least my boy 'trelle hasn't been traded. :smile:

/puts on marlins hat
S O U N D W A V E​
San Jose State University​
Cabrera and Willis in Yankee jerseys nest season? :nerd:
Team I Heart HarlemToTheBronx
yea these owners are not really looking out for their fans or teams. these guys are just in it to make money. they are businessmen so im not suprised. it sucks but thats how they operate.
Yet they've won 2 World Series titles in the last decade...funny right?

I'd love to live down in SoFla and be a fan of the Marlins or Devil Rays...both organizations are on the right track for a GREAT future

If you can trade Miggy and get 2 or 3 top prospects then why not do it? You know damn well they can't afford to re-sign him once he becomes a free agent

Case in point - getting Hanley Ramirez and Anibal Sanchez (albeit Sanchez didn't play well this year) for Beckett and Lowell...sure Beckett and Lowell have both been great since being traded to the BoSox, but would the Marlins have been able to sign either/both of them? No.

Florida has one of the best general managers in baseball IMO, and I'm surprised more baseball fans don't realize/see this.
PS - I wouldn't be surprised to see the Red Sox (yes I know they're in every conversation) get into serious trade talks with the Marlins for Miggy.

These are the guys I think the Sox would be willing to deal for Cabrera,


- Manny Delcarmen
- Craig Hansen
- Michael Bowden (unlikely, but they're stacked at SP so who knows)
- Daniel Bard
- Bryce Cox (although they'll want to keep him if they're going to move Papelbon to starter)

Positional Players:

- Lars Anderson (although he's their best power hitting prospect)
- Jason Place

Thats about it (that I think the Marlins would want...and they probably wouldn't want Hansen or Place, but who knows)

They've also got a few 1st round picks

I could see them going after Miggy to replace Manny at the 4 spot after this coming season
Perhaps the anti-competitive nature of baseball and small market teams has something to do with it.

These owners just like to pocket the money they get from revenue sharing.
Los Angeles Dodgers​
6 World Series Championships​
USC Trojans​
11 National Championships​
PS - I wouldn't be surprised to see the Red Sox (yes I know they're in every conversation) get into serious trade talks with the Marlins for Miggy.
Winning is the only option...
For the Yankee fans wondering what they may have to give up I'd say it's the following;

ONE of the Big 3 (Kennedy, Joba or Hughes) which is unlikely...but you know the Marlins will say they won't trade Miggy to them unless they get one of the three...

If the Yankees don't budge, then the Marlins will look to acquire two or three of the following players (probably 1 pitcher and 2 positional players IMO)

- Jose Tabata (OF)
- Dellin Betances (RP) ...and this guy was rated higher than Joba going into the season :wow:

- Brent Gardner (OF)
- Tyler Clipperd (SP)
- Eric Duncan???? (1b)...unlikely cause he's not that good IMO

It's tough for the Yankees because you guys don't really have any good positional players in the farm system (other than outfielders) and I don't think the Marlins really want more OF'ers...although if the Yanks are willing to do a combo like;

Tabata, Betances, Duncan that the Marlins won't even think twice and the deal will be done

I wouldn't be surprised to see a possible trade scenario involving Dontrelle and Miggy going to the Yankees for Tabata, Betances, and Clippard/Kennedy
PS - I wouldn't be surprised to see the Red Sox (yes I know they're in every conversation) get into serious trade talks with the Marlins for Miggy.
Winning is the only option...
I don't see how Boston gets it done without at least one of Ellsbury/Buchholz...You know Florida isn't going to dump Miggy without getting at least one prospect that is ready to go immediately.
for the Marlins next year (well Delcarmen would be a reliever obviously)

You guys need to check out Lars, dude is a BEAST...there's been plenty of talks within the Red Sox organization of moving Youkillis back to 3rd Base and starting Lars at 1st next year...although it'll be tough with Youk winning the Gold Glove this year
Nowitness, I've been meaning to ask you this for awhile...

What the hell are the Rangers doing keeping Freddy Guzman in AAA when they clearly need a CF?

Do they not know that this guy can potentially be a 100 SB a season type player? He's exactly what they needed when they still had Mark Texeria (although they did make the right deal trading him for Saltamachchcchchia)

Hell, maybe they can trade Guzman, Danks and Edison Volquez for Miggy Cabrera and give him a $250 Million contract :lol:
The Red Sox would be dumb to get Cabrera and not keep Lowell.
This team is built to win now, with Ramirez and Ortiz, the heart of their lineup getting older...Sure they have some youngsters in Pedroia, Ellsbury, and Youkilis...but the heart of their lineup is obviously Manny and Ortiz.
Between Cabrera and Lowell, you're not giving up that much power by keeping Lowell. He's a much smarter situational hitter, and puts the ball in play way more. Plus, he's an excellent defensive 3B. Not to mention he'd cost a hell of a lot less (in terms of salary and prospects) than Cabrera.
Lowell's only 33, so he's got at least 2-3 more good years, plus he's coming off one of his finest statistical seasons in his career. He's a great fit for the Boston lineup because he's an excellent situational hitter.
2007-2008 PHOENIX SUNS
^ Interesting you say that...I understand what you're saying about Lowell...but truthfully, you don't really know what you're going to get from a guy once he hits the mid 30's...I really don't think they re-sign him, unless it's a two year deal

Again, I'm not saying the Red Sox WILL go after Miggy, I just think it's a possible scenario

The one problem with the Sox is obviously age...Manny & Ortiz will not preform at this level forever (well, it's possible) so getting a guy like Cabrera (who's almost younger than their top prospects Elsbury and Bucholz) doesn't seem like a bad idea

Guys like George Kottaras/Chris Carter/etc. are about ready to step in which goes to show you how much promise there is in Boston for the next 10 or so years

Picture it like this, in a few years the Red Sox should look something like this...

C: George Kottaras
1B: Chris Carter/Lars Anderson
2B: Dustin Pedroia
SS: Jed Lowrie (wouldn't be surprised to see him play next year if Lugo stays and still sucks :lol:
3B: Kevin Youkillis
LF: Manny Ramirez
CF: Jacoby Elsbury
RF: JD Drew
DH: David Ortiz

I mean really, who's effin with that? Almost the entire infield will be in the mid 20's and that's not even getting into pitchers, which should look something like

1.) Josh Beckett
2.) Jonathon Papelbon
3.) Clay Bucholz
4.) Daisuke Matsuzaka
5.) Jon Lester

Hell, put that in any order you want...and like I said, the bullpen is basically stacked with guys like Delcarmen, Hansen, Hagadon

I mean what are they going to do with these guys? The farm system is loaded (thanks to Theo)

IMO, might as well go after a guy like Cabrera, who will blend in well in Boston...and can maybe get into shape...although that relaxed atmosphere might not help :lol:
Between Cabrera and Lowell, you're not giving up that much power by keeping Lowell. He's a much smarter situational hitter, and puts the ball in play way more.
I also need to say this somewhere, although it pains me to say...I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Lowell was on something this just doesn't make sense for a guy his age to improve his AVG and OBP THAT much...but I can't really say that about Lowell because I believe he's one of the classiest players in the league, and has been through a lot...but who knows, you know he wanted that final big it wouldn't surprise me
^I'll be honest, I really am not familiar with the prospects you mentioned. I don't follow the A.L. that closely so I don't know how stocked they are (or who they would have to give FLA), but I agree that I wouldn't sign Lowell for more than 2 years. That's why I said that they are built to win now.
Plus, I'm not a huge Cabrera fan to begin with. He strikes out too much, he's a horrendous defensive player, and his conditioning leads me to believe he's more out for individual accolades than the good of his team.
2007-2008 PHOENIX SUNS
^ :lol:
, it's cool...I don't really know much about the teams in the NL so we're in the same boat

However, I can see/almost agree what you're saying about Cabrera 100%

It does seem like he doesn't even care, but maybe he just knows how good he is and is enjoyin that Miami nightlife while he's there

It comes down to the whole idea of character in the clubhouse, do you keep a guy you know is a good fit in the clubhouse or do you take a chance on a guy (ARod fits into this equation as well)'s tough, but only the guys that are in that clubhouse each and every day truly know...
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